• 在1989年就开始作曲了。

    He started writing music as early as 1989.


  • 改动作曲原有的符号亵渎行为

    It would be sacrilege to alter the composer's original markings.


  • 作曲运用日本乐器异国格调。

    The composer plays with the exotic sounds of Japanese instruments.


  • 18岁成了老练的作曲

    She's only 18 but she's already a practised composer.


  • 那位作曲许多造访过这个城市杰出人物之一。

    The composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town.


  • 刘易斯脱颖而出成为一位卓越能力敏锐度作曲

    Lewis emerges as a composer of distinction and sensitivity.


  • 作为作曲显示自己擅长创作大型的戏剧体裁

    As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.


  • 上完学,戈尔德施密特成了作曲兹·施雷克弟子。

    After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.


  • 口哨贝多芬维瓦尔迪大众化一些古典作曲的曲子。

    I whistle melodies from Beethoven and Vivaldi and the more popular classical composers.


  • 几个世纪以来人们认为伟大的作家作曲科学家本质人大不相同

    It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers, and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.


  • 对于作曲表演者来说一个重要转折点

    For both composers and performers this was a major turning point.


  • 作曲杰克·威廉姆斯演奏最新古典吉他片段

    Composer Jack Williams will play his latest piece for classical guitar.


  • 施特劳斯家族中,名叫约翰·施特劳斯的作曲

    In the Strauss family, there were two composers called Johann Strauss.


  • 20世纪初,浪漫主义风格作曲帝国受欢迎

    In the early 1900s, composers who worked in the Romantic style were the most popular in Austria-Hungary.


  • 动机只是小小的细胞胚芽作曲从中创造其他音乐素材

    A motive is just a little cell, a germ, out of which the composer will build other musical material.


  • 莫扎特贝多芬同时代的著名作曲音乐领域取得了巨大的成就

    Mozart was a famous composer contemporary with Beethoven, both of whom made great achievements in the field of music.


  • 德彪西法国作曲,他19世纪末印象派风格曲,这件作品叫做月光

    Debussy, a French composer writing at the end of the nineteenth century in the impressionist style, and the piece is called Moonlight.


  • 过去我们谈论所有音乐其实城市里作曲管弦乐队所在的地方

    All the music we have been talking about the past few weeks, it really was all in the cities, that's where the composers and the orchestras were.


  • 正如哈金所说,门德尔松作为作曲一个小规模情感质地上工作的二流大师

    As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.


  • 巴托克的青年时期帝国音乐厅演奏音乐德国作曲家谱写浪漫主义作品为主。

    During Bartók's youth, the music played in the concert halls of Austria-Hungary was dominated by Romantic pieces by mostly German composers.


  • 从此以后,视为一位有着超常能力艺术家不仅仅作曲家,而且还是钢琴家指挥家

    From then on, he was recognized as an artist of preternatural abilities, not only as a composer but also as a pianist and conductor.


  • 1892年圣诞节那天三一教堂首次作曲身份演出弦乐三重奏管风琴行板

    At the church of the Trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day, 1892, he had his debut as a composer with the performance of his andante for string trio and organ.


  • 纪实写作提供了各种背景信息,包括某位作者作曲艺术家或者是有关某类型音乐文学艺术

    Factual writing provides background information on an author, composer or artist, or on a type of music, literature or art.


  • 这种纯粹主义一致作曲手稿符号研究音乐学中一个相对较新的领域直到今天仍在蓬勃发展

    In accordance with this kind of purism came an emphasis on studying composers' manuscript notations, a relatively new field of musicology that is flourishing even today.


  • 音乐切分音大师斯考特·乔普林,他是位非裔美国作曲二十世纪之际在圣路易斯地区附近谱写很多曲子。

    The master of syncopation in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis at the turn of the twentieth century.


  • 35岁的作曲皮姆·阿罗约一个人巴黎座房子里。他说没有时间感到孤独,因为太多的工作要做。

    Pimpi Arroyo, a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris, says he hasn't got time to get lonely because he has too much work.


  • 约翰逊伟大的早期爵士钢琴家,20世纪20年代哈莱姆跨步风格鼻祖,也是重要蓝调爵士作曲

    Johnson is a great early jazz pianist, originator of the 1920s Harlem "stride" style, and an important blues and jazz composer.


  • 也是位多产乐队成员路易斯·阿姆斯特朗、迪兹·吉莱斯皮詹姆斯乐队一起录音,同时也是一位作曲编曲人

    He was also a prolific small group player, recording with Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, and James Band as well as a composer and arranger.


  • "邓肯巴黎作曲表演,大多时间回避固定观众。其他欧洲城市,她伴着传统舞步音乐,她的表演每次是不同的。

    Duncan performed in Paris, and other European cities, dancing to the music of classical composers, but avoiding set movements and steps, no two performances were alike.


  • 约翰逊是一严肃音乐家爵士乐蓝调流行音乐方面大多数古典作曲有经验特别适合扩展沃德格什温实验

    Johnson, a serious musician more experienced than most classical composers with jazz, blues, spirituals, and popular music, was particularly suited to expand Milhaud's and Gershwin's experiments.


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