• 伦敦国王学院研究人员探索慢性疲劳综合症(慢症)的病因

    Researchers at King’s College, London, are exploring the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).


  • 伦敦国王学院研究人员探索慢性疲劳综合症(慢症)的病因

    Researchers at King's College, London, are exploring the causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).


  • 伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,女性无名指长度可以看出竞技潜力

    The length of a girl's ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential, researchers at King's College London said on Thursday.


  • 伦敦国王学院教授约翰 麦克格雷斯移植皮肤组织没有血管因此缺氧

    Professor John McGrath, from King's College London, says grafted skin tissue has no blood vessels and therefore no oxygen.


  • 伦敦国王学院精神病研究所临床儿童心理学教授研究了137个孤独症患者;

    Patricia Howlin, professor of clinical child psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, studied 137 people with autism;


  • 来自伦敦国王学院研究人员TimSpector说道成为感情外露女人确实很多好处

    Researcher Tim Spector of King's College London said there were definite advantages to being a touchy-feely type.


  • 这个如今伦敦国王学院正对河滨圣母教堂地铁站可能将来得到修葺重新启用。

    The station, which is today situated next to the buildings of King's College London and opposite St Mary le Strand church, may well re-open in future.


  • 伦敦国王学院精神病学教授约翰·韦曼检测了志愿者压力水平然后他们造成些小伤害

    John Weinman, professor of psychiatry at King's College London, monitored the stress levels of a group of volunteers and then inflicted small wounds on them.


  • 这些披肩特别伦敦国王学院的毕业生设计的。 这些学生本月下旬毕业典礼上穿着新式袍服。

    The capes and hoods have been created especially for King's College London and will be worn by students at their graduation ceremonies later this month.


  • 来自于英国莱斯特大学伦敦国王学院研究人员这项发现可以帮助人们检查出哪些人更易患上老年性疾病

    Researchers from the University of Leicester and Kings College London say the finding could help spot people at higher risk of age-related illnesses.


  • 这项研究的带头人伦敦国王学院克里斯?汉蒙博士10之后近视可以通过眼药水来治愈

    In about 10 years, myopia could be cured through eye drops, says Dr. Chris Hammond, who led the research at King's College London.


  • 伦敦国王学院杰罗姆·布林博士一直巴西工作那个国家86%人口混血族不管他们看上去是还是

    Dr Gerome Breen of king's College London has been working in Brazil, a country in which 86 per cent of the population are mixed-race, whether they look white or black.


  • 负责试验研究人员们来自牛津大学剑桥大学帝国理工学院伦敦大学学院伦敦国王学院。 。

    Thee trial is being undertaken by researchers from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London and King's College London.


  • 伦敦国王学院学习工商管理,交谈中不时瞄一眼iPhone看看Twritter是否更新或是消息

    She is studying for a business management degree at king's College London and talks animatedly with one eye constantly on her iPhone, checking it for Twitter updates or text messages.


  • 大学质量名气上,伦敦的大学获得了好评,包括伦敦帝国理工学院伦敦大学学院伦敦国王学院

    London scored well on the quality and reputation of its universities, including Imperial College, University College London and King's College London.


  • 拉所在的伦敦国王学院商务会所为例,已有2700个成员协会的“商业众人基因所在句格言而聚首

    The King's College London Business Club, to which Ella belongs, has 2, 700 members who gather under the motto: "Business. It's in everyone's genes".


  • 拉所在的伦敦国王学院商务会所例,已有2700个成员协会的“商业众人基因所在句格言而聚首

    The King's College London Business Club, to which Ella belongs, has 2,700 members who gather under the motto: "Business. It's in everyone's genes".


  • 伦敦国王学院的神经生物学亚当·帕金斯认为这项研究结果可以运用监狱促进犯人间的和谐非常有效

    Commenting gon the research, Dr Adam Perkins, neurobiologist at King's College London, said the study could be useful in prisons to encourage harmony among inmates.


  • 这个将历时三年项目预计十月二十五日建立,英国伦敦国王学院牛津大学图书馆大英图书馆将参与其中

    The three-year project - in which King's College London, the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the British Library in London were involved - is due to be launched on 25 October.


  • 维斯特伍德2007年请求设计学院服,因为伦敦国王学院成功获得枢密院的许可,有权自行颁发学位。

    Ms Westwood was approached to design the gowns in 2007 after the College successfully petitioned the Privy Council for degree-awarding powers in its own right.


  • 有害生活方式伦敦国王学院蒂姆·斯佩科托博士:“我们研究的课题是从基因方面探究某些人类衰老的原因。”

    Bad lifestyles Professor Tim Spector, from King's College London, said: "What our study suggests is that some people are genetically programmed to age at a faster rate."


  • 研究掌门人之一,伦敦国王学院蒂姆斯·帕克特(TimSpector)认为,TERC可能只是影响端粒长度若干基因之一

    TERC is likely only one of several genes that influence telomere length, says Tim Spector of Kings College London, who co-led the study.


  • 英国《每日邮报》22日报道,伦敦国王学院研究人员近日称,黑痣越多的不易得骨质疏松症,真实年龄看起来年轻7

    Men and women with more moles are less likely to develop osteoporosis and look up to seven years younger than their true age, according to researchers from King's College London.


  • Samani教授伦敦国王学院TimSpector教授带领的研究小组发现普通DNA序列与人体生物性衰老密切关系。

    A team led by Samani and Professor Tim Spector at King's College, London found a common sequence of DNA was strongly linked to a person's biological age.


  • 伦敦国王学院加里·富勒英国目前尚未统计二氧化氮对国人身体健康影响据估计,其损害威力堪比人工合成的微细颗粒物

    The health effects of NO-2 have not yet been calculated for Britain, but are thought to be as potentially damaging as fine man-made particulate matter, says Gary Fuller of King's College London.


  • 伦敦国王学院任教帮助Peter Tatchell宣传活动的律师robertWintemute认为这样做严重违背了人权法案》。

    Robert Wintemute, a lawyer who teaches at King's College London and is helping the campaign, thinks there is a strong case that this violates the Human Rights Act.


  • 研究报告撰写者之一伦敦国王学院蒂姆·斯派克教授至于其中原因,目前不清楚。说自己原本无名指长度关系竞技能力怀疑态度。

    The reasons for the findings were unclear, said one of the report's authors, Professor Tim Spector from at King's College, who said he was originally sceptical about the link to sporting ability.


  • 研究报告撰写者之一伦敦国王学院蒂姆·斯派克教授至于其中原因,目前不清楚。说自己原本无名指长度关系竞技能力怀疑态度。

    The reasons for the findings were unclear, said one of the report's authors, Professor Tim Spector from at King's College, who said he was originally sceptical about the link to sporting ability.


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