• 论文作者认为第一发现单一语言国家如此。

    The paper's authors think they are the first to find a similar effect within a single language in one country.


  • 作者认为脑部心脏肿瘤可能辐射造成”。

    The authors concluded the brain and heart tumors were "likely caused 'by the radiation."


  • 论文作者们认为第一发现单一语言国家如此。

    The paper’s authors think they are the first to find a similar effect within a single language in one country.


  • 研究作者们认为对于1美元年薪来说,更好解释管理权力假说”。

    The study's authors argue that the stunt salary is better explained by the "managerial power hypothesis, " which posits that $1 CEOs are pursuing their own interests.


  • 作者们认为这个发现可以解释为什么至今没有发现流感在猪群中爆发。

    This, the authors suggest, could explain why farmers have not reported an outbreak of sick pigs.


  • 作者认为2001年以来,虽然袭击受伤次数已经下降,但死亡人数上升了

    The authors reckon that, though the number of attacks and injuries has fallen since 2001, deaths have risen.


  • 尽管这项研究无法证明筛查减少导致诊断数下降,但作者认为合理解释

    Although the study could not prove that the drop in screening caused the drop in diagnoses, the authors said it was the most plausible explanation.


  • 研究报告的作者们认为丧偶离婚孩子可能性较大,所以还是有一定的社会关系

    The authors argued that widowed and divorced people are more likely to have children and are thus more likely to be socially connected.


  • 怀疑末世安息日看法,信仰告白作者们认为安息日适用信徒的一部分原因

    I suspect that this non-eschatological view of the Sabbath is part of the reason why the authors of the Confession thought that the Sabbath was applicable to the unbeliever.


  • 但是这项研究的作者认为这些器械经过回收处理以后,其安全性无毒性与之前并没有什么差别

    But the study's authors say that following reprocessing, there's no difference in safety and sterility.


  • 纽约大学作者们认为批判性思维不是用来衡量规模而是用来衡量一个公司风险其他财政部门如何紧密相连

    The NYU authors reckon that the critical thing to measure is not size but how closely connected an individual firm's risk is to the rest of the financial sector.


  • 作者认为可能用来系统中安放一个“传声筒”,改进对于诸如烧伤腿部溃疡之类伤痛的的治疗

    The authors believe it can be used to put "a megaphone in the system" to improve the treatment of injuries such as burns and leg ulcers.


  • 作者认为针对这种情况由于缺乏规范定义处理技术导致癌症治疗后相关淋巴水肿的精确发生率难以确定

    Lack of standardized definitions and measurement techniques for the disorder make an accurate incidence rate of cancer-treatment-related lymphedema difficult to determine, say the authors.


  • 作者们认为就是为什么需要心机组织一下生活,找到更多途径提高自己撞上那些告诉你何为有用之物的的运气。

    That is why, the authors argue, people need to organise their lives in ways that increase their chances of unexpectedly bumping into someone who can tell them something useful.


  • 这些作者们认为那些“因对冲基金的不安分破坏公司价值短期主要目标论断毫无实际依据的”,不管怎么样,事实并没那么糟糕

    The authors conclude that there is “no empirical evidence for the assertion that hedge fund activism destroys value or is short term in focus.” Not so bad then, after all.


  • 再来看作者的结论,已明确作者主旨:本文中作者们认为慢性病贫血一种适应性反应对慢性炎症患者有利很多证据支持论点

    We argue that anemia of chronic disease is an adaptive response and could be beneficial to patients with inflammatory disease. Multiple lines of evidence support this hypothesis.


  • 这些作者们认为那些“因对冲基金的不安分破坏公司价值短期主要目标论断毫无实际依据的”,不管怎么样,事实并没那么糟糕

    The authors conclude that there is "no empirical evidence for the assertion that hedge fund activism destroys value or is short term in focus." Not so bad then, after all.


  • 作者认为读者几乎不能理解中的大部分内容。

    The author considers that readers can scarcely understand most of the books.


  • 然而作者觉得增加风险生物学上似乎是可信的,他指出动脉硬化有关系,另一名专家这样认为

    While the authors speculate that an increased risk could be biologically plausible given that calcium is connected with hardening of the arteries, another expert thinks not.


  • 作者引起中世纪瘟疫品种可能已经灭绝了,但是认为进一步研究可以揭示如何进化一种没那么致命的类型。

    The authors argue the version of the disease that caused the medieval plague is likely extinct, but suggest that further study could reveal how it may have evolved into a less virulent strain.


  • 提交论文中,作者提出假设认为,硫柳汞(含汞防腐剂)可能导致这种相关性原因。

    In their presentation, the authors hypothesize that thiomersal, a mercury-containing preservative may be the cause of the association.


  • 告诉《科技新闻世界》:“认为业界人士认同现在的恶意代码作者越来越狡诈使用愈加复杂的社会化工程技术来编写恶意代码。”

    I think anyone in the industry could tell you that malware writers are getting more clever, using more sophisticated social engineering techniques.


  • 可是一句中作者Dominic Lieven指出,1813--1814年的战争一发生在俄国国境之外,二是commanderswithdistinctlyforeignnames指挥官早就有了外国名字,说明什么,说明俄国要向外扩张的心早有了。 所以这里作者认为是这两年的战争是nationalmythology相违背的。

    Conducted outside Russia’s borders by commanders with distinctly foreign names, the 1813-14 campaign does not fit with national mythology.


  • 假定认为大象有益学者作者的文章可能来说也是有益的,办法回溯这些思想影响

    On the premise that other researchers and authors who find "Elephants" useful may also be useful to me, I have a way to backtrack the influence of ideas.


  • 研究作者认为这些每天都会遇到的琐碎小事使得夫妻越来越需要分开一段时间维持的关系。

    The survey authors suggest that these everyday annoyances build up to the point that couples increasingly need time apart in order to stay together.


  • 当然外星智慧生物也可能生来侵略成性,所以斯蒂芬·霍金前不久前警告一样,前述研究报告作者们认为也许不该太空发送太多信息

    Of course, ETI might just be an aggressive race, so like Stephen Hawking's recent warning, the authors of the study suggest that perhaps we shouldn't transmit too much information into space.


  • 认为工作和快乐对立,”阿克尔相反建议作者们重新审视工作

    "We think work is the opposite of happiness," Achor says. Instead, he suggests workers reframe the way they think about their jobs.


  • 认为工作和快乐对立,”阿克尔相反建议作者们重新审视工作

    "We think work is the opposite of happiness," Achor says. Instead, he suggests workers reframe the way they think about their jobs.


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