• 六角形晶体的形式落下落到地面,雪很快就变成更小更圆颗粒

    Snow falls as hexagonal crystals, but once on the ground, snow is soon transformed into a compacted mass of smaller, rounded grains.


  • 那时法塔赫散沙,他们甚至不能候选人的提名。

    But Fatah was by then in such a mess that it could not even unify its lists of candidates.


  • 意大利公共财政可能确实一团私营部门相对强劲——投资者们可能忽略了这

    Italy's public finances might be a mess, but its private sector is relatively strongsomething investors may be overlooking.


  • 更为紧迫国会早已变得一团;可那些声名斐然的学者不会提及这个潜藏事实的。

    But the more pressing issue - and the hidden one that most big-time pundits don't write about - is how messed up Congress has become.


  • 虽然出版商经常会干涉,导致这份报纸一团编辑部中的每个想尽力做出有价值东西来。

    The paper was a mess because the publisher couldn’t stop interfering with it, but all of us on the editorial staff were doing our best to make something of it.


  • 虽然出版商经常会干涉,导致这份报纸一团编辑部中的每个想尽力做出有价值东西来。

    The paper was a mess because the publisher couldn't stop interfering with it, but all of us on the editorial staff were doing our best to make something of it.


  • 经常周围一团糟却放纵不管——“我现在,懒得整理堆文件”——这样混乱往往会让感觉糟糕更焦虑

    I often let myself off the hook by being very messy - "I'm too agitated to deal with putting these papers away now" - but then the disorder just makes me feel more overwhelmed and anxious.


  • 焦灼独自深夜林中恐怖心情绞成一团已困惫不堪还没有走出林子

    This anguish was mingled with her terror at being alone in the woods at night; she was worn out with fatigue, and had not yet emerged from the forest.


  • 令下达看起来很整洁到工作时就一团糟,模棱两可买卖充满道德上进退维谷

    It looks neat in the briefing rooms but in practice is a messy, ambiguous business fraught with moral dilemmas.


  • 如果小心棉绒,你发现实际上多种颜色线头组成。你把回去之后,看见的又是灰色

    If you pull apart a piece of lint carefully you will see that it is indeed composed of multiple colored threads; but as soon as you back away from it, the gray sensation returns.


  • 政客愿意经济建议严肃对待看到他英国国内经济弄得一团稀糟没几个人相信了

    The willingness of other global leaders to take Mr Brown’s economic advice seriously will also be reduced when they contemplate the mess that he made of the British domestic economy.


  • 议会构成可能一团,官员们受到的核查不足美国国会大多数欧洲国家体制相比,坐落于伦敦西寺宫的议会是相对廉洁的。

    The constitution might be a mess, the executive insufficiently checked, but compared with America's Congress and most of the European systems, Westminster seemed relatively clean.


  • 它们原油海岸之外代价却是一团原油海床上。

    They keep the oil away from shore - but the cost is paid in clogged wads of crude that sink to the sea floor.


  • 2011年,世界一团大众怒不可遏,谁的银行大亨们,不错,更是全球富豪们错。

    In 2011 the masses will be furious at the mess the world is in, and will blame not only big bankers but the global elite in general.


  • 可能短期内节约培训成本,如果此以往,您变得一团糟。

    You might get away with skimping on training in the short term, but you will get burned if you do so for too long.


  • 狐狸却设法将,用最大力气狮子牢牢地一团,狮子没法挣脱束缚了。

    But the fox tied the lion's legs together with the horse's tail, and twisted and fastened everything so well and so strongly that no amount of strength could pull it loose.


  • 如果运作得当(提示:提出正确问题确实大有裨益),问计于民不失为可行之道。实际上,很多公司得到创意往往乱麻,根本不切实际,会搅乱现有的体系

    Asking for ideas is fine if done correctly (hint: it helps to ask the right questions), but too often what companies get is a welter of impractical Suggestions that just clutter up the system.


  • 事实是如果Web站点乱作CSS和HTML没有分开,到处换行符—那么不管如何修复努力工作改变

    But here's the thing: If the Web site is a mess-css isn't kept separate from HTML, line breaks are everywhere-then all of your hard work is going to get changed up anyway.


  • 阿桑吉的文件管理看起来一团糟,[font=Calibri]Leight[font=宋体]的失误看起来严重:既然电子文件很容易被复制,那么保管好密码秘密文件本身重要

    Mr Assange’s file management lookssloppy, but Mr Leigh’s blunder seems bigger: since digital data is easilycopied, safeguarding passwords is more important than secreting files.


  • 视频最后总结说,“尽管橡胶聚合物能被分解,身体完全可以一团口香糖清除出消化系统,‘’,只要两天时间。”

    The video concludes 'even though you don't break down the rubber polymers, your body has no problem moving that lump of gum through your digestive system and out the other end within a day or two.


  • 本应早睡以防训练中表现得一团事实上我还是忍不住继续陪伴游戏机

    I should sleep so that I wouldn't be totally wrecked during training, but I just continued playing videogames.


  • 谈到孩子,自我感觉良好只把事情搞得一团

    But when it comes to kids and money, a certain amount of comfort can muddle everything up.


  • 政客愿意经济建议严肃对待看到他英国国内经济弄得一团稀糟没几个人相信了

    The willingness of other global leaders to take Mr Brown's economic advice seriously will also be reduced when they contemplate the mess that he made of the British domestic economy.


  • 是的。他们直到我的——屋子还是一团

    That's right. I shouted at them until I was blue in the facebut the house is still a mess.


  • 是的。他们直到我的——屋子还是一团

    That's right. I shouted at them until I was blue in the facebut the house is still a mess.


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