• 母亲买个完美礼物确实需要一些考虑只是确实母亲知道多么感谢她。

    Buying the perfect gift does involve some thought, but it is precisely this thought that will make her realize just how much you love and appreciate her.


  • 这位肖申克救赎戴茜小姐开车》中的巨星曾经改编Mandela自传片《LongWalkToFreedom》,此书过于宏大

    The star of the Shawshank Redemption and Driving Miss Daisy wanted to adapt Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, but the book was too big.


  • 需要你们完成一些表格“,“首先实验准备让你们跑步机上分钟

    I'm going to ask you to fill out some forms" "but first, to get ready for this experiment, " I'd like you to get on this treadmill and run for ten minutes."


  • 这里些小修补程序我们添加权利提高进一步游戏

    But here are some small fixes we wanted to add right away that will improve the game play further for you.


  • 吝啬是个没有描述“吝啬的”,经济是个好词,表示某人从不乱花钱

    Mean is not a good word, no one wants to be described as "mean", but economical is a good word, it means someone never spend money on something useless and can save money.


  • 可能人类发现如何取火自己所用时,人类才大大地克服恐惧心理,毫无疑问,人类在他们无论何时何地取火取火之前懂得了某些用途

    Probably he overcame most of his fear when he discovered how to make fire for himself, but undoubtedly, he learned some of the USES of fire before he could make one when and where he wished.


  • 有些视频中包含一些人们分享的正面信息还有的视频温情搞笑所有这些视频都暗中某个品牌代言

    Some videos have an apparently good message that people want to share and others are heart-warming or funny, but all are covert brand endorsements.


  • 结果调查地区贫困农民参加新型农村合作医疗原因参加不起费用的贫困家庭所占比例最高41.5%;

    Results Among the reasons not attending NCMS in pilot county, that poverty peasants wanted to attend but could not afford NCMS account was a highest proportion(41.5%).


  • 莱里娅公开自己的故事,并不是让大家同情可怜她,她让自己的消瘦身材其他追求火柴棍般纤细身材姑娘们敲响警钟。

    But rather than feel sorry for herself, Valeria Levitin says her emaciated figure should be a severe wake-up call for girls wanting matchstick-thin figures.


  • 垃圾动力的灯柱似乎一个奇怪的如果城乡垃圾和能源需求比例-事情开始变得有意义了,有点儿

    A lamppost powered by trash seems like a strange idea but if you think about the ratio between city trash and energy needs - things start to make sense, kinda.


  • 不管我们多么保持事物的本来面目,事情总是在不断变化仍然可以每天孩子张照片,每天他们成长

    Things are always changing. No matter how much we might want things to stay the same. You could take a picture of your kids every single day, and every single day, they'd just be getting older.


  • 不管我们多么保持事物的本来面目,事情总是在不断变化仍然可以每天孩子张照片,每天他们成长

    Things are always changing. No matter how much we might want things to stay the same. You could take a picture of your kids every single day, and every single day, they'd just be getting older.


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