• 我们团结起来任务保持高增长通过认真应对以后变化全球挑战恢复排量。

    Our task in working together is to secure a high-growth, low-carbon recovery by taking seriously the global challenge of climate change.


  • 如果运行系统支持优先级设置,那么优先运行耗时比较长的任务一个主意

    If you're running a system that supports priorities, it's a good idea to run a long job like this at a low priority.


  • 他们使命只是做地球轨道飞行,测试月球阿波罗11以及以后的登月任务所使用的登月舱

    The mission was planned as a low-Earth orbit to test the Lunar Module, the lander later used by Apollo 11 and subsequent missions to land on the moon's surface.


  • 如果使用规格的系统,则可以改变InfoSphereDataStage项目设置单个处理器上执行任务

    If you are on a low-spec system, you can change the InfoSphere DataStage project Settings to execute jobs in a single process.


  • 有一批评没有usb不能任务处理,内存,不支持flash,没有摄像头操作系统也不够完美,以及诸如此类的问题。

    A lot of criticisms: no USB, no multitasking, low memory, no Flash support, no camera, no full OS, and so on and on.


  • 如图所示,指数曲线中,高优先级任务收到绝大多数处理器优先级任务收到的大大减少

    As shown, high-priority tasks receive the vast majority of the processor, while low-priority tasks receive considerably less in an exponential curve.


  • 财会支持增加因为我们目标是每一个任务进度更加精确粒度报告

    Accounting support increased, as we aimed for more accurate and lower-granularity reports on progress against each task.


  • 这种类型卫星在执行轨道攻击任务发射攻击需要不到15分钟飞行时间

    Total flight time from launch to impact for these types of weapons is usually less than 15 minutes when attacking low orbits.


  • 最后早期的内核中,抢占可能的;意味着如果有一个优先级的任务执行高优先级的任务只能等待完成

    Finally, preemption wasn't possible in the earlier scheduler; this meant that a lower priority task could execute while a higher priority task waited for it to complete.


  • 优先级任务具有更高衰减系数,而高优先任务具有较衰减系数。

    Lower-priority tasks have higher factors of decay, where higher-priority tasks have lower factors of delay.


  • 线程提供延迟机制,该方式简单直接工作队列提供复杂的API允许多个任务项目进行排队

    Tasklets provide a low-latency mechanism that is simple and straightforward, while work queues provide a flexible API that permits queuing of multiple work items.


  • 但是我们总还是时间一下孩子们的餐盘只要上面有一半满满的水果蔬菜精益蛋白质全麦食品乳制品各占一小半,我们的任务就完成了。

    But we do have time to take a look at our kids' plates. As long as they're half full of fruits and vegetables, and paired with lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy, we're golden.


  • 意味着高优先级任务准备运行优先级的任务不能执行了。

    This means a lower-priority task won't execute while a higher-priority task is ready to run.


  • 通过线程可以优先调度重要任务甚至中断优先级任务

    With threads, important tasks can be scheduled to take precedence over-and even interrupt-lower-priority tasks.


  • 年俩次的报告打算集中力量制定央行的双重任务提高就业率同时保持稳定通胀率。

    The twice-a-year report is intended to draw focus to the central bank’s dual mandate: promoting maximum employment while keeping the inflation rate low and steady.


  • 这些强有力任务划分允许Alcrohm相对风险得到GDD常规经验特别是非现场合作伙伴

    These strongly partitioned roles allow Alcrohm to gain experience with GDD in general, and its off-site partner in particular, with comparatively low risk.


  • US B驱动器功能停止,立即进行使用CPURAM任务所以不会破坏正常活动减慢计算机性能

    USB Drive Disabler immediately carries out the task while using low CPU and RAM, so it doesn't disrupt normal activity or slow down computer performance.


  • 任务之间关联度企业文化为个体主义组织运用个体激励更能激发团队中成员。

    And the organization with individualism culture and low correlative degree of the job should consider the individual motivation.


  • 他们基本上将相同传感器焦距一个人任务进行彩色信息捕获只有,但情况下更好

    They will basically be the same sensor and focal length, but one will be tasked to carry full color info, the other will capture only black and white but will be better at low light situations.


  • 这个优先反转场景中优先级的任务占有高优先任务需要资源(这个问题出现在使用公司VxWorks系统的火星开拓者探测器)。

    In this priority inversion scenario, a lower-priority task holds a resource that a higher-priority task requires. (this problem occurred on Mars in the Pathfinder probe using Wind River's VxWorks.)


  • 是否投入量任务投入量任务导致有效词汇附带习得?。

    Will Tasks with a higher involvement load be more effective for vocabulary retention than tasks with a lower involvement load?


  • 欣赏有激情员工,但不喜欢眼高手的人,他们明明不知道如何还盲目自告奋勇,要求承担任务

    EXAMPLE: While I appreciate enthusiastic employees, I am annoyed by an eager beaver who blindly volunteers for new tasks despite lacking the knowledge of how to do them properly.


  • 澳大利亚要想利用这个机遇控制掌握结构变化过程这个任务对于RBA就是需要保持稳定通货膨胀

    As Australia takes advantage of its new opportunities and manages the process of structural change the task for the RBA is to keep inflation low and stable.


  • 钩子空闲时间执行权限任务有用。

    This hook is useful for performing low priority tasks during idle time.


  • 论文提出了一种基于抢占门限实时任务系统优化实现模型同时具有开销可调度性

    This paper presents an optimal realization model based on the preemption threshold for real-time multitask systems, which has low overheads and higher schedulability.


  • 应用尽管薪金工作条件还是圆满完成任务即使如此老板也没有提拔而是不公正地对待他。

    Despite the low salary and bad working conditions, he did manage to finish his task perfectly. Even so, the boss refuses to get him promoted, treating him unfairly instead.


  • 应用尽管薪金工作条件还是圆满完成任务即使如此老板也没有提拔而是不公正地对待他。

    Despite the low salary and bad working conditions, he did manage to finish his task perfectly. Even so, the boss refuses to get him promoted, treating him unfairly instead.


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