• 手法关节安全有效旋转角度不宜过大

    The manipulation was safe and effective for facet joints, but the rotatory levels of lumbar should not be too much during manipulation.


  • 采用扇形不完全齿轮传动送料轮轴齿轮来完成,下滚轮转速相同,旋转方向相反

    The gear wheel is used to complete the rotation speed of the upper and lower rollers, but the rotation direction is opposite.


  • 结果钢丝屈伸弯时运动范围可恢复完整颈椎水平,旋转的运动范围完整颈椎大。

    Results The range of motion (ROM) of process wire was less than that of the intact in flexion, extension, lateral bending, but not in axial rotation.


  • 旋转系统工作更好地较高压力旋转坚持一个地方因此定期检查作为需要定期保养一部分

    Rotary systems work better with higher water pressure, but the rotating head can stick in one place, so periodic checks are required as part of regular maintenance.


  • 龙卷风停留开阔的乡野,远离人群建筑每小时120英里的时速旋转以每小时5英里的时速移动

    This twister stayed in the open country, away from people or buildings, rotating at 120 mph but only moving at 5 mph.


  • 长期以来,这种密度上的相似性促使人们猜测月球是从快速旋转地球上分裂出来的,这种想法创始次观测

    This similarity in density has long prompted speculation that the Moon split away from a rapidly rotating Earth, but this idea founders on two observations.


  • 德里安的作品看似简单眼球追踪研究证实它们经过精心创作的,而且简单旋转作品,就会从根本上改变我们看待方式

    Mondrian's works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed, and that simply rotating a piece radically changes the way we view it.


  • 辛普森戈弗雷以及他们朋友同意每个迪斯尼乐园将一次又一次地参与太空旋转茶杯的游乐项目,绝不重复

    Simpson, Godfrey and their friends agree that doing Space Mountain and spinning teacups over and over again at every Disney park is anything but repetitive.


  • 以后,单翼旋转飞行器发明没有一个设计使用了自旋或是基于翅果

    Since then, several other single-winged rotating aircraft have been developed, but none of these designs has used autorotation or been based on the samara.


  • 大多数气体流动增加正在形成恒星质量这些气体一直旋转

    Most of that gas flows inward and adds to the mass of the forming star, but the gas is rotating. The centrifugal force from that prevents some of the gas from reaching the forming star.


  • 男性心理旋转”,“空间感空间形象化更具优势

    But in "mental rotation," spatial perception, "and" spatial visualization "the advantage goes to men."


  • 铬合金制造架上旋转尽管看起来商务气息十足,倾斜椅背适合睡前小憩,而不是伏案工作

    It will swivel on its chrome foot, but although it has a business-like air its reclining Angle makes it better suited for a nightcap than working at a desk.


  • 虽然我们太阳系只有恒星其实大部分我们太阳相似的恒星不是单个的而是两个恒星相互旋转组成的双星系统,或者甚至包含更多恒星的星系统。

    Although our solar system only has one star, most stars like our sun are not solitary, but are binaries where two stars orbit each other a pair, or multiples involving even more stars.


  • 那天波音737旋转翻滚、几次跳水幸运脱离,随后飞机引擎失灵最终成功滑翔主要机场

    That day Boeing 737 got into a spin, made a barrel-roll, did some dives and happily got out, then experienced both engines fail, but succesfully glided down to the major airport.


  • 斯皮策太空望远镜沿着轨道旋转时,收集来自广阔太空各种光线,这些光线对于肉眼来说不可见红外设备可以观测到,观测结果形成数据传回地球

    Spitzer's infrared instruments return reams of data to Earth as the orbiting observatory gathers light from far reaches of the universe, light that is invisible to the naked eye.


  • 巨大旋转雕像也许首都阿什巴得,中的几个月份名称在2008年已经原始名称。

    The huge rotating gold statue of Niyazov may continue to tower over Ashgabat, the capital, but the months of the year were returned to their original names last spring.


  • 有些能够看到两个方向旋转大多数看到她向一个方向旋转

    Some people are able to see her spinning in both directions, but most of them see her rotating only in one.


  • 给出这个旋转速率一个因子2没关系,给出旋转旋转轴的方向

    Concretely, this curl gives you the angular velocity of the rotation, well, with a factor two but that doesn't matter, and the axis of rotation, the direction of the axis of rotation.


  • 即使到了那个时候,亚美尼亚没得选择,还是使Metsamor核电站涡轮机继续旋转

    But until then, Armenia has little choice but to keep Metsamor's turbines turning.


  • 广告中称汉堡配料普通汉堡没什么区别,其中所夹的调味品旋转了180放置。

    According to the advertisement, the new burger included the same ingredients as the original, but the condiments were rotated 180 degrees.


  • 如果放置之前,已经某一方向旋转了,它仍然保持相同方式旋转

    While, if you put it in there spinning already in some direction, it should continue to spin in the same way.


  • 跨过宽度回到船上那些直升飞机围着旋转,把他一个地方并且抓住了他。

    He tried to cross the width of the river back to the boat, But the helicopters whirled around, wedged him in place and took him.


  • 建造厂址一个混乱状态北海博尔库姆风机正在旋转并不

    But the construction sites are in a state of chaos: Wind turbines off the North Sea island of Borkum are currently rotating without being connected to the grid.


  • 马盖先提供了旋转挂钩替代购买这根转换肩带应该开始就只适合龟甲包一起使用的。

    Maxpedition offers alternate shoulder straps with snap hooks for purchase which offers more options, but the alternate shoulder strap should just be the one that comes with the Testudo to begin with.


  • 躯干旋转角度增加脊肌肌电幅度升高的趋势,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    The EMG average amplitude was increased with the increase of the trunk rotation angle without significant difference (P>0.05).


  • 无刷直流永磁电机电源直流电,内部绕组中的电流仍是交流电,其旋转部分犹如同步电机磁极转子,其结构及电磁原理与同步电机相似

    With the power being DC, the current of inner winding of the magneto is AC, and the rotating part is just similar to the magnetic rotor of synchronous dynamo.


  • 无刷直流永磁电机电源直流电,内部绕组中的电流仍是交流电,其旋转部分犹如同步电机磁极转子,其结构及电磁原理与同步电机相似

    With the power being DC, the current of inner winding of the magneto is AC, and the rotating part is just similar to the magnetic rotor of synchronous dynamo.


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