• 运的是,病人没有受伤但我们看到了提供帮助的机会。

    Luckily, the patient was uninjured, but we saw a chance to help.


  • 其实,即使减少阅读都会让觉得受伤害,很多本不该进行的不集中规范的阅读,希望也是

    To even talk about cutting into reading pains me, but I do a lot more unfocused, undisciplined reading than I really should, and I'm betting you do too.


  • 尝试一些方法时,妻子希望使用其他的方式,们现在还没有遇到过受伤的事情。

    My wife does sometimes have to look the other way when we try something new, but we have no serious injuries to report so far.


  • 停在门外走廊里没有钥匙无法受伤送往医院,可能也没有

    My car that was under the porch sits outside the gate but I have no keys to take the injured to hospital. And no road I suppose.


  • 虽然受伤内心中找到了前进动力保持最真实的自

    Although the words hurt, I find strength from within to push forward, to stay who I am.


  • 生活生活受伤失望,一直非常关心曾经抛弃了仍然选择一如既往坚持因为从来没有真的感到很绝望

    Life in the life of the people, be hurt, will be disappointed, I have been very care about, I ever also abandoned, but I still choose as always insist, because I never really desperate.


  • 有时候受伤了,们无法告诉父母其他人却可以告诉们的朋友

    When we get hurt, sometimes we can't tell our parents or other people, but we can tell our friends.


  • 奥运会应该可以小孩一起看的东西看到抗议地震死人受伤的小孩。

    The Olympics is something you should be able to watch with your children, even your small ones, but all I have seen so far have been protests, earthquakes, dead bodies, hurt children.


  • 坦白地说,的确感到有些受伤害。想你现在一定处于人生中的困难时期

    To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.


  • 知道寂寞知道心中声息隐痛却又不知该如何安慰这位受伤累累的男人

    I knew he was lonely for a long time, I know none of that happened in his mind the pain, but I do not know yet how to comfort the injured countless men.


  • 梅威瑟并不是最喜欢拳手之一担心:肋部软骨是否严重受伤因为时间才能康复啊。

    Mayweather's not one of my favorite folks in the sport but I feel for him if he's got a bad cartilage injury, because they take a long time to heal.


  • 知道吗?拥抱受伤还是不想放弃你。

    Do you know you are the light? I embrace I will hurt, but I still don't want to give up you.


  • 教练打扫厕所侮辱自尊伤心受伤了。

    The highest trainer sent me to clean the toilet, although, it didn't means insulting to my dignity, but I was really sad about myself and my heart was hurt.


  • 最近因为受伤休息星期,可能失去一些东西,最后重新参加训练,挥洒汗水投入所有时间,正是这些努力让撑过了这38分钟

    You obviously lose a little bit but when I got the work the last four days and broke a sweat and put the time in, that helped me get through these 38 minutes.


  • 伤心了受伤了,生气了愤怒了失望了知道吗?会面微笑,继续生活。伤会还要生存。

    I'm sad, hurt, angry, mad, disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a smile and move on. It will hurt but I will survive.


  • 现在长大了,也不再击鼓了(手腕韧带受伤说来话长)。但我依然好多音乐

    Now I'm a lot older and don't play the drums anymore (wrist injurylong story) I still listen to a lot of music.


  • 人们没有好吧,那就没有,确实急救护理制度突然受伤可以送往医院并且得到救护

    People say we don't--well, we don't, but we do have an emergency care system so that anybody who is suddenly stricken will be taken to a hospital and taken care of.


  • 儿子受伤以来第一感到希望

    But I also felt the first hope I had felt since learning that my son was hurt.


  • 有时受伤容易回来他们来说有点困难相信不错利物浦

    Sometimes when you are injured it's not easy to come back and it was a little bit difficult for them but I am sure he will be very good for Liverpool.


  • 受伤应该休息恢复,仍然健康时一样拼命工作

    When I was injured, I should have been resting and getting better, but I was working just as hard as I would have if I had been fine.


  • 受伤危险总是会有的,这么不是为了竞赛为了娱乐

    There's always a danger of getting hurt, but we don't do these sports competitively. It's just for fun.


  • 事实上,的心混乱。告诉幸福在哪?累了依然感谢上天能够认识因为他,所以即使受伤也无所谓

    Who can tell me where is the happiness?I am so tired, but I am still grateful to know him. Because of loving him, even if I sustain an injury so never mind.


  • 激烈讨论正常的,希望看到任何人受伤因为为了了解真相

    Heated discussions are normal, but we like to see nobody hurt as we come to the truth.


  • 花了5时间恢复受伤之后还担任过替补现在已经好了得也不错

    It was a five-week rehabilitation programme and I was on the bench for the next game after the injury. But I've come on nicely with it and am playing well now.


  • 花了5时间恢复受伤之后还担任过替补现在已经好了得也不错

    It was a five-week rehabilitation programme and I was on the bench for the next game after the injury. But I've come on nicely with it and am playing well now.


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