• 有兴趣体育部工作学生各自校区体育协调员联系。

    Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective campuses.


  • 英国体育部已经为英国设立枚奖牌目标

    Great Britain has been set a target of three MEDALS by UK sport, which funds Olympic sport in Britain.


  • Antezana博士目前担任玻利维亚卫生体育部高级顾问。

    Dr Antezana is Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Health and Sports in Bolivia.


  • 体育部一个明星也是汤姆编辑部最好朋友耶科斯勒。

    The other star of the sports staff, and Tom's best friend in the newsroom, was Kaye Kessler.


  • 体育部上层动荡不应对巴西筹备即将举办体育盛会什么影响

    The turmoil at the top of the sports ministry should have little effect on the preparations for the big sporting events Brazil is soon to host.


  • 我们诚挚邀请一个体育成员此次旅行的一部分

    We are kindly inviting one member of your sports department to be part of this tour.


  • 球队体育部主管罗德里格斯波尔图机场确认俱乐部收到来自阿森纳报价

    As was confirmed by sporting director ramon rodriguez at the airport in Porto, the club have received an offer from Arsenal.


  • 印度有意申办2020年奥运会印度奥委会体育部这个问题上仍然分歧。

    India intends to bid for the 2020 Games but the Indian Olympic Association and the Sports Ministry have been at loggerheads on the issue.


  • 由于体育部管理工作独特性本文作者数据结构算法设计上作了一点研究。

    The author has developed a special data structure and a sort of algorithm since the management affairs irs in P. E. department have their own unique features.


  • 体育部表示,很必要体育医药配备一名好的管理者专家预防此类事件再次发生

    The minister says there's an urgent need to strengthen the sports medical unity with, as he put it, a good administrator and specialist to prevent such incidents in future.


  • 体育部表示,很必要体育医药配备一名好的管理者专家预防此类事件再次发生

    The minister says there is an urgent need to strengthen the sports medical unit with, as he put it, a good administrator and specialists to prevent such incidents in future.


  • 来自体育部符迪箮同学四位候选人中唯一女生增强体育部软硬实力提升部门实力。

    Fu Dixuan who comes from sports department is the only girl. She empathizes that we should strengthen both the soft and hard power to improve the department.


  • 据称今天阿毛里经纪人尤文图斯经理巴勒莫体育部经理将进行会面最终敲定合同的细节

    It is believed that a meeting today between Amauri's agent Mariano Grimaldi, Juve director Jean-Claude Blanc and Palermo sporting director Rino Foschi led to a final deal being agreed.


  • 2011年6月21日,驻加纳大使龚建忠加纳青年体育部捐赠体育器材仪式中国加纳大使馆举行。

    On June 21st, H.E. Ambassador Gong Jianzhong presented a batch of sports equipment to the Ministry of Youth and Sports on behalf of the Chinese Government at the Chinese Embassy.


  • 包括媒体文化体育部内政部以及国际发展部在内许多部门直到时候一直都没有发表过完整会谈记录

    Several, including the Department for Media, Culture and Sport, the Home Office and Department for International Development have not even published the full log of meetings up to that point.


  • 利用南京理工大学实施教师岗位聘任制机会体育部教师进行了三轮实施岗位聘任制管理模式实践研究

    Taking the opportunity of implementing teacher position appointment in NUST, it makes a practical study on management model of position appointment.


  • 别看英国的文化媒体体育部DCMS)在白厅中有着娱乐绰号少扮演轻浮逗笑的杂耍角色

    THE Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has rarely beenthe frivolous sideshow suggested by its Whitehall nickname, “theministry of fun”.


  • 面对英国奥运会上取得的成功法国最近反映强烈,法国体育部部长BernardLaporte恶语中伤。

    France are the latest country to react badly to Great Britain's Olympic success, with a withering comment from their sports minister, Bernard Laporte.


  • 切尔西体育部主管AmadeoCarboni 星期二飞去伦敦进行谈判转会现在很大的可能成功。

    The Che's director of sport Amadeo Carboni flew into London on Thursday to open negotiations and the transfer is now understood to be well advanced.


  • 克森当时还没有电台播音员这样的工作父亲说,蒙哥马利?沃德了一家新商店雇请一个本地运动员管理店里的体育部

    While them was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father sad Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department.


  • 克森当时还没有电台播音员这样的工作父亲说,蒙哥马利·沃德开了一家新商店雇请一个本地的运动员管理店里的体育部

    While them was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father sad Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a loca1 athlete to manage its sports department.


  • 本次比赛裁判员是来自我校体育部老师以及学生会成员们。在比赛的过程中,他们秉公执法,尽最大的努力保证比赛的公平性

    The referees involved in this game were schools' PE teachers and members of the student union. They made every effort to ensure the fairness of the game.


  • 本次比赛裁判员是来自我校体育部老师以及学生会成员们。在比赛的过程中,他们秉公执法,尽最大的努力保证比赛的公平性

    The referees involved in this game were schools' PE teachers and members of the student union. They made every effort to ensure the fairness of the game.


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