• 西方学院作为知识分子起点

    'Occidental was a starting point for him as an intellectual,' he says.


  • 作为知识分子我们配合一派打击一派。

    As social intellectuals, we have to cooperate with one faction within the party to defeat the other faction.


  • 大学生作为知识分子一部分民族希望国家未来宝贵的人才资源

    Students as part of intellectuals, the nation's hope and future of the country, are valuable human resources.


  • 董事长作为知识分子智力珍视的东西,甚至甚于正直(尽管他自己坚持追求正直)。

    Being the intellectual that he was, intelligence was the chairman prized most, even more than integrity (although he was a sticker for that, too).


  • 体现社会良知”、承载人类价值作为知识分子特性观点两个问题一种有代表性回答

    The viewpoint that intellectuals are characterized by embodying "social conscience" and bearing the weight of humanity values is a representative answer to that question.


  • 作为知识分子言说守护者,编辑职业道德内涵主要在于社会责任具体化为对读者作者自己尊重

    As the beholder of intellectuals, the intension of editor's professional ethics lies mainly in its community responsibility, to be specific, the respect to readers, authors and editors themselves.


  • 文本深层结构而言,李佩钟更是作为知识分子形象言说的载体,在她身上凝聚作者孙犁知识分子个人话语的表达诉求

    From in-depth structure of the text, LI Pei-zhong is a carrier which speaks as the intellectual image, condensing intellectuals deep concern and the spiritual demand from author SUN Li.


  • 将《查泰莱夫人情人》作为案例不适当的,恰恰体现了的立法知识分子性情意味着一个无可挑剔地自由事业的失败。

    The choice of Lady Chatterley as a test-case was inept, but it suited the anti-intellectual temper of the legal establishment and it would mean the defeat of an impeccably liberal cause.


  • 南岸作为英国主要商业广播机构ITV的一档固定节目多年一直秉承严肃文化主题风格。这么一个日渐俗套的电视网络中,它还留有知识分子良知

    The "South Bank Show" has for years been almost the only serious regular culture programme on ITV, Britain's main commercial broadcaster, the intellectual conscience of an increasingly tacky network.


  • 商场中既法律道德界限之内追逐个人利益,又公共利益作为指导作为一名公共知识分子慈善家的原则

    I have made it a principle to pursue my self-interest in my business, subject to legal and ethical limitations, and to be guided by the public interest as a public intellectual and philanthropist.


  • 发现以前完成调查,上面说150年前火车作为一种先进科技刚出来的时候,一些记者知识分子担心铁轨的破坏性社会贻害无穷。

    As I've found in previous research, when trains were a new technology 150 years ago, some journalists and intellectuals worried about the destruction that the railroads would bring to society.


  • 作为高级知识分子我们不同文化背景不应该持有偏见

    As a highly qualified intellectual, we should liberate our mind from prejudices against people from diverse cultures.


  • 知识分子犯罪作为一种特殊社会现象独特特征表现社会心理动因

    Intellectual crime, as a special social phenomenon, has its peculiar features and social psychological motives.


  • 保罗·作为一个富有白人商人,愿意身份开始挑战这点来说,可能勇敢的知识分子

    Paul Hawken is probably the bravest intellectual in terms of what he's willing to challenge from his position of being a wealthy, white business guy.


  • 错误分析作为一个知识分子定理爵士乐

    It bugs me when people try to analyze jazz as an intellectual theorem.


  • 作家合理性视野之下小说表现知识分子作为个体存在追求特定历史时期的规范之间背离

    Within the rational eyesight of writers, those novels revealed the deviation between the intellectuals' pursuit as individual existence and the criterions of the specific history period.


  • 现代知识分子作为中国新文学重大题材表现主题之一,夏衍剧作占有重要地位得到独特关注

    As the important theme and subject of new literature in China, modern intellectuals, in Xiayan's plays, occupied an important place and were treated with his special attention.


  • 作为中国古代第一知识分子阶层中国第一个思想繁荣时代到来作出巨大贡献

    As the first group of intellectual in ancient China , the scholar social stratum has made the tremendous contribution for the Chinese first thought prosperity time arrival.


  • 知识分子人格裂变群体的人格特征指涉作为个体的人格特征。

    Personality fission of intellectual personality appearance refer to group of personality characteristic and the individual.


  • 作为具有文化自觉的当代知识分子,不仅立足学术知识,更要立足于人格担当,具备一种忧患意识

    As an intellectual with culture consciousness, we should have academic knowledge and consummate personality, as well as consciousness of suffering.


  • 我们依然没有看到艺术家作为一位知识分子清晰批判立场

    We still have not found his clear-cut stand on criticism as an intellectual should have had.


  • 知识分子自古之,作为一个现代意义上范畴现代性特有产物

    Although there was intellectual in ancient times, as a modern category, it is a special outcome of the modernity.


  • 王静起来有点悲观作为一个艺术家今天如何看待知识分子社会责任

    W : It sounds a little pessimistic. Then at present how do you, an artist, view intellectuals' social responsibility?


  • 本文中,作者试图通过赛义德定位颠覆型的知识分子进行考察,以作为理论的内在逻辑主线,对他关于东方理论进行系统描述

    This paper tries to give a more systematic study of Said's theories concerning the conception and representation of the Orient through examining his positioning as a subversive intellectual.


  • 江苏教育学院分析代表中国当时类型的教育机构中的知识分子面临乡村危机思考作为

    Analyzing the Jiangsu education College represented the thoughts and actions when the clerisy faced the county crisis, who worked in the same type education organ.


  • 知识分子作为人类文化进化先进代表工作主要特点是以运用创造性脑力劳动为主。

    As the representatives of the advanced culture, these people mainly use their brain energy creatively in their work.


  • 五四时期自由恋爱作为婚姻自由一个重要方面,受到了先进知识分子的普遍关注

    During the May 4th Movement, as an important aspect of free marriage, free courtship drew the attention of the advanced intellectuals.


  • 五四时期自由恋爱作为婚姻自由一个重要方面,受到了先进知识分子的普遍关注

    During the May 4th Movement, as an important aspect of free marriage, free courtship drew the attention of the advanced intellectuals.


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