• 作为公司软件开发人员或者一名顾问一个特定的环境中进行工作的。

    As a software developer or a consultant on an engagement, you work in a specific context.


  • 公司创始人弗朗西斯·高不仅确保影片正确而且把铁臂阿童木创造者动漫之父)手冢治虫的儿子请来作为创作顾问

    The company's founder, Francis Kao, not only secured the movie rights but also hired the son of Astro Boy creator (and god of manga) Osamu Tezuka as a creative consultant.


  • 戈尔合伙人决定支持公司作为感激,SSN邀请戈尔和另外一名KPCB合伙人约翰-多尔受薪顾问

    Mr. Gore and his partners decided to back the company, and in gratitude Silver Spring retained him and John Doerr, another Kleiner Perkins partner, as unpaid corporate advisers.


  • 说明了为什么Lazard这样一家可敬公司作为贝尔史登顾问可以短短数天内先后支持2元和10这样悬殊价格仍然不失公正。

    That explains how a respectable firm like Lazard, Bear's adviser, could in the space of a few days endorse both the $2 and $10 bids in fairness opinions.


  • 作为顾问进入公司后,我发现一家使用常规源代码控制只有少量自动化构建自动化单元测试企业

    When I arrived as a consultant to this company, I found an entire development organization where there was no routine use of source control, much less any automated builds or automated unit testing.


  • 作为顾问教员注意很多公司和开发人员在采用XML技术总是重复同样错误

    As a consultant and trainer, I have noticed that many companies and developers make the same mistakes when they adopt XML technology.


  • PBN两方冲突作为BP咨询顾问公司,它的主管“皮特b”,那段时间杜德雷先生处理得很好

    Peter B. Necarsulmer, director of PBN, a consultancy that advised BP in Russia during the conflict, said that Mr. Dudley had handled himself well then.


  • 的团队注意日本经济产业省能源官员石田亨直接作为高层顾问进入东京电力公司任职。

    His office notes that Toru Ishida, a former METI energy official, moved straight into a job as senior adviser to TEPCO.


  • 作为帕特森今年一月发布的财政预算一部分提案禁止制药公司医师支付合同规定以外顾问费用。

    The proposal—included in Paterson's annual budget plan released in Januaryalso would ban payments to physicians outside of formal contractual consulting arrangements between them and drug companies.


  • 他们估计那个公司雇用作为顾问

    They calculated the firm to employ her as an adviser.


  • 作为一个全球性航空公司——维尔京大西洋航空公司创始人以及澳大利亚第二航空公司——维尔京·布鲁航空公司顾问,理查德·布兰森爵士无法理解为何澳大利亚旅游业那么成功。

    As the founder of a global airline, Virgin Atlantic, and mentor of Australia's second airline, Virgin Blue, Sir Richard Branson can't understand why Australian tourism isn't more successful.


  • 作为一个欢迎企业文化顾问尔斯还利用Google学到保持员工快乐的经验帮助其他硅谷初创公司比如NingLinkedIn等。

    An in-demand company culture consultant, Ayers helps other Silicon Valley startups, like Ning and LinkedIn, by using what he learned at Google about keeping employees happy.


  • Hewitt北京办公室人力资源顾问DianaYang中国公司顶级岗位技术岗位上雇用国外的更加主动了(中国公司迫切的要聘请外籍人士作为公司高层管理者或者技术主管)。

    Diana Yang, at the Beijing office of Hewitt, a human-resources consultancy, says Chinese companies have become more aggressive at hiring expatriates for top jobs as well as for technical positions.


  • 作为“主流”顾问公司总裁,约翰·康诺利的观点是,电子商务出现公司经理们带来巨大的令人兴奋挑战

    From his perspective as head of the Mainspring consultant firm, John Connolly believes the emergence of electronic business has created enormous and exciting challenges for business managers.


  • 直接试图了解文化变革设计顾问公司作为合作伙伴态度

    A direct attempt was made to understand attitudes toward the idea of design consultancy as partner in culture change.


  • 尽管如此迈克尔先生作为中国移动公司顾问委员会中的唯一一位外国人认为国资委还是有值得称赞之处。

    Still, Mr Michael, who served as one of the only foreigners on China Mobile's advisory board, believes SASAC deserves some praise.


  • 此外蔡真律师作为著名跨国公司的常年法律顾问这些公司日常经营所涉及的法律问题提供帮助。

    Besides, as an in-house counsel for several famous international companies, Zhen Cai provides advice on legal problems occurring in their daily operations.


  • 亚历山德拉•莉维特效力于联合电脑公司公关部之后作为公共关系市场沟通方面顾问开创了自己的事业。

    Alexandra Levit worked in public relations for Computer Associates and then struck out on her own, as a consultant in publicity and marketing communications.


  • 如果电脑奇才最终可能会作为一个顾问工作写作公司方案

    If you are a whiz in computers, you may end up working as a consultant, writing programs for companies.


  • 笔者作为顾问主持雷神公司绩效管理体系设计工作

    As a consultant, I have presided over the work of designing of the performance management system for the Leishen Company.


  • 根据经验,实际情况可能并非如此。作为名学者顾问,我危机处理领域从业三十多年目前开始涉足公司责任领域。

    My experience, however, working for over three decades as an academic and consultant on crises and more recently in the area of corporate responsibility, suggests otherwise.


  • 作为深圳人和时代高尔夫品牌策略设计顾问公司源自台湾策略与思想概念我们酒店品牌建设拥有20实战经验

    Times as Shenzhen and brand strategy and design consultancy, strategy and ideas from the concept of Taiwan, we are building on the hotel brand has 20 years of field experience;


  • 作为一个从事全球业务公司营销顾问已经雇佣了一家英国公司为你去寻找海外市场扩张机会

    As a global marketing consultant, you have been hired by a UK organisation that is seeking market expansion opportunities overseas.


  • 作为一家全球性管理顾问公司,理特专长战略运营管理,服务于全球主要公司机构

    We are a global management consultancy specializing in strategy and operations management, serving major corporations and organizations worldwide.


  • 拥有一支高素质的专业化员工队伍聘请价格经济领域的资深专家作为公司常务顾问

    Has a high-quality professional staff, and invited experts price and other economic fields as executive consultant.


  • 拥有一支高素质的专业化员工队伍聘请价格经济领域的资深专家作为公司常务顾问

    Has a high-quality professional staff, and invited experts price and other economic fields as executive consultant.


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