• 在这里告诉你们的是,与其专注做的事,认为应该专注爱上做的事。

    But I'm here to tell you that instead of focusing on doing what we love, I think we should focus on loving what we do.


  • 比利时永远在这里长大所以始终有点分量吧?

    Belgium will always be my home, but I've grown up here, so surely that 28 counts for something?


  • 第一任何东西无法解释这里没有看到2003年伊拉克天空明灯

    This is the first time I've ever seen anything that I couldn't explain around here although I did see unexplained lights in the sky in Iraq in 2003.


  • 说实话加盟尤文听说这些事情在这里已经有一的时间了,没有遇到什么问题

    "In truth, before I signed for an Italian club I heard about these things, but I have been here for a year and a half without ever having problems, " assured Sissoko.


  • 是的已经30了,必须开始考虑职业生涯最后阶段了,在这里的表现不错,也没有想改变的意思

    'It's true that I'm 30 years old and have to start thinking about the last phase of my career, but I am doing really well here and have no intention of changing.


  • 当然每个特定领域自己专业技能在这里所关注的技能领域的,那些任何人任何岗位可以学习的。

    Of course, there are skills specific to each field as well - but my concern here is with the skills that translate across disciplines, the ones that can be learned by anyone in any position.


  • 成千上万的作品展出可能想知道如何开始参观在这里提供帮助。

    With thousands of works on show, you may wonder how to start your visit, but we are here to help.


  • 在这里学到了第一:虽然不擅长语言,但我仍然可以聪明粘土很好地表达自己

    Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay.


  • 切都很艰难,但我在这里从不自怨自艾。

    Everything was so difficult, but we never feel sorry for ourselves here.


  • 相信会过得更好,因为那些在这里逝去的人们生命得到挽救的人们都会让相信:或许不能消除掉这世上所有邪恶完全可以决定用什么方式去对待另一个人。

    Those who died here, those who saved life here-they help me believe. We may not be able to stop all evil in the world, but I know that how we treat one another is entirely up to us.


  • 通常都是社区服务工作纪念借今天机会感谢哥伦比亚特区给了一个住处这里住了

    Usually I marked the day by doing some community service work, but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the District of Columbia for being my home for eight years.


  • 还有一个组合可能会大家前仰后翻,还是不要在这里重复了。

    There was one combination that came out that had us rolling in laughter, but I can't repeat it here.


  • 不能合约什么知道在这里时候好好开发她的角色。

    I can't speak on what her contract is but I know she's here now so, definitely we're going to exploit that.


  • 还有不计其数的其它事情可以在这里谈论采访已经长了

    There are a million other things that we could talk about here, but our interview has gotten pretty long.


  • 可以这里省略很多细节可怜母亲,却无情地被勒死了!

    I may spare myself the details; it was my poor mother, dead of strangulation by human hands!


  • 当然在这里可以增加任何需要细节或者多媒体尽量保持例子简单性

    Obviously, you can add whatever detail and multimedia you want here, but I've tried to keep it simple for this example.


  • 石油位管理人员知道在这里工作不易们会从中学习,将所学用于伊拉克一个项目中。

    'we know it's not easy to work here but we are all learning and we can use that in our next project in Iraq,' said a CNPC official.


  • 这里大多数时候室友从未协调各自的时间表从而一起做饭

    While I've had roommates for most of the time that I've lived here, we have never made the effort to coordinate our schedules so that we could cook together.


  • 虽然尽力在这里分享所有组件但我没有同一时间运行它们

    While I've tried and enjoyed all of the add-ons here, I don't run them all at the same time.


  • 可以计划一下如果死了不足为奇不能这里等待死亡降临

    I could aim for something. If I died, well, that wasn't so surprising, but I wouldn't have just waited for it to happen.


  • 现年29岁贝克汉姆4日接受《马卡报》记者采访时表示:“足球领域永远也无法预测将要发生的事情,依然认为作为运动员可以更多的奉献,并愿意继续世界最棒俱乐部之一——皇家马德里俱乐部效力。 希望能这里多呆几年,只要皇马还要。”

    In football you can never tell what's going to happen, but I still think that I've got a lot to give as a player and I would like to continue at one of the best clubs in the world - Real Madrid.


  • 正如2005年,拭目以待持怀疑态度正式在这里直到证明是错误的。

    As we said in 2005, let's wait and see, but I will be officially skeptical until proven wrong here.


  • 之前的”图片在这里怀疑所有这个宏伟的生活空间

    We've got no "before" pics here, but I doubt it compared at all to this magnificent living space.


  • 希望机会在这里奉献或许不是顶尖,创造奇迹

    Want to give me a chance, let me dedicate here, I may not be the best, but I will create a miracle.


  • 希望机会在这里奉献或许不是顶尖,创造奇迹

    Want to give me a chance, let me dedicate here, I may not be the best, but I will create a miracle.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定