• 这些观点第10更为详细探讨

    These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter 10.


  • 这些想法第7详细探讨

    These ideas will be explored in more detail in chapter 7.


  • 单靠这些训练不能促使见证除非你的里面有八个确信

    But all the training in the world won't motivate you to witness for Christ until you internalize the eight convictions covered in the previous chapter.


  • 先知亚(Isaiah)曾说:“……摆手不受贿赂……高处。” (《旧约·以赛亚书·33》——译注),无疑并非就此第一人。

    He...that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes...he shall dwell on high,” said the prophet Isaiah, and he was doubtless not the first to comment on the matter.


  • 第三主要古典经济学框架内传统自然垄断理论分析指出历史功绩理论缺陷

    The third chapter analyzes the traditional theory of natural monopoly based on the new classical economics, and points out the achievements and the limitations.


  • 研究基础主要观点总结

    Based on the first five chapters, this chapter summarizes the main points.


  • 第二三大家用韵部分类对韵文体裁进行鉴定,特殊的押韵现象必要的说明。

    Chapter II: the Rhyming Categories of the Three Writers. This chapter defines the stylistic of poesy firstly, and condescendes upon the phenomena of special interchangeable rhymes.


  • 论文第一概括介绍

    In this thesis, a general introduction is given in chapter one.


  • 以上实例细节部分在下详细说明

    The details of the example above will be explained in the next chapters.


  • 第二重在分析李煜词中的南唐宫廷文化烙印

    Chapter Two elaborates the deep scar of the culture of Nantang imperial-court on Li Yu's ci-poems.


  • 第一笔者感觉出发,分析余华早期代表寻求家创转型的根源

    In Chapter I, the article analyzes Yu Hua's early masterpiece from the level of aesthesis, in order to find the root causes of his change of creational type.


  • 第三,会现金现金等价物角度企业应当如何进行现金收付循环管理相应探讨

    In the third chapter, researching the circular management of acceptance or payment of cash flow from the Angle of the cash and the cash equivalent.


  • 第三转让定价原则方法说明,亦对预约定价制度予以说明探讨并就优缺点分别加以论述。

    The third chapter illustrates the principles and methods of the transfer pricing and discusses the pros and cons of institution of transfer pricing respectively.


  • 第四,运用战略因素分析理论对内环境进一步的综合分析

    The internal and external environment is further analyzed according to the strategic factor analysis theory in Chapter Four.


  • 第六第三部黑色幽默代表漂浮歌剧》的荒诞性进行认知文体分析

    Chapter Six goes on to examine the stylistic cognitive features of Absurdity in the novel the Floating Opera.


  • 第三主要采用统计形式描写方法详尽列举出《骆驼祥子形容词重叠各类形式逐一详尽具体的考察。

    The third part lists various styles of the adjective reduplication in "Rickshaw Boy" in details and further studies them one by one, by the methods of statistics of quantity and formal description.


  • 所以,我们今天的劝勉词不仅要思考亚书2要关注历代志下2记载有关西雅王时期的主要事件。

    So this exhortation not only considers the lessons from Isaiah 2 but also key points from the reign of King Uzziah whose life is recorded in 2 Chronicles.


  • 第二跟随海德格尔艺术追问的思路世界大地保存专题化的讨论。

    In the second chapter, we will follow Heidegger's thinking of art, including thing, work, equipment, world, earth, creation, preservation, poetry.


  • 第一以中瑞西北科学考察团组建中心,对组建背景、组建过程及其成员具体的分析和介绍。

    The heart of the first section is the organization of the Scientific Mission to North-Western China, including the background, process and members.


  • 第二项目经理职责权力素质技能以简要论述。

    The second chapter introduces the project manager's responsibilities, authorities, capabilities and skills.


  • 董事持股对“拥有权益”提述,根据《证券期货条例》(第571第XV部所述的方式诠释

    References to directors being "interested" in shareholdings are interpreted in the manner described in Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571).


  • 第二语篇分析简要回顾,并对系统功能理论进行概述

    The second chapter gives a review to text analysis, introduce the theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics.


  • 论文就此不足,专门就《韩非子寓言进行研究主要探讨《韩非子》寓言的界定取材艺术特性专门阐述。

    This dissertation in order to study Hanfei's parables mostly explores these parables 'conception, subject selection, artistic characteristics falling into three chapters.


  • 第一小说论”,分别联系陆士谔若干代表他的、笔记、纪实小说进行了考证述评。

    The first chapter Fiction Writing does some textual study and comments on some of Lu's representative works as chapter-type, note-taking type and documentary type fiction.


  • 第三:对我国医疗诉讼中的举证责任倒置评价

    Chapter three: China's health care in the litigation as to evaluate the burden of proof reversed.


  • 对我国社区矫正历史现状介绍基础上,指出了我国社区矫正在观念种类、适用、机构人员上的局限性:第四,我国社区矫正的完善

    The chapter is divided into following parts: promotion of local community correction idea, increase of the sorts, improvement of recent institution, arrangement of staff and focus on the minors.


  • 对我国社区矫正历史现状介绍基础上,指出了我国社区矫正在观念种类、适用、机构人员上的局限性:第四,我国社区矫正的完善

    The chapter is divided into following parts: promotion of local community correction idea, increase of the sorts, improvement of recent institution, arrangement of staff and focus on the minors.


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