• 居住北京威尔逊认为没有预料全球经济特别是中国经济的复苏力度以及美国经济从中获得怎样的提

    Mr. Wilson, who lives in Beijing, thinks that what he missed was the strength of the global economic recovery, particularly in countries like China, and how that would bolster the U.S. economy.


  • 房价适度下跌可能非但不降低家庭消费甚至可能消费。

    But a moderate fall in prices might not hurt household consumption — it could even give it a boost.


  • 但是计划取消路线超低票价也许一些班机停靠主要机场这些主要机场迫切需求廉价航空日益惨淡的乘客增长率

    But it plans to drop ultra-low fares on new routes and may move some flights to primary airports, which are wooing low-cost carriers to boost flagging growth.


  • 国内经济减少德国经济对出口依赖,德国的出口市场可能陷入低迷。

    Boosting domestic demand would make Germany less dependent on export markets, which are likely to be subdued.


  • 一旦欧洲央行取消支撑金融业部署计划可能启动银行放贷银行资产负债表

    That, he said, could kick-start bank lending and bolster bank balance sheets once the ECB withdraws the programs it has deployed to keep the financial sector afloat.


  • 有人显示友善时,我们精神为之一我们心怀感激

    When someone shows us kindness it lifts our spirits and gives us an unexplainable feeling of gratitude.


  • 分析家长期利率快速下降美国疲弱房市美国经济带来光明前景

    Analysts say that a swift drop in long-term interest rates could boost America's ailing housing market, which would brighten the nation's economic prospects.


  • 上星期欧盟委员宣布了这个全欧盟范围内方案欧盟27个成员国正在迅速滑向衰退经济

    The bloc-wide proposal was announced the the EU's executive arm, last week, to pump up the economy of the 27-member European Union, which is fast sliding toward recession.


  • 为提消费、提高房屋价格作出的最后努力可能导致越来越多的资本流入扩张消费者信贷领域,制造最后必然破灭的金融泡沫。 (听起来很熟悉是吧。)

    Last-ditch efforts to prop up consumption and home values mayresult in more and more capital flowing into expanded consumer credit, creatingfinancial bubbles that inevitably burst (sound familiar?).


  • 举例来讲,房市受到较低抵押贷款利率库存开始恢复,企业美国联邦储备委员(Federal Reserve)支持信贷市场的举措下开始筹措资金

    For example, housing is getting a pop from lower mortgage rates, inventories are being restocked, and companies are raising money thanks to the Federal Reserve's support of credit markets.


  • 在被问到伍兹是否有助于这家互联网公司本季度的业绩时,绝对的。她说,带来访问量甚至超过了迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)去世时

    When asked if Woods would help the Internet company make the quarter, she said, 'Oh, absolutely,' and added that he's fueling more visits than Michael Jackson's death.


  • 他们具有高能量海绵一样周围的环境中吸收负面情绪能量,因此导致严重情绪起伏

    Their highly tuned energy fields pick up negative emotions and environmental energy from their surroundings like a sponge which cause severe mood swings.


  • 不管任何一电容清楚声压损伤电容麦的非常重要的。

    If you use any condenser mic, it is crucial to realize that the sound pressure may hurt the fragile condenser diaphragm.


  • 萨穆埃尔表示双方的合作开发成本减半通过让沃尔沃销售汽车,这种合作还将沃尔沃销量

    Mr Samuelsson said the partnership would reduce its development costs by half, and boost volumes through the sale of cars to Uber.


  • 对于那些正在外国志愿者培训班里努力磨练技能北京奥运外国志愿者来说,《北京欢迎你》这首歌能够士气。

    For foreign volunteers at the Beijing Olympics honing their skills before they greet the world, there is nothing like a sing-along chorus of "Smiling Beijing" to raise morale.


  • 脊椎发颤,就是说让你相当激动意思。

    Neil: She says, when you see the interior of the Hall, you get the spine tingle factor.


  • 塔格医生尚未发表实验结果,但描述这结果令人精神为之一使她可名正言顺再做一次较大的、100名艾滋病人受试的后续实验。

    Though Targ has not yet published her results, she describes them as sufficiently "encouraging" to warrant a larger follow-up study with 100 AIDS patients.


  • 增加效率,但是降低度,而前掠有相反的趋势。

    Backsweep can improve the efficiency at the expense of surge margin.


  • 蚊虫飞翔时,上下拍打形成连续的翅

    When mosquitoes fly, their wing would produce continuous wingbeat sounds.


  • 在船舶浮筏系统动力学特性研究采用刚体分析模型计算浮筏隔效果产生很大误差。

    Calculation of the floating raft isolation level brings differences in use of rigid body models in research of dynamics mechanics research in the floating raft isolation system.


  • 尽管一种动,由于发生风速较低相对较大影响结构强度疲劳,因此大跨度拱桥响应研究具有重要的意义。

    Vortex-induced vibration is limited amplitude response, but it occurs at low wind speed with relative large amplitude, which will affect the strength and fatigue resistance of the structure.


  • 因此收购沃尔沃这个享有全球安全汽车之一盛誉的汽车品牌中国收购方,还是令沃尔沃荣耀蒙羞?

    So would buying a brand with a reputation as one of the safest cars in the world buck up a Chinese buyer or tarnish Volvo?


  • 结构控制具有良好的鲁棒性,但是实际应用中往往引发

    The sliding mode control is a robust control design method, but chatterings sometimes occur in applications.


  • 感恩相信重新起来,大家对温暖关心源源不绝,包围他。

    With a grateful heart, it is believed Huang Zhengfa will soon brace up. Warmth and care from the volunteers will only continue to pour in, surrounding him with abundant love.


  • 对团小组有点失望时,请看看这本书,就已经一针见血地使你精神一

    When you believe you're let down in your church fellowship or cell group, it's good to pick up this book. The first few pages will refresh you radically.


  • 有时候可能出局科技行业,你必须能够击中足够多投球,才能在这个联盟中生存下去。

    You may strike out sometimes, but you've got to be able to, in this tech business, catch enough of them to survive in the major leagues.


  • 有时候可能出局科技行业,你必须能够击中足够多投球,才能在这个联盟中生存下去。

    You may strike out sometimes, but you've got to be able to, in this tech business, catch enough of them to survive in the major leagues.


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