• 伯南克讲话没有缓解双方争议

    Bernanke's remarks do not lower the temperature of the debate.


  • 现在分析家提醒说,伯南克工作只是完成了一半

    Analysts now caution that Mr. Bernanke's job is only half complete.


  • 专业经济学伯南克行动拍手叫好,公众却不买账。

    Professional economists have applauded Mr Bernanke's actions, but the public has not.


  • 然而伯南克学术研究准确评估金融市场紊乱的风险所在。

    Nonetheless, Mr Bernanke’s academic research gave him an acute appreciation of the risks posed by dysfunctional financial markets.


  • 这个挫折虽然严重但并未持续很久,伯南克声望去年夏天以来稳步上升

    Though serious, that setback proved short-lived and the chairman's reputation has steadily risen since last summer.


  • 那么为什么伯南克美联储如今也跟10年前日本银行一样的那么被动呢?

    So why is the Bernanke Fed being just as passive now as the Bank of Japan was a decade ago?


  • 容易理解鉴于按照伯南克说法,问题不是债务太多而是现金太多。

    It is easy to see why, given that the problem, as outlined by Mr. Bernanke, was not having too much debt, but having too much cash.


  • 半年来,批评人士一直嚷嚷说,伯南克宽松政策引发大规模通货膨胀,导致美元贬值

    For six months critics have been screaming that Bernanke's loose policy would set off massive inflation and destroy the value of the dollar.


  • 伯南克传达的信息相当于,美联储打算采取任何行动直到上帝知道何时最佳。

    The message from Bernanke is pretty much that they're not going to do anything on tightening until God knows when.


  • 那么我们不妨问一问为何2011年伯南克采纳2000年伯南克的建议

    So we learn a lot by asking why Ben Bernanke 2011 isn't taking the advice of Ben Bernanke 2000.


  • 伯南克谎言传播与19世纪20年代处于超级通货膨胀中的魏玛德国发生的情况类似

    Bernanke's misinformation campaign is similar to what took place in Weimar Germany in the 1920s when they experienced hyperinflation.


  • 一方面伯南克收入低。美国传统之一就是选择那些具有使命感的人担任公职

    On the one hand, Mr Bernanke is relatively poorly paid - part of a US tradition of selecting people with a vocation for public service.


  • 伯南克数据揭露真相,因为揭示了中国使美国经济保持运转多大利害关系

    But Bernanke's figure is far more revealing, in that it sheds light on the true size of China's stake in keeping the u.


  • 按照市场表现角度看,联储格林斯潘伯南克转型要比沃尔克转型到格林斯潘平稳。

    The transition from the Greenspan Fed to the Bernanke Fed will probably be smoother in terms of market behavior than the Volcker-Greenspan transition period was.


  • 欧盟零售销售德国工厂订单美国经济乐观数字消费信贷美联储伯南克讲话发布重要新闻

    Important news releases would be EU retail sales, Germany Factory Orders, US economic optimism figures, consumer credit and Fed's Bernanke's speech.


  • 这次震荡伯南克讲话稳定市场显示赢得信任——尽管是以一种更为“凝聚共识”的风格

    Mr Bernanke's words steadied markets during that turmoil, suggesting he has won credibility - albeit with a more consensual style.


  • 掩盖了伯南克功绩——上次会议上,他争取所有与会成员一项具争议政策一致表示支持

    This obscures Mr Bernanke's feat at the last meeting in mustering unanimous support for a highly controversial policy.


  • 现在市场伯南克先生信任仍然存在担忧,华尔街适应艾伦格林斯潘伯南克的转变过程中。

    Then there are worries about Mr Bernanke's credibility. Wall Street is still getting used to the shift from Alan Greenspan.


  • 如果明白美联储劫中产阶级富公司动力火车头,你就会完全理解美联储伯南克一连串行动了。

    When you realize that the Fed is the major engine that enriches the corporatocracy at the expense of Main Street, you can fully understand the ongoing actions of the Fed and certainly of Bernanke.


  • 投资者们听信伯南克引导认为美联储不会过多采取货币紧缩政策,从而导致股价上涨,债券利息下降,美元贬值。

    Share prices rose and bond yields and the dollar fell as investors listened to Mr. Bernanke and decided the Fed might not tighten policy much more after all.


  • 伯南克讲话并不意味着一定采取快速专门措施有力的表明,联邦官员们准备采取进一步刺激手段

    Mr. Bernanke's speech was not quite a promised to take any particular immediate action, but it was a strong suggestion that the FED is ready to try further stimulus.


  • 伯南克定量宽松现在基本上消除了通缩的可能性。美国人需要考虑大范围通货膨胀的风险甚至是超级通货膨胀。

    Bernanke's quantitative easing has now made deflation absolutely impossible and Americans need to be concerned about the risk of massive inflation and perhaps hyperinflation.


  • 因此伯南克再次任命就好比付钱给一个管道工,让修理那条冲坏了你家的破管道,而条管道当初就是他帮你安的。

    Reappointing Mr. Bernanke might thus appear akin to paying a plumber all over again for repairing pipes that he fitted after they have flooded your home.


  • 虽然伯南克讲话后,银行略有反弹,但相比银行业前景突然改善伯南克先生的讲话更多的只是宽慰了私人投资者。

    Although bank shares recovered slightly after Mr Bernanke's comments, that says more about shareholders' relief at the stay of execution than about a sudden improvement in the Banks' prospects.


  • 根据伯南克说法,通胀非常非常的”,而且主要关注点因为我们非常接近价格下降或者通缩认为通缩导致工资下降

    According to Bernanke, inflation is "very very low" and this is a major concern to him because we are very close to falling prices or deflation, which he says would lead to falling wages.


  • 伯克南理论明显一种格林斯潘对策”论调这个对策以伯南克前任格林斯潘先生的名字命名,意在阐述中央银行作为股票市场的保险人而存在。

    This is an overt version of theGreenspan put”—the idea, named after Mr Bernanke’s predecessor, that a central bank stands as an insurer of the equity market.


  • 伯克南理论明显一种格林斯潘对策”论调这个对策以伯南克前任格林斯潘先生的名字命名,意在阐述中央银行作为股票市场的保险人而存在。

    This is an overt version of theGreenspan put”—the idea, named after Mr Bernanke’s predecessor, that a central bank stands as an insurer of the equity market.


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