• 体重指数一种用于根据特定身高决定体重范围工具

    The body mass index is a tool used to determine the healthy weight range for a particular height.


  • 正常体重范围女性建议体重加量根据身高是从2535磅。

    The recommended weight gain for a woman within the normal weight range for her height is 25 to 35 pounds.


  • 研究第二部分研究了16053个覆盖一定体重范围普通欧洲基因组

    The second part of the study looked at the genomes of 16, 053 European people in the general population, reflecting a range of weights.


  • 研究第二部分研究了16053个覆盖一定体重范围普通欧洲基因组

    The second part of the study looked at the genomes of 16,053 European people in the general population, reflecting a range of weights.


  • 如果正常体重范围怀孕,那么在孕期体重增加25 -35英镑

    If you start pregnancy at a normal weight, expect to add between 25 to 35 pounds.


  • 唯一保持在健康体重范围只有素食那一-这些人不沾动物产品基本健康食物为主。

    And the only group that stayed well within the boundaries of a healthy weight was the vegan group — people who avoided animal products and based their diets on healthier fare.


  • 款手工精酿啤酒的瓶身标有对应的体重范围一般能够喝进让自己到达峰值酒量。

    The craft IPA has a bottle indicator showing body weights, so the average man can get just the right amount.


  • 人体体重超重——及时超过理想体重范围的5% ~ 10%——人体患上第2糖尿病风险也就大了。

    When you carry extra weighteven just an extra 5 to 10 percent over your ideal weight range — you increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.


  • 同时这些实验结果科学家认可的某个真理提供了佐证--每个都有一个适合体重范围这个范围大概9公斤

    The findings also provide evidence for something scientists thought was true each person has a comfortable weight range. The range might be as much as 9kg.


  • 《时光倒流保持青春秘诀》一书的作者JackieSilver推荐人们将体重保持根据他们年龄高度算出的“建议体重范围”的上限

    Jackie Silver, author of "Aging Backwards: Secrets to staying Young" recommends staying at the top range of the recommended weight range for her age and height.


  • 这项研究出来的结果吓人,不是因为女人们不珍惜自己生命,而是因为这些女人的体重几乎标准体重范围之内,即使有小小一部分人有点点超重。

    The finding is all the more shocking because almost all of those polled were in the normal weight range – or even underweight.


  • 针对口服避孕药片开展研究发现,体重指数(BMI)达到超重范围(BM I值等于大于25)的女性体重指数正常女性更容易怀孕

    In one study of oral contraceptive pills, women with a body mass index (BMI) in the overweight range (a BMI of 25 or more) had a higher risk of pregnancy than those in the normal weight range.


  • 当将这些模型用于那些非可靠范围数据例如体重已知现存动物就会产生问题

    The problem comes when these models are used to extrapolate beyond the range of reliable data (ie, of living animals whose weight is known).


  • 她们之中,肥胖者占18%。她们平均BMI指数23.1,正常体重指数范围内。

    Of these teens, 18% were obese, but the average BMI was 23.1, which is considered normal weight.


  • 根据印度儿科学会(IAP)发育曲线(基于Harvard范围)世卫组织儿童发育标准计算体重不足流行率进行比较

    To compare the prevalence of underweight as calculated from Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP) growth curves (based on the Harvard scale) and the new WHO Child growth Standards.


  • 有些科学家认为大脑总是试图我们摄入的卡路里新陈代谢进行调节以便让我们的体重保持一定范围内,这个范围很大程度受到基因影响。

    Some scientists think that the brain tries to regulate our caloric intake and metabolism to keep our weight within a range that is heavily influenced by our genes.


  • 体重指数一个身高体重基础计算出的比值,正常范围通常1825之间,超过25为超重超过30即为肥胖

    BMI is a calculation of height to weight, and the normal range is usually considered to be 18 to 25, with more than 25 considered overweight and above 30 obese.


  • 人们经常举出数字作为体重可能举出范围实际一些因为体重浮动

    While most people cite one number as their current body weight, it may be more realistic to cite a range, since the number does fluctuate daily.


  • 一般平均下来一个要摄入一百万甚至更多卡路里,但是几十年里体重一直保持变化幅度很小的范围中。

    The average person takes in a million or more calories per year, maintaining within a narrow range over the course of decades.


  • 研究表明如果零食随手可得范围,那么零食的可能性会大大增加。每天把巧克力豆,到了年末体重可能会增加5

    Studies show that people are much more likely to snack when a treat is within easy reach, and a handful of M&Ms each day could mean a weight gain of five pounds by year’s end


  • 体重增加,痤疮便秘也加重压力,“大家应该保持乐观,”李灿阿提博士,“将压力控制可承受的范围内。”

    Physical symptoms such as weight gain, acne and constipation can compound the underlying stress, but "people should be optimistic, " says Dr. Ricanati. "Managing stress is well within your control."


  • 必须进一步大规模研究确定妊娠期体重增加子女心血管危险度因素影响范围

    Further large studies are required to confirm an effect of GWG on a range of offspring cardiovascular risk factors.


  • 研究人员警告人人都应该体重保持最低健康范围

    The researchers give warning that everyone should be at the lower end of the healthy weight range.


  • 晚年患心血风险通常开始于青少年期BMI指数在正常范围Tirosh说道“比如BMI20.9 表明一个5'10" 的男性体重为146磅。”

    The risk of later heart disease begins when BMI is well within what's considered the normal range, said Tirosh.


  • 在这16志愿者中,有6名志愿者获得健康范围体重指数

    Of the 16 volunteers, six wound up with a body mass index in the healthful range.


  • 事实上哪怕的身体目前仍健康范围之内,只要体重升高癌症患病率就会提高。

    The fact is that putting on weight can increase your cancer risk, even if you are within the healthy range.


  • 然而令人更加惊讶参加调查女性体重正常范围甚至有些偏轻

    The finding is all the more shocking because almost all of those polled were in the normal weight range - or even underweight.


  • 身体通过饥饿或者饱胀感觉通过调节新陈代谢促使体重回到那个范围

    The body resists by feeling hungry or full and changing the metabolism to push the weight back to the range it seeks.


  • 年龄段中成线性相关,危险程度在整个体重指数分布范围内逐渐增加

    The associations were linear for each age, and the risk increased across the entire BMI distribution.


  • 年龄段中成线性相关,危险程度在整个体重指数分布范围内逐渐增加

    The associations were linear for each age, and the risk increased across the entire BMI distribution.


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