• 这种设备所基于原理激光探测器相同使用低温原子生成波束不是激光

    These operate using the same principle as laser-based detectors but use beams made of ultracold atoms rather than laser light.


  • 主要叙述空气制冷机原理及其列车空调冷冻冷藏飞机空调大型低温环境试验室中的应用

    Discribes the theory of air refrigerator and its application to train air-conditioning, freezing and cold storage, aircraft air-conditioning and large low temperature environmental laboratory.


  • 介绍低温等离子催化剂协同降低柴油机排气装置原理结构

    The article introduces the principle and structure of the new exhaust emission devise on diesel vehicle which USES low temperature plasma in conjunction with catalyzer.


  • 根据系统动力循环原理以及氟里昂循环发电系统特点,组建了小型低温余热发电系统模型,并对蒸发器、冷凝器、汽轮机模型等组件进行了设计。

    Based on the principle of system power cycle and characteristics of Freon power generation system, the model for low temperature waste heat generating was constructed.


  • 介绍CHGT80智能低温烘干机工作原理性能参数设计计算

    The working principle, performance parameters and design calculation of the intelligent low-temperature drier model CHGT80 are presented.


  • 提出了一种低温甲烷检测方法分析了其工作原理特点。

    A new technique of methane detection, with constant voltage and low temperature of sensor, is developed.


  • 通过测定织物的退浆率、毛效断裂强力评价退浆效果结合SEM照片分析了低温等离子体作用原理

    The capillary effect, size removal and breaking strength of cotton fabric were determined. The low temperature plasma action principle was analyzed by SEM photos.


  • 本文介绍了低温生物介电CDS测试系统原理电路设计过程

    In this paper the Principle, circuit and designing process of a measuring system for cryobiological dielectric spectrum(CDS)is presented.


  • 阐述SQUID工作原理噪声特性,分析在超低频通信中的低温控制正交性和混沌行为工程应用提供理论依据

    Then it presents the low temperature control techniques, the perpendicularity of the three loops and the chaos conduct of SQUID, which provides theoretical basis fort.


  • 内容涉及低温等离子性质低温等离子体氧化法原理以及研究进展

    The content involves the character of cryogenic plasma, the principle and development of cryogenic plasma oxidation.


  • 文中介绍了微波低温真空干燥特点和微波低温真空干燥设备的工作原理主要技术

    In this paper we introduce the characteristic of the Microwave vacuum drying techniques, its work principle, and its chief technique.


  • 本文复合夹点分析方法分析原理建立了低温蒸馏冷冻系统热泵流程集成优化方法

    Based on pinch analysis method and exergy principle, a new approach is developed to optimize the heat-pump integration between low-temperature distillation column and refrigeration system.


  • 介绍了一种便携式低温恒温工作原理组成结构给出了试验数据

    Their principle and construction for a portable low constant temperature trough are introduced and their testing data are given in this paper.


  • 本文介绍低温液化气基础论述了再液化装置原理、基本类型要求,介绍一个典型再液化流程和设备组成。

    Based on the introduction of low temperature gas carrier, the paper discusses the working principle, the types and the requirements on the reliquefaction plant.


  • 介绍了液化天然气汽车罐车基本结构工作原理,以及对此低温易燃介质贮运设备的安全性设计。

    The fundamental structure and the operation principle of liquified natural gas tanker are introduced, taking its safety into consideration.


  • 文中阐述了真丝绸低温染色基本原理,列举低温染色工艺应用情况介绍了低温染色的效果

    The basic principle of low-temperature real silk dyeing process is described, and the application of the process as well as its results are presented.


  • 本文简述低温分散染料聚酯改性涤纶原理方法

    The principle and method are briefly described of dyeing the modified polyester (polyesterether type) fibres capable of being dyed with disperse dyes under normal pressure.


  • 分析了柴油机增压器低温原因危害,介绍了开发的柴油机增压器智能防喘装置的原理和控制规律

    And the intelligent surge-preventing system for diesel engine's turbocharger is introduced from its principle and controlling rules.


  • 研制低温磁场特斯拉计应用霍尔效应原理来测量低温下(4.2K)强磁场(0~10T)的。

    This Teslameter can work at 4.2K and magnetic field intensity 0-10T. The working principle is based on Hall effect.


  • 阐述了冷冻粉碎技术原理研究低温脆性玻璃转变转变温度关系

    The principle and process of freeze grinding were analyzed. The relationship between the brittleness and glass transition was discussed.


  • 低温感发射基本原理出发,对低温硝胺发射药中大口径火炮上的应用试验进行分析研究。

    Accroding to the principle of low temperature sensitivity charge (LTSC), the application test of LTSC of nitramine propellant in the large middle caliber gun was analysed.


  • 分析生物柴油分子结构基础上,应用色-质联用仪、低温性能测试仪、溶液结晶原理相似相溶原理研究生物柴油的低温流动性

    Impact of composition upon the cold flow properties for biodiesel was investigated by molecular structure, solution crystallization theory and similarity-intermiscibility theory.


  • 阐述低温送风空调方式原理特点几种低温送风方案进行了技术经济分析

    In this paper, the theory and features of cold air distribution system is exposed, and the technical and economical analysis is given about several kinds of cold air distribution system.


  • 本文从上述连接方法原理设计、连接材料设计与制备、接头性能各自优缺点等方面综述陶瓷与陶瓷或金属低温连接研究的现状。

    This paper gives a review of development in this research area, covering the aspects of design principles of bonding methods, bonding materials development, joints, properties, their advantage…


  • 本文简要介绍世界主要海水淡化方法-多级闪蒸低温多效蒸馏反渗透原理、特点和方法选择。

    Through the mechanism analysis of a multi-stage flash (MSF) process a comprehensive and dynamic mathematical model was set up for a MSF seawater desalination system.


  • 基于基准基本原理设计一种高精度电源抑制(PSRR)、系数(TC)的带隙基准电压源。

    Based on the basic principle of bandgap reference, design a high precision, high power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and low temperature coefficient (TC) bandgap voltage reference.


  • 并根据低温对水稻影响原理综合考虑低温发生的不同时段低温程度积温的意义,改进冷积温计算方法创建当量冷积温。

    Timing and extent of chilling in May were considered to improve the calculating method of cold accumulated temperature and establish cold accumulated equivalent temperature.


  • 选择航天器和低温工程中常用金属材料铜不锈钢激光光热原理研究低温接触界面

    The thermal contact resistance between copper and stainless steel was investigated at 300 K and 20 K using the photothermal method.


  • 选择航天器和低温工程中常用金属材料铜不锈钢激光光热原理研究低温接触界面

    The thermal contact resistance between copper and stainless steel was investigated at 300 K and 20 K using the photothermal method.


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