• 麻省大学伦敦泰晤士评为世界上最好75所大学之一。

    The University of Massachusetts has been named as one of the 75 best universities in the world by the London Times.


  • 虽然他们可能完全收费的,伦敦泰晤士报那样但是他们越来越多通道的,出版商内容收费的同时,允许休闲浏览者进入允许分享

    They can be watertight, like that at the London Times, but increasingly they are porous, letting publishers charge for access to content while also admitting casual visitors and allowing sharing.


  • 朱莉亚·勒维林,记者、小说家,目前居住伦敦出版过四部作品,并星期日电讯报》、《星期日泰晤士报》其他刊物撰稿。

    Julia Llewellyn lives in London and works as a journalist. She writes regularly for the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times and many other publications.


  • 这个方法,你同样可以免费蹭华尔街日报金融时报》。伦敦泰晤士报》用这个方法读了。

    It adds that the same method can be used to avoid paying for access to the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, but not the Times of London.


  • 那时很清闲我们伦敦一些日报(包括泰晤士》)上的字游戏。

    As nobody would give us any information, the staff spent its time solving and composing crosswords in the daily London newspapers, including the Times.


  • 凯特琳·摩伦伦敦泰晤士报》上发表文章指出:“(歌单上)没有黑人同性恋音乐家,没有流行音乐只有位女歌手的音乐,没有年纪在25岁以下的音乐流派,也没有甲克虫乐队的歌。”

    Writing in the London Times, Caitlin Moran noted: "no black artists, no gay artists, no world music, only one woman, no genre less than 25 years old, and no Beatles."


  • 同时·伊尔,伦敦泰晤士报》上写到电影包含含蓄的对美国反恐战争中的行为批评”。

    Meanwhile Ben Hoyle, writing in the Times of London, noted that the film "contains heavy implicit criticism of America's conduct in the War on Terror."


  • 伦敦的《星期日泰晤士报》表示他对此事感到十分厌恶震惊呼吁商店不要出售荣誉勋章》,以此支持军人他们的家庭

    He told London's Sunday Times that he was disgusted and angry and asked stores to show support for the military and military families by not selling "Medal of Honor."


  • 2009年11月项研究有35,000名人员参与调查最有影响商业思想家名列第15位,结果公布在伦敦泰晤士福布斯杂志上。

    In November 2009, he was ranked as one of the field's 15 most influential business thinkers in a study involving 35, 000 respondents that was published by the Times of London and Forbes.


  • ——GabrieleMarcotti伦敦泰晤士报》世界足球专栏作家BBC定期播音员

    Gabriele Marcotti is the world soccer columnist for the Times of London and a regular broadcaster for the BBC.


  • 我会讲得深入一点鲁珀特·默多克27年前1981年,收购了伦敦的《泰晤士》。

    I'm just going to go a little bit further on -rupert Murdoch bought the Times of London in 1981 that was twenty-seven years ago.


  • 默多克(RupertMurdoch)的新闻集团所拥有位于伦敦的《泰晤士报》星期日泰晤士报》于2010年7月开始建立收费墙。

    The Times and Sunday Times of London, owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, put up a paywall around their websites in July 2010.


  • 西蒙.詹金斯伦敦晚报专栏作家泰晤士报编辑,所提问题大胆的,今天令人钦佩地清晰描述了英国人应该揭穿银行家虚张声势的骗局。

    Simon Jenkins, a columnist in the Evening Standard and former Times editor is bolder, stating today with admirable clarity that Britain should call the bankers' bluff


  • 泰晤士报》伦敦发行日报也是英国古老最有影响报纸之一。

    The Times is a daily newspaper published in London, and one of Britain' s oldest and most influential newspapers.


  • 约翰·阿瑟兰德英国伦敦大学学院现代英国文学退休教授他对星期日泰晤士报》表示,这份指导“很荒唐”。

    John Sutherland, emeritus professor of modern English literature at University College London, told the Sunday Times that the guidance was "ridiculous".


  • 伦敦泰晤士记者惊讶报道了一事实:“周围战争潮流中的巨大支流越来越感到惊异。”

    The correspondent of the London Times reported this fact with astonishment: "I looked with ever-growing wonder on the vast tributary of the tide of war which was running around and before me."


  • 凯特琳-摩伦伦敦泰晤士报》上发表文章指出:“(歌单上)没有黑人同性恋音乐家,没有流行音乐只有位女歌手的音乐,没有年纪在25岁以下的音乐流派,没有甲克虫乐队的歌。”

    Writing in the London Times, Caitlin Moran noted: "No black artists, no gay artists, no world music , only one woman, no genre less than 25 years old, and no Beatles."


  • 凯特琳-摩伦伦敦泰晤士报》上发表文章指出:“(歌单上)没有黑人同性恋音乐家,没有流行音乐只有位女歌手的音乐,没有年纪在25岁以下的音乐流派,没有甲克虫乐队的歌。”

    Writing in the London Times, Caitlin Moran noted: "No black artists, no gay artists, no world music , only one woman, no genre less than 25 years old, and no Beatles."


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