• 任何称职的线索都作为种族主义抓住尽管这是荒谬的。

    Any hint at incompetence would be seized on, however absurdly, as racism.


  • 然而这个研究带来个希望就是没有什么身体上的特别的东西可以作为种族区分的基本标志,例如肤色

    The hope this analysis brings, though, is that there is nothing particularly special about biologically based brands such as skin colour.


  • 作为个体作为种族一个物种你们正在你们多维自我恢复联系,存在物质层面之外再联接。

    As individuals, as a race, a species, you are reconnecting with your multidimensional selves, the aspects of you that exist in realities beyond your physical.


  • 本文旨在说明人作为种族环境时代产物面对变化的环境心理也会产生相应的变化,小说的主人公也正是通过这种变化从幼稚走向成熟。

    This thesis aims to appreciate the psychological change of the protagonist as the product of race, surroundings and time, it is just because of this change that he grows up to a mature man.


  • ·波依斯担心种族用来作为生物学层面上一种解释,并用以说明所理解不同人群之间社会文化差异

    Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people.


  • 作为争取人权种族平等中坚力量在各地都备受尊敬

    She is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.


  • 至少作为一个实验那些移居国外著名非裔美国作家职业生涯中都出现无论是白人为主要人物小说还是“无种族”的小说。

    Either the novel with White ethnic main characters or the "raceless" novel appears, at least as an experiment, in the careers of the best-known expatriate African American writers.


  • 研究人员承认一些领域中,作为概念种族可能科学研究仍然有用作为一个政治社会变量不是生物学变量。

    The researchers also acknowledged that there are a few areas where race as a construct might still be useful in scientific research: as a political and social, but not biological, variable.


  • 南非种族隔离将部落制国土“分而之”政策基础

    Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.


  • 作为已灭绝物种人类种族,尼安德特旧石器时代中期的工具有关

    An extinct species or race of human beings, Homo neanderthalensis, associated with Middle Paleolithic tools.


  • 作为名南方人十分明白不要这些判决进行阻挠避免再次揭开种族伤疤重要性

    As a southerner, I knew how important it was not to reopen the wounds of race by disturbing those decisions.


  • 这样通过交流作为进步根本条件,《种族历史联合国教科文组织希望推进传播合作思想达成完美的和谐

    Thus, by making exchanges the fundamental condition for progress, Race and History was in perfect harmony with the ideology of cooperation, whose propagation UNESCO wished to promote.


  • 总之,多种族混合的孩子创建属于他们自己的定义他们那些感觉必须选择另一作为归属的混血儿表现出更多灵活性

    In short, multiracial kids seem to create their own definitions for fitting in, and they show more psychological flexibility than those mixed-race kids who feel bound to one choice or another.


  • 鉴于2003年以来联邦最高法院人员组成所发生的变化裁决即使完全禁止公立大学把学生的种族作为录取考量因素之一,至少可能会限制这一考量因素的运用

    Such a decision, given changes in the membership of the court since 2003, is likely to cut back on if not eliminate the use of race in admissions decisions at public colleges and universities.


  • 德语作为母语奥地利人是国家最大种族,占总人口的85%到89%。

    Austrians of German mother tongue, by far the country "s largest ethnic group, form between 85% and 89% of its population."


  • 我们绝不会攫取另一个国家资源因为其他国家的人民信仰种族我们不同而把他们作为我们攻击的目标

    We will not claim another nation's resources or target other peoples because their faith or ethnicity is different from ours.


  • 欧内斯特儿子哈里(Harry)都是南非议员:欧内斯特作了14议员直到第二世界大战,哈里作了9年议员,作为种族隔离反对派成员

    Both Ernest and his son Harry served in South Africa’s parliament: Ernest for 14 years in the run-up to the second world war, and Harry for nine years as a member of the anti-apartheid opposition.


  • 模糊的印象,就是作为一个亚裔这个事实跟对强烈吸引力有关系当时的我很抗拒这种感觉,觉得种族主义。

    I remember having a vague sense her being Asian had something to do with my attraction, but I dismissed that sense at the time, feeling it was racist.


  • 作为混血儿母亲一位科学家挑战这些种族纯洁性思想

    As the mother of a mixed-race child and as a scientist, I wanted to challenge these ideas of racial purity.


  • 如果种族这个术语任何科学意义的话那么作为现代人类起源地非洲就会世界上拥有最多种族地方

    If the term race has any useful scientific meaning, then Africa, the continent where modern humanity began, is the most racially diverse place on the planet.


  • 不能种族作为这个国家所发生事件的因,有些更好的理由来解释为什么

    We're not supposed to talk about race as a motivator for these kinds of things in this country. There are some decent reasons why.


  • 种族伴侣试炼磨难像是一面镜子,反映出我们作为一个文明世界能够接受尊重差异何种程度。

    The trial and tribulations of interracial couples show a mirror to how far we-as a civilization have come in accepting and respecting differences.


  • 不能作为唯一解释因为这种女性对生活不满趋势不分阶级种族

    But this can't be the only explanation, since the trend toward greater female discontent cuts across lines of class and race.


  • 作为直接疟疾传播源,这些出现的疟种族将可能疟疾的防控带来可怕的后果。

    The emergence of new species of Anopheles, the most efficient transmitter of the disease, could have serious consequences for malaria control efforts.


  • 棒球人杰基·罗宾逊是全美职业棒球联合会第一黑人球员,辞去了作为洛克·菲勒助手职位因为不能支持一个在他看来是“种族主义者”的共和党竞选班子。

    Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson, the first black to play in the major leagues, resigned his post as an aide to Rockefeller because he could not back a Republican ticket he saw as racist.


  • 欧洲没有任何别的地方,可以作为游客方便地到达种族冲突如此鲜活地区,而从中得到的启示便是有益的奖品。

    Nowhere else in Europe can you go from such easy tourism to regions where ethnic struggles are so vivid — and learning about them is so rewarding.


  • 共和党迄今为止一直不敢提及黑人话题”,害怕因此而标榜成种族主义者”。不敢以“希拉里是个骗子”作为谈资,担心被斥为同斯塔尔一丘之貉

    The Republicans had hitherto been nervous about raising "the black issue" for fear of being branded "racist", or the "Hillary is a liar issue" for fear of being tarred with Ken Starr's brush.


  • 项研究通过控制学业成绩遗产地位社会阶层高中类型(公立私立)、参与体育运动等变量,将种族作为一个孤立因素

    But the study isolated race as a factor by controlling for variables like academic performance, legacy status, social class, type of high school (public or private) and participation in athletics.


  • 项研究通过控制学业成绩遗产地位社会阶层高中类型(公立私立)、参与体育运动等变量,将种族作为一个孤立因素

    But the study isolated race as a factor by controlling for variables like academic performance, legacy status, social class, type of high school (public or private) and participation in athletics.


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