• 第三传统装饰艺术现代装饰艺术关系美学探讨

    The third chapter is mainly to the tradition decorative art and the modern decorative art relations esthetics discussion.


  • 本篇论文主要论述传统装饰艺术现代平面设计启示

    This thesis focuses on the inspiration of traditional decorative arts for modern graphic design.


  • 了解,剪纸中国普及民间传统装饰艺术之一有着悠久历史

    It is understood that paper-cutting is the most popular folk tradition of decorative arts, has a long history.


  • 第三传统装饰艺术中的内容表现手法色彩形式感方面进行比较

    Chapter 3 decorate the contents and the technique of expression, color in the art to carry on a comparison by form from the tradition.


  • 研究玉器,尤其是分析造型纹饰形式语言特点,了解中国传统装饰艺术路径之一。

    Researching the shape and pattern of jade article is a way to learn traditional Chinese decorating art.


  • 具有极高审美价值丰富多样的门环色彩艳丽的门神、实用美观的门钉等,处处体现着中国传统装饰艺术的精湛之处。

    Have high aesthetic values, a variety of door knockers, the colorful dynasty, practical and beautiful are operating. everywhere embodies traditional Chinese decorative arts superb it.


  • 布莱尔55号项目一个传统装饰艺术风格商铺翻新改造

    Blair road project is a renovation and restoration to a traditional art deco style shop house.


  • 现在这里有了礼品店一家可爱的博物馆里面可以看到这些艺术装饰房子内部是怎样的,博物馆里还有一位穿着传统服装职员

    There are now souvenir shops and a charming little museum in which you can see what the interior of an Art Nouveau house would have looked like (complete with staff dressed in period costume).


  • 概念艺术角度来制作传统的、高度装饰娃娃可以让成品引人遐想

    Approaching a traditional and a highly decorative craft of doll making from a conceptual standpoint only makes the objects more thought provoking.


  • 传统扎染艺术必须适应人们审美需求变化,融入到现代建筑空间装饰中去。

    Traditional tie-dyeing art must apply to the change of people's aesthetic point of view and modern architecture space's decoration.


  • 文章第四部分针对不同类型材料,结合当地特有建造装饰工艺手法,分析了红砖传统建筑材料建构性艺术表现力。

    In the fourth part, author sets forth the art expressive force about the tectonic traditional architecture materials in the skills of construction and decoration.


  • 传统博物馆学认为陈列艺术设计只限于陈列品装饰美化,把从事工作称为美工”。

    The traditional museology holds that the design for display art only limits on the decoration and embellishment of the exhibits and the people doing this kind of work are called art designers.


  • 传统民间装饰艺术不但可以古为今用适应现代建筑设计中,而且还能世界现代建筑设计上取得一席之地

    Traditional folk decorative art not only make the past serve the present and adapt to the modern building design, but also the design of modern architecture in the world get a place.


  • 中国装饰艺术传统魅力的根本在于文质彬彬

    China decorative art tradition's charm core lies in its gentle, without bias and without favor.


  • 传统装饰艺术形式材料技术工艺水平方面达到极致影响了世界文明进程

    Traditional decoration art has reached to an excellent level and influenced the progress of world's civilization in such aspects as form, material, technique and craft.


  • 敦煌石窟艺术中国传统实用艺术经典,装饰图案设计艺术是敦煌石窟艺术重要组成部分。

    The decorative pattern art is not only one of the important of Dunhuang grotto art, but also the classic of traditionally practical art.


  • 论文酒店传统原始商业文化谈起,作为契机,引出现代酒店装饰文明人性化人性化艺术的构想。

    As a Connection point, the article is brought out the humanity and the humanities arts in modern hotel's decorative Civilization by involving in original commercial culture.


  • 因此我国传统民居建筑装饰既有重要历史文化科学价值艺术欣赏价值技术参考价值。

    Therefore, traditional houses decorated of our country are both have history and culture of important scientific value and appreciate the value of art and technology reference value.


  • 特点突破传统刻字手法汲取西方绘画构成装饰雕塑版画技法,构成了一门边缘艺术语言

    It design feature is: break through the traditional lettering idea, absorb the skill of western painting, construction decorating, sculpture and printmaking, to be a interface art language.


  • 广义角度来说,美国民间艺术吸收多种多样装饰传统

    More broadly conceived, American folk art can take in a variety of miscellaneous decorative traditions.


  • 青花我国陶瓷装饰艺术珍贵传统装饰品种之一

    Blue and white patterns are one of the traditional decoration varieties in China's porcelain decoration art.


  • 那么这些传统民间装饰艺术研究不仅仅局限在它们表面认识如何发掘更深层次文化内涵,成为我们当今设计工作者面临的问题

    So to those of traditional decorative art of not only confined to the superficial understanding of them, how to dig deeper cultural meaning of our workers in today's design problems.


  • 世界民族民间传统服饰艺术一种独特而又普遍存在装饰艺术形式——护身装饰,民间称其为“护身符”。

    Protective ornament, or amulet among the people, is a distinctive and widespread decorative artistic form in the worldwide traditional dress art .


  • 中国传统装饰元素现代室内设计取之不尽、用之不竭的艺术宝藏。

    Chinese traditional decoration elements can be regarded as an endless resource for modern interior designing.


  • 部分开放式一室公寓间还提供原始的壁炉传统艺术装饰

    Apartments are decorated in light shades, contemporary furniture and modern artwork.


  • 陕北民居建筑装饰艺术中国传统美学一个重要组成部分研究有助于理解传统文化的艺术内涵。

    The paper is divided into seven chapters, in which the author introduced about the geography survey of North Shaanxi, the form of architectural ornament art.


  • 陕北民居建筑装饰艺术中国传统美学一个重要组成部分研究有助于理解传统文化的艺术内涵。

    The paper is divided into seven chapters, in which the author introduced about the geography survey of North Shaanxi, the form of architectural ornament art.


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