• Cline 称这些品牌通过低价销售流行单品,破坏了时尚周期动摇了所有产业季节变化步伐

    By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.


  • 克莱斯勒销售激增并非来自低价销售

    Chrysler's sales surge has not required fire sale prices.


  • 公司打击假冒低价销售Burberry衣服厂商

    The company cracked down on vendors selling counterfeit versions of Burberry clothes at discount rates.


  • 倾销根据词典解释为:将国内不需要的货物国外大量低价销售

    Dumping according to the dictionary explanation means that massive domestic goods sale to overseas countries in a low price.


  • 这家店名为NPS的商店主要以低价销售受损货物以及无人认领的物品为主。

    The store, NPS, sells damaged freight goods and unclaimed property at a steep discount.


  • 另外东北粮食主产区粮农销售过程中存在“销售高峰期”的现象,许多农户在高峰期低价销售

    In addition, in main grain-producing area of northeast China, many peasants sell corn produces at three special times, leading to the "three sale fastigiums" in which the corn price are low.


  • 中新网生活频道提醒广大消费者不要轻易相信朋友低价销售代购; 二是不要过分依赖朋友圈内晒单评价信息;

    In the new network life channel also remind consumers: first, do not easily believe that the circle of friends in a super cheap sales and purchasing;


  • 对于下列印本,无须支付版税:赠送版权人印本、宣传目的赠送印本、或者丢失的、损坏的、毁坏低价销售印本

    No royalty shall be payable on copies of the Publisher's Edition given away to the Proprietor or for promotional purposes or on any copies lost, damaged, destroyed or sold below cost.


  • MsChiquet欣然接受新职,并依照公司的理念,低价销售时尚服饰5之间,她为公司赚得50亿美元销售

    Ms Chiquet accepted, enticed by Old Navy’s mission—to sell fashionable clothes at very low prices—and helped build up the company to $5 billion in sales within five years.


  • 例如时尚在线销售网站给予人们“圈内人感受并充分利用这点,内曼•马库斯Neiman Marcus)[6]尝试模仿这点,已经开始经过选择客户提供限时低价销售

    Neiman Marcus, for example, has started offering sales of limited duration to selected customers, in an attempt to mimic the “insiderfeeling that the fashion e-tailers trade on.


  • 随着奉行低价战略的竞争对手碁步步紧逼,一直试图坚持不降价戴尔销售增幅已经放缓

    Dell, which tried to resist cutting its prices, has already seen slower sales growth as low-cost competitor Acer Inc. has stepped up.


  • 一位工程师愉快的指出美敦力合资公司作为当地企业可以低价购买所需原材料,而不用顾及中国该种原材料的销售限制

    An engineer gleefully points out that as a local entity the Medtronic joint venture can buy essential rare-earth metals cheaply, despite Chinese restrictions on their sale (see article).


  • 葡萄供应过剩情况下,许多澳洲葡萄酒品牌只能散装或者商业红酒(与精选红酒相对)的形式低价倾销甚至亏本销售

    Much Australian wine during the grape glut found its way onto the world market as bulk orcommoditywine, sold at low prices or even at a loss.


  • 现行基于低价销售最大化战略无益于实现长远利益。

    And a strategy to maximise sales now, based on very low prices, would be counterproductive in the long term.


  • 美国个人支出逐渐分化两个截然不同的类别:高端店铺销售强劲增长,而大众市场低价零售商却始终步履维艰。

    Personal spending in the US is diverging into two distinct categories as strong growth at high-end stores contrasts with continuing difficulties for mass-market, low-price retailers.


  • 连锁超市确认了香槟销售好转同时低价替代品的销售出现一个剧烈上升。

    Supermarket chains confirmed an upturn in champagne sales, but alongside a significant rise in the sales of cheaper alternatives.


  • 年初零售商在以往的低价基础上,试图再次压低市场价格重振美国疲软的销售业绩

    Earlier this year, the retailer tried to spark sluggish U.S. sales by lowering its prices - already bargains - even further.


  • 汽车生产商电子公司日元疲软中获得了特别好处可以保持以低价海外消费者销售商品,同时却损害了国内生产商消费者的利益。

    Carmakers and electronics firms in particular benefit from a weak yen, which keeps prices low for overseas customers. But it also hurts domestic producers and consumers.


  • 这种低价的市场策略开始非常有效,销售飞速增长,但是很快这种汽车低劣质量引起广泛关注,很快,销售量一泻千里,韩国现代汽车集团也因此成为半夜脱口秀主持人玩笑的谈资。

    The low-cost strategy at first worked well and sales took off, but shoddy quality was soon noticed, sales collapsed and Hyundai became the butt of jokes by late-night talk-show hosts.


  • 低价形象使亚马逊平板电脑成为ipad最大的竞争对手,同时亚马逊主要平板电脑的app相关服务销售取得巨大收益

    This low price label could make Amazon's tablet the iPad's top contender as the company would get huge revenue from sales of apps and services on its tablet.


  • 现行基于低价销售最大化战略无益于实现长远利益。

    And a strategy to maximise sales now, based on very low prices, would be counterproductive [4] in the long term.


  • 来自华尔街的行业战略分析师布莱恩·索兹(BrianSozzi提到沃尔玛来讲,这次购并大关键目的通过增加销售额,进而扩大(非洲的)市场份额。”

    Brian Sozzi, an analyst at Wall Street Strategies, notes that "one key thing in [the Massmart] deal for Wal-Mart is to gain market share through increased volume which comes from lower prices."


  • 亚马逊希望通过低价平板电脑大卖带动其云端内容销售,重演Kindle电子书阅读器带动电子书销售的成功历史。

    But it hopes that its cheap tablet will be wildly popular and therefore boost sales of Amazon's cloud-based content, just as the Kindle e-reader boosted sales of e-books.


  • 今年,思科市场的销售增长率下降至7%,其竞争对手却在利润率保持在40%50%,甚至更低

    In the current year, sales growth has fallen to about 7%, and competitors are cutting prices, accepting margins of just 40 or 50%, or even less.


  • 虽然期间我们竞争对手推出了预订减免政策我们的低价定位开展竞争,但我们的机票销售仍然增长14%;租车天数稳步增加了15%。

    Airline ticket sales grew 14% despite fee reductions introduced by our competitors during this period to compete with our low price positioning, and growth in rental car days was steady at 15%.


  • 虽然期间我们竞争对手推出了预订减免政策我们的低价定位开展竞争,但我们的机票销售仍然增长14%;租车天数稳步增加了15%。

    Airline ticket sales grew 14% despite fee reductions introduced by our competitors during this period to compete with our low price positioning, and growth in rental car days was steady at 15%.


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