• 这些棍棒石块作为武器

    The men armed themselves with sticks and stones.


  • 然而作为公司主要供货商阿布拉莫夫这一次扮演了债权的角色,他选择股票的方式抹了两家公司的债务,并且其它债权收购回了两家公司的其它债务,因此,阿布拉莫夫名正言顺地成为了公司的大股东。

    Abramov, a major supplier and therefore a creditor, chose to swap their debt for equity, buying additional debt from other creditors.


  • 作为古典时期最后一位伟大的科学家当时知识水平为基础,不是凭猜测想象绘制地图第一

    The last great scientist of the classical period, he was the first to draw a map that was based on all available knowledge, rather than guess or imagination.


  • 耐克公司直到该公司想到请迈克尔·乔丹作为产品代言之前,耐克只不过是家普通的运动用品公司。

    Take Nike for example. Until it came up with the idea of using Michael Jordan to endorse its products, it was just another sporting goods company.


  • 制片这些税收抵免或者税收抵免承诺作为利好告知各州投资者帮助支付电影制作费用。

    Producers can sell those tax credits or the promise of those tax credits to investors in each state to help cover the project's budget.


  • 但是主要意义在于他一个悲剧作为意味着完全不同方式生活着自然之存在,他更为复杂更为戏剧

    But it is mainly a tragedy because to be human means to live in a totally different way, more complex and more dramatic than natural existence.


  • 一些投稿电影作为出发点讨论他们原创哲学观点

    Other contributors use the film as a springboard for discussing their own original philosophical views.


  • 但是即使这样,生产容易性迅速地提升而且那些电视作为他们日常媒体工具包而长大的年轻正向年老一辈()展示新的技巧

    But even here, the ease of production is rapidly improving, and younger people who have grownup with video as part of their routine media toolkits are showing older folks (like me) new tricks.


  • 乔布斯下方式为他演讲作为结尾,同样引起了很多里德共鸣

    Jobs wound up that speech with a closing line that also resonates with a lot of Reedies.


  • 我们逐渐主,我们渐渐失去了一些老友的联系,这导致了好友下降我们29时候,社交圈的大约降至68

    But as our working lives take over, we lose contact with some old friends causing the number to drop to around 68 by the time we reach 29-years-old.


  • 2008年,当地新闻媒体揭发了一个犯罪陷阱,诱饵欺骗失业城市年轻来到农村,然后杀害他们,将他们混充战死叛乱分子

    In 2008 local news media uncovered a macabre network that lured unemployed urban youths to the countryside with promises of jobs, only to kill them and pass them off as dead rebels.


  • 作为小孩我们一个曾经忽略伤害遗弃或者某种方式被侮辱过。

    As a child, each of us has been neglected, hurt, abandoned, or spat on in one way or another.


  • 例如可能拥有几种类型已命名对象(地方事物),它们文本形式作为内联元素出现包括城市住宿饭店博物馆

    For example, you might have several types of named objects (that is, people, places, things) that appear in text as inline elements, including person, city, lodging, restaurant, and museum.


  • 作为菲律宾创办的企业,开始就被迫全球角度来审视这也是挑战

    It's definitely a challenge because Filipino startups are forced to see things in a global perspective from the get-go.


  • 公司需要推出另一个消费机器作为杀手锏”,填补对于高效负担得起完成家庭任务需求

    The company may need to come up with anotherkiller app” for consumer robotics that fills the need for a home task in an efficient, affordable manner.


  • 研究者在1934至1944年之间出生6,000赫尔辛基女性作为研究对象,这些中有300患上乳腺癌,48这种疾病

    The researchers examined the records of more than 6,000 women born in Helsinki between 1934 and 1944. Of these 300 developed breast cancer, and 48 went on to die from the disease.


  • 研究者1934至1944年之间出生6,000赫尔辛基女性作为研究对象,这些中有300患上乳腺癌,48这种疾病

    The researchers examined the records of more than 6, 000 women born in Helsinki between 1934 and 1944. Of these 300 developed breast cancer, and 48 went on to die from the disease.


  • 这位新任财政大臣没有明确提出消费税应有升幅,但似乎菅直一样,翻倍作为一个开端

    The new minister is still coy about how much the consumption tax should be raised. Like Mr Kan, he appears to think doubling it would be a start.


  • 性别问题作为写作主题的奥克兰心理学黛安厄伦萨夫特说:“一代的确挑战着我们过去的性别准则。”

    "This generation is really challenging the gender norms we grew up with," said Diane Ehrensaft, an Oakland psychologist who writes about gender.


  • 教育娱乐领域二十出头的年轻创办,并且真实的世界作为他们创业标准

    From the educational to the entertaining, these three companies started by twentysomethings are making it by "real world" standards.


  • 但是研究小组发布份声明重申制造一种尸体作为能源机器非法的。

    But in a statement put out by the group, it reiterated that it would be illegal to create a robot that used dead bodies as an energy source.


  • 伯克南理论明显一种格林斯潘对策”论调这个对策伯南克前任格林斯潘先生的名字命名,意在阐述中央银行作为股票市场的保险而存在。

    This is an overt version of theGreenspan put”—the idea, named after Mr Bernanke’s predecessor, that a central bank stands as an insurer of the equity market.


  • 这使猜想或许切尼可能借机健康为由辞职,腾出位置共和党新星进入高层作为替换。

    Some may wonder whether the time will come for Mr Cheney, perhaps for reasons of ill-health, to stand aside and to allow a rising Republican the advantage of a spell in high office.


  • 耶尔教派一小主要成员是加拿大法国,是一个克罗德-沃利亚创立的,如今显得能预示未来的“拉尔”作为自己的名字。

    The Raelians are a small group, chiefly Canadian and French, founded by one Claude Vorilhon, who now goes by the more portentous handle of "Rael".


  • 我们正确观点来考虑计划度量报告soa,将其作为一种生活方式转变包括过程和技术。

    Let's consider, plan, measure and report on SOA in the correct perspective, as a lifestyle change that encompasses people, process and technology.


  • 我们正确观点来考虑计划度量报告soa,将其作为一种生活方式转变包括过程和技术。

    Let's consider, plan, measure and report on SOA in the correct perspective, as a lifestyle change that encompasses people, process and technology.


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