• 本次实证研究在于比较词汇伴随学习有意学习词汇记忆影响

    This empirical study has investigated the effects of the incidental learning and intentional learning on vocabulary retention.


  • 词义的伴随学习幼儿原有的词汇水平幼儿目标熟悉程度影响;

    Grapheme-meaning incidental learning was not affected by preschoolers'primary vocabulary level and familiarity of target words;


  • 最初几年里,学生们学会学习”,学会推理技能,这种技能伴随他们一生

    For the first few years, students would 'learn to learn' and get endowed with reasoning skills that remain with them for the rest of their lives.


  • 那么通往幸运之路,伴随积极态度努力地工作、入微的观察时刻准备采取行动愿意每次挫折视为学习机会,再加上通向成功一步

    There is a way to be lucky. It involves a positive attitude, hard work, observation, preparedness, action and a willingness to see every setback as a learning opportunity and a step towards success.


  • 但是重要的学习曲线伴随的是不断增长能力所以您需要时间去实现一切。

    But significant learning curves come with such increased power, so allow time for this.


  • 教育家们认为伴随电视机长大一代人,在电视机前时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。

    Educators think that the generation growing up with TV spend so much time watching TV that they don't have enough time to study.


  • 伴随社会进入信息时代多媒体网络标志的信息技术研究性学习提供了必要的实现手段

    With the coming of information age, information technologies signed as multimedia and network have offered the essential realization means for the learning by inquiry.


  • 明年下半年来自雷姆利亚的你们远古兄弟姐妹地心世界加入到你们并且伴随其他拜访者们,你们将有许多要去学习的。

    In the latter part of next year, the Lemurians who are your ancient Brothers and Sisters will join you from the Inner Earth, and along with other visitors you will have much to learn.


  • 无论是第一语言还是第二语言,人们学习词语途径主要两种:专门的词语教学阅读中的伴随性习得

    In both first and second language learning, learners mainly acquire vocabulary in two ways: explicit vocabulary learning and incidental learning through reading.


  • 教育家们认为伴随电视长大一代人电视机时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。

    Educators think that the generation grew up with the TV set who spend so much time in front of the TV set that they have no enough time to study.


  • 合一大学课程中,参加者接受一系列教导伴随个人过程学习一些强大古老祈祷静心方式

    In our Courses, participants receive a series of teachings, are taken through personal processes, and learn powerful and ancient forms of prayer and meditation.


  • 协同模式识别学习可以归结为求原型向量伴随向量。

    Learning in synergetic pattern recognition is a process by which prototype vectors and adjoint vectors are calculated.


  • 教育家认为伴随电视长大一代人电视机前时间太多以致没有足够的时间学习了。

    Educational experts believe that this generation which grew up in front of the television spends too much time in front of the TV and so there's not enough time left for them to study.


  • 目的文化不是英语学习目的而是英语学习过程伴随始终重要因素

    Target language culture is not necessarily the goal of language learning, but the indispensable factor in the course of English learning.


  • 自小学习经营,其一部分美好记忆伴随其父游历各国寻找商店产品

    He learned the business from an early age. Some of his best memories are traveling to other countries with his father to find new products for the store.


  • 住院医生培训项目他们课程中应该包括更多有效的生物统计学培训知识,以期成功地他们提供这项重要伴随医生学习技能

    Residency programs should include more effective biostatistics training in their curricula to successfully prepare residents for this important lifelong learning skill.


  • 教育家们认为伴随电视机长大一代人电视机时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。

    Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.


  • 伴随暗无天日的学习生活不同比赛社团活动接踵而来,但这些历练也我们结成挚友成为一个团结一心小团体

    Within the terrible life of study, there were different competition, different clubs, difference activities, which made us become friends with each other and become a united society.


  • 情感信息伴随语言等信息进入学习正在形成业已形成认知结构中,通过整合或阻滞信息认知结构中的融合达到对第二语言认知的影响。

    Affect information, together with language information, goes into the learner's ongoing or established cognitive structure, integrating or retarding the fusion of new and old language information.


  • 学习一种语言乐趣没有体会到,英语水平很难提高痛苦烦恼倒是一直伴随

    They haven't enjoyed the pleasure of learning a foreign language but have suffered a lot for being stagnant in their English learning.


  • 教育家们认为伴随电视机长大一代人电视机前时间太多一直没有足够的时间学习了。

    The educators think that the generations grown up in company with TV have taken too much time to watch TV and always had enough time to learn scientific knowledge.


  • 通过学习英语书法体会到了只有付出才有收获的道理,希望这种精神一直伴随

    Only through English learning and calligraphy did I realize that no pains, no gains. Perseverance leads to success. I hope all these spirits may accompany me to a fruitful life.


  • 那个傍海而立中学校园我们一起学习吃饭嬉闹、玩耍。身影伴随欢乐笑声

    We always study, dining and frolic together at the secondary school campuses beside the seashore. My laughter and joy will always be filled with your shadow


  • 教育家认为伴随电视机长大一代人电视机前时间长,以致没有足够的时间学习

    The educators think that the generation grows up with television has spend too much time on TV-shows that they_ (barely) _have the time to study.


  • 合作过程一个相互学习的过程,火花不断,也伴随规划理解思考视角切换系列问题深入探讨。

    The process of cooperation is a mutual learning process with sparks, accompanied by the understanding of the planning, the issue of switching angles about thinking and other issues in depth.


  • 就像新的编程语言模型伴随更多痛苦开发人员需要学习新的技巧如何最好利用这些技术

    As new programming languages or models associated with more pain, developers need to learn new skills and how to best use these new technologies.


  • 教育家认为伴随电视长大一代人在电视机前发的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习

    The educator think the generation who grow up with TV spend too much time watching TV to do their study.


  • 教育家认为伴随电视长大一代人在电视机前发的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习

    The educator think the generation who grow up with TV spend too much time watching TV to do their study.


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