• 飓风贝蒂正在逼近佛罗里达海岸

    Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida.


  • 佛罗里达柑桔一种天然甜味

    Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.


  • 他们佛罗里达有一套分时使用的度假房。

    They have a timeshare in Florida.


  • 热带风暴马可沿着佛罗里达海岸向北推进。

    Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida's coast.


  • 政府设法阻止大批逃离海难民涌入佛罗里达

    The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida.


  • 佛罗里达花了的时间研究拍摄纪录片

    She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary.


  • 星期佛罗里达同维森特·福克斯总统磋商

    Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Vicente Fox.


  • 佛罗里达一个主张堕胎合法的活跃分子们大本营

    Florida is a stronghold for pro-choice activists.


  • 自己承认作为佛罗里达房地产投机商时逃

    By his own admission, he evaded paying taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.


  • 经营自己佛罗里达盈利性学校已有17年了

    Gerber has been running her own for-profit school in southern Florida for 17 years.


  • 这些负担得起退隐佛罗里达他们宁愿留在原地

    These people could afford to retire to Florida but they'd just as soon stay put.


  • 同时佛罗里达海地裔美国人的愤怒已经上升到了极点

    Meanwhile, anger has reached the boiling point among Haitian-Americans in south Florida.


  • 萨克·班热佛罗里达一家养老院里去世了,享年87

    Isaac Binger has died in a nursing home in Florida at the age of 87.


  • 最后位代表提供了一佛罗里达

    The last rep offered me a trip to Florida.


  • 也许周后佛罗里达度假,而且他对这个财政资助官员好。

    Maybe he's going to Florida for a break in a couple of weeks and he's being nice to me who is the financial-aid officer.


  • 糟糕佛罗里达唯一栖息地野生数量不足100只。

    Worse, this is the sole habitat of the Florida panther, and there are less than 100 of the creatures left in the wild.


  • 决定放下物质生活卖掉纽约佛罗里达豪宅唯一的一辆车

    He started paring down his material life, selling off his condo in New York, his mansion in Florida and his only car.


  • 建议艘航空母舰其他大型船只离开佛罗里达海岸进行同样检查。

    I suggested he put an aircraft carrier or other large vessels off the coast of Florida and do the same kind of screening.


  • 2009年,佛罗里达萨拉索塔午休海滩大蓝鹭在涌来潮水上寻找

    A great blue heron searches for fish on the incoming tide at Siesta Beach in Sarasota, Florida, in 2009.


  • 已经佛罗里达高温下个小时了,因为我要确保慢的骑手站在后面

    I'd already been riding in this incredible Florida heat for 2 hours because I made sure to stay back with the slowest rider.


  • 自从海胆佛罗里达海岸海水消失后,那里许多珊瑚礁控制生长藻类所扼杀

    Since the disappearance of sea urchins from the waters up the coast of South Florida, many coral reefs there have been smothered by the uncontrolled growth of algae.


  • 位66佛罗里达邮递员正在送信,往一个邮箱塞的时候,一条有毒的一口。

    A 66-year-old Florida mailman doing his rounds was bitten by a poisonous snake when he put mail inside a mailbox.


  • 佛罗里达大学一项研究餐厅镜子有助于减肥因为镜子垃圾食品尝起来更难吃

    A study by the University of Florida claims that putting mirrors in your dining room will help weight loss because they actually make junk food taste worse.


  • “一般来说,人们总是得到下来放松停止担忧然后退休佛罗里达这类建议。”

    "People are generally being given bad advice to slow down, take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida," he says.


  • 来自佛罗里达大学西德尼·皮尔斯说:“地球上,藻类基因可能动物细胞起作用。”

    "There's no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell," says Sidney Pierce from the University of South Florida.


  • 密西西比佛罗里达一些大陆地区沿岸组成海湾群岛国家海滨七座屏障岛屿中的座。

    It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.


  • 1904年,玛丽佛罗里达戴拓娜开办了自己黑人女子学院——戴拓娜文理黑人女子培训学院。

    In 1904, Mary opened her own black women's collegeDaytona College of Arts and Sciences for Black Women, in Daytona, Florida.


  • 年轻时候,他开始一生的时间走遍数万英里佛罗里达西至加利福尼亚,至阿拉斯加。

    As a young man, he began walking over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime, through the south to Florida, the west to California and north to Alaska.


  • ——佛罗里达亚利桑那内华达加利福尼亚——这些趋势危机爆发前的几年里发展到了极致

    In the sand statesFlorida, Arizona, Nevada and Californiathese trends went into overdrive in the years leading up to the crisis.


  • 海牛是生活佛罗里达河流沿海水域水生哺乳动物,它们海面附近,经常船只相撞时被撞死

    Manatees, aquatic mammals inhabiting Florida's rivers and coastal waters, swim close to the surface and are frequently killed in collisions with boats.


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