• 可以它们作为程序员友好接口来进行系统调用

    You can think of them as a programmer-friendly interface to system calls.


  • 作为程序员可能会对允许机器帮助读者诸多方式兴趣。

    As a programmer, you are interested in ways of allowing the machine to help the reader. Here's an example of how you can ask the machine to clarify a general idea.


  • 作为程序员重要任务就是应用选择一个最适合算法

    Choosing the algorithm that best fits the application is an important part of your task as a programmer.


  • 作为程序员即使有问题存在,也全力保证用户正常工作

    Your job as a programmer is to do everything in your power to get your users to work even if construction is going on.


  • 机器可读描述有时降低我们作为程序员测试员管理员需要工作量

    But machine-readable descriptions can sometimes help us reduce the amount of work that we, as programmers, testers and administrators, need to do.


  • 编写代码编写测试极大地改变了作为程序员生活同样可以改变生活。

    Writing tests before I write code has revolutionized my life as a programmer, and it can do the same for you.


  • 说,YAGNI提醒我们作为程序员,在没有清楚是否需要某些特性不要软件添加这些特性。

    He adds that YAGNI reminds us as programmers not to add features to software before we know we need them.


  • 和想5分钟英里差不多我们可以对比现在作为程序员的自己和期望能成为程序员来入手。

    Much like the goal of wanting to run a 5-minute mile, we can start by looking at where we are as a programmer versus where we want to be.


  • 作为程序员很多挑战应付不断更改新的协议应用程序编程接口(API)、客户需求硬件约束

    As a programmer, much of your challenge is to cope with unceasing change: new protocols, application programming interfaces (APIs), customer requirements, hardware constraints, and so on.


  • 生活或者作为程序员真正专业技术并不因此24小时、24甚至24个月内发生真正的变化

    But you won't change your life, or your real overall expertise as a programmer in 24 hours, days, or even months.


  • 使用另一个不太明显优点在于作为程序员不必担心内存泄露:内存boost在内部自动进行管理

    Another less obvious benefit of using pools is that as a programmer, you don't have to worry about memory leaks: they're automatically managed internally by the Boost library.


  • 通常多种不同算法能够解决特定问题作为程序员重要任务就是应用选择一个最适合算法

    There are often many different algorithms to solve a particular problem. Choosing the algorithm that best fits the application is an important part of your task as a programmer.


  • 第一wikiWardCunningham 于 1994 年创建,最初作为程序员Web交流观点一种方式

    The first wiki was created in 1994 by Ward Cunningham as a way for programmers to exchange ideas over the Web.


  • 长话短说如果一个叫做sleep功能,我作为程序员知道使用那个函数库-,上面标题-,因为这个大纲中告诉

    But long story short, if I want to use a function called sleep, — the reason I, the programmer, knew to use that library — — that header at the topbecause it told me to in this little synopsis.


  • 因为市场营销原因这些工具作为程序员调试工具出售的,它们等同于测试支持工具,测试小组没有它们当成常规工具来使用,让觉得吃惊。

    For marketing reasons, these tools are sold as programmer debugging tools, but they're equally test support tools, and I'm amazed that testing groups don't use them as a matter of course.


  • 作为语音程序员一个主要目标应该用户通过语音与计算机的交互简单—尤其是对那些除了语音耳朵之外别无选择的人。

    As voice programmers, a primary objective should be to make it simpler for users to interact by voice-particularly for those who have no choice but to use voice and ears.


  • 作为程序员给予了信心大多数程序员具有大的信心。

    That gives me confidence as a programmermore confidence than most programmers are used to having.


  • 许多程序员加入(作为志愿者)一个开源工程而不是非开源项目

    Many programmers would join (as volunteers) an open source project, rather than a closed source project.


  • 作为一名关系数据库程序员首选使用关系数据库系统保存这些XML文档

    As a Relational Database programmer, my first choice was to use a Relational Database System to save these XML documents.


  • 多亏作为游戏程序员工作接触大量小型手机游戏代码并且惊奇发现如此之的游戏循环实现方式。

    Thanks to my job as a game programmer, I come into contact with a lot of code for small mobile games. And it always amazes me how many game loop implementations are out there.


  • 作为专业后端程序员我们专注数据库获得数据,并将其转为json格式

    As dedicated back-end programmers, we will focus on getting the data from the database all the way to JSON format.


  • 大多数计算机程序采用错误消息作为掩盖程序员偷懒方式

    Most computer programs use error messages as a way to mask programmer laziness.


  • 根本的改变模型不再作为文档程序员阅读,它们可以直接用来驱动软件开发

    The essential change is that models are no longer used only as mere documentation for programmers, but can now directly be used to drive software development.


  • 作为一个游戏可玩性程序员不知该怎么告诉相比一般软件公司工作让人兴奋

    As a gameplay programmer I can't begin to tell you how much more exciting it is to test my work in this industry than in a regular software company.


  • 程序员可以业务规则作为服务调用

    The programmers can invoke business rules as a service.


  • SAX使程序员能够访问XML文档中作为事件序列数据

    SAX enables a programmer to accesses data in an XML document as a sequence of events.


  • 作为PHP程序员肯定知道变量函数

    As a PHP programmer, you know variables and functions inside-out.


  • 有了调试工具描述工具,探针消息监测中心作为构成整体一个部分程序员能得心应手了

    Having debugging tools, profiling tools, probes, and heart-ping-monitoring messages as an integral part of the libraries is handy.


  • 我自己作为学习Ruby语言程序员可以了解为什么有趣。

    But as a programmer learning the Ruby language myself, I can let you know why it is interesting.


  • 我自己作为学习Ruby语言程序员可以了解为什么有趣。

    But as a programmer learning the Ruby language myself, I can let you know why it is interesting.


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