• 蠼螋夫妇试图胡子时却离开寻找牛粪了。

    But when the young earwigs tried to pull his mustache, he left the place searching for a manure pile.


  • 这些在现在看来非常普通的,当年里根却对手辱骂极端激进分子。

    Sounds pretty conventional now, but when Reagan was elected, he was vilified by his opponents as being some radical extremist.


  • 无疑全球经济仍面临巨大的压力﹐存在难以预测的结果当年萧条不会重演。

    There's no doubt the global economy is under tremendous stress with still-indiscernible consequences, but the Great Depression this is not.


  • 雄性很多亲密同胞花费大多数时间捍卫领地、寻找伴侣时,雌性动物们却独自安排她们的时间。

    But whereas young males spend the bulk of their time with a couple close compatriots, defending territory and chasing mates, females spend a lot of time on their own.


  • 虽然刚开始研究者了解任何让他们感兴趣具体基因但当年数据搜集令科学家可以在几十年后评估相关的遗传风险

    Even though specific genes of interest weren't known when these studies began, data were available that allowed scientists to evaluate genetic risk decades later.


  • 当然即便当年,搭车也存在安全隐患总体来说,那个年代相对较为安全和简单,一些隐患也比较好控制。

    There were safety concerns, of course, even then; but by and large it was a safer, simpler time, and such concerns seemed more manageable in those days.


  • 当年负责《大金刚另外的一个项目时,尽管我俩负责的不同工作内容这使得我机会近距离的接触他并获得指导

    I was able to take his advice when I was working on Donkey Kong and, with other projects, I was able to have the opportunity to stay close to him, even though we were working on different things.


  • 这本选举策略失误,变装形象依然成了替罪羊:朱利安尼后来再上“周六现场时说当年最大错误就是主持这个节目的时候穿裙子。”

    But it was still the drag outfit that was blamed: Giuilani later reappeared on Saturday Night Live saying "one of my key mistakes, years ago, was when I hosted this show, I wore a dress."


  • 尽管当年推出我们曾拜倒那流线型的车顶线条有肌肉感的挡板设计之下,沃尔沃s60汽车市场已经闯荡了10

    It's been around 10 years for Volvo S60 in the market and although we liked the car at first when it debuted with its sweeping roof line and muscular fenders.


  • 截止期今年十月份,虽然这距离当年国会责成保护进行类似筛选实验已经有15了,有可能还会延期

    The deadline is this October - 15 years after Congress granted the agency the authority to screen for such effects - but an extension is likely.


  • 正如当年美国乒乓球运动员指出的,作为人类我们有着许多共同之处某些方面而言,我们却各有千秋。

    For just as that American table tennis player pointed outwe share much in common as human beings, but our countries are different in certain ways.


  • 当年剧院根基保留下来了,围墙已经消失了。

    While the foundations of the Theater (as it was known) remained, the walls themselves did not.


  • 慈善组织仍在使用当年如出一辙的感人照片呼吁捐款。

    But charities are using the same emotive photos they used then to pitch for money.


  • 当年19岁威廉凯特已经相识,据称凯特当时正与大学时代一任男友鲁伯特·芬奇交往

    Kate was friends with William, then 19, but is thought to have been dating her first university boyfriend Rupert Finch at the time.


  • 真正个人主义,接着说当年做出的放弃工学学位决定,1990年代早期这样个学位仍然可以确保份工作只有做出这个决定,他才可以学习演奏吉他继续组建P. K . 14乐队。

    True individualism, he adds, was his decision to quit the engineering degree that back in the early 1990s that still guaranteed him a job, so he could learn to play guitar and go on to form P.K.14.


  • 很多执行过当年任务“老人”都被聚集起来接受了采访节目的结尾是以克朗兹出镜回忆结束

    Many of the veterans were rounded up and interviewed, but it was Kranz whose on-camera reminiscences ended the show.


  • 末了苹果已经赢得了增长力量影响一如当年微软

    But in the final analysis, Apple has earned its growing power and influence, just like Microsoft did.


  • 美国一个轻的人口中心尤其是郊区很大程度上城市的设计为了方便

    But America's much younger population centers, especially suburbs, were largely designed to be navigated by car.


  • 龄较的人贷款买房时候,避免了通货膨胀现象严重,此后通货膨胀的速度会放缓

    It helped that inflation was galloping when the older group was borrowing to buy homes, but slowed thereafter.


  • 好汉当年,提起好像还活过去一样

    But I'm no longer as eager to put the past behind me as I was in the past.


  • 查理尔可以这些骸骨中找到一些故事,像他们是否遭受过疾病事故伤口是否愈合,他们什么,是否接受过外科手术。这里,查理尔可以知道当年他们的生活是怎么样的。

    But Charlier picks story fragments from their bones: the diseases and accidents they suffered, the wounds that healed or did not, the food they ate, their surgical practices.


  • 母亲已经迈,因此汗的叔父(或者说是父亲)舞女交往密切,汗为了确保母亲的荣誉,将该舞女杀了。

    But Mr Khan's mother is rather long-in-the-tooth, so Mr Khan's uncle (or father) takes up with a dancing-girl, whom, to satisfy his mother's honour, Mr Khan kills.


  • 网络衰亡会带来某种新生,带来活力脚踏实地。 而这些当年MBAs和那些疯狂商业计划以及IPOs的年代正好被压制了。

    But the death of the Web brought a new kind of life, a vitality and surefootedness suppressed during the years of MBAs and crazy business plans and IPOs.


  • 虽然他打球及不错当时球队人才济济,可怜的奥巴马当年夏威夷州的决赛上仅有2入账

    Though a good ballplayer, the team was loaded with talent, and Obama contributed only two points in the state championship game.


  • 半个世纪过去了美国地理学家AltonByers重返当年拍照地点,“复制”mullerSchneider拍摄40幅全景照片然后将新老照片放在一起进行比较。

    But half a century later, American mountain geographer Alton Byers returned to the precise locations of the original pictures and replicated 40 panoramas taken by explorers muller and Schneider.


  • 有些认为iPhone上升势头与当年iPod无异其实一种误导因为苹果进入便携式MP 3播放器市场时,这个市场还是一片混乱远未成熟

    Some people liken its ascent to that of the iPod, but that's misleading because the market for portable MP3 players was chaotic and immature when Apple entered it.


  • 当年Ebay买下网络电话公司Skype为了提升购物网站买家卖家之间沟通这一招并不高明,并使得Ebay2007年遭受了帐面价值的重创。

    EBay bought Skype, an internet-telephony firm, to improve communication between buyers and sellers on its websites. The match was a poor fit, causing eBay to record a massive write-down in 2007.


  • 尽管现在消费者已经能够打听得到价格折扣方面的信息70年代那会儿是可能的,还是极少买车人能像当年齐格勒那样清楚经销内幕。

    Although consumers now have access to pricing and rebate data that no buyer had in the 1970s, few car shoppers have Ziglar's knowledge of the selling process.


  • 当然很多当年同样想法所知Viaweb第一款基于web应用

    A lot of people could have been having this idea at the same time, of course, but as far as I know, Viaweb was the first Web-based application.


  • 当然很多当年同样想法所知Viaweb第一款基于web应用

    A lot of people could have been having this idea at the same time, of course, but as far as I know, Viaweb was the first Web-based application.


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