• 需要休息药之后完全好的

    You need to take five days' rest. Take some pills, you should be completely well by then.


  • 不论是学校工作还是家里学习都会适时歇歇哪怕休息分钟

    Whether I'm at school working or at home studying, I take breaks, even for five minutes.


  • 应该工作一个小时就站起来休息分钟左右喝点水或者只是隔壁格子间里

    You should get up about five minutes every hour to get out of your chair, get a drink, or just walk to the next cubicle.


  • 本周行为准则下一次一些事情出现了可怕的异常时(肯定出现),休息分钟。

    This week's action item: The next time something goes horribly wrong (and it will), take a five-minute break.


  • 休息六个小时觉得正好那么可能你同其他数百万一样不自觉睡眠给骗了。

    Think you do just fine on five or six hours of shut-eye? Chances are, you are among the many millions who unwittingly shortchange themselves on sleep.


  • 史蒂夫人力资源部的人我们应该每一小时休息分钟一直电脑眼睛打字休息一下。

    Steve: the HR department says that we should take a break for five minutes every hour to rest our eyes from staring at the computer and our hands from typing.


  • 一个78的老人,40多年高血压史,我经常家里监控血压读数我先休息分钟

    I am a 78-year-old man and have had high blood pressure (under control) for more than 40 years. I frequently monitor my blood pressure at home, resting for five minutes before I take the reading.


  • 世纪50年代爵士萨克斯管吹奏者保罗·戴斯想要乐曲听起来马提尼听听创作的曲子《休息分钟》吧。

    1950s jazz saxophonist Paul Desmond said he wanted the sound of a dry martini. Just listen to his composition Take Five.


  • 第六点,不管工作需要还是游戏玩家使用电脑两个小时左右,你就得眼睛休息分钟瘾廛装钒左右,让自己的身体活动活动,不要一直处于一种姿势

    Whether you're work need or game players, use the computer for two hours or so, you have to let your eyes rest in five to ten minutes, let your body exercise, don't have been in a position.


  • 段攀岩当中使用G-Tox技巧吧,重点就在于有意识在每次抬手悬挂身体休息另一只胳膊的时候上下改变手臂抖动的位置,间隔为每秒钟

    Use the G-Tox at all your mid-climb shakeouts by deliberately alternating the position of your resting arm, between raise-hand and dangling position, every five to ten seconds.


  • 不过很多会把作为休息那样他们可以感恩节家里好好休息一下。

    But a lot of people take Friday as a holiday, so they can stay at home and rest after Thanksgiving.


  • 一个目标可能周四所有工作都完成这样就可以休息休息或者的时候自己事情

    One of my goals might be to get all of my work done by Thursday so I can take Friday off, or use Friday to work on a personal project.


  • 内部演示通常一周比较时候被执行,也许是周下午时候的团队片刻休息的时间。

    Internal demonstrations were usually performed late in the week, preferably late Friday afternoon as a bit of a break for the team.


  • 例如周一工作员工必须周六周日休息

    For example, an employee who works on Monday to Friday must be off on Saturday and Sunday.


  • 其中包括,一间舒适休息以便员工可以放松心情,逾期项目延长期限,增加星期最好再加上星期一都可在家工作选择

    Among them, a larger and more comfortable break room where employees can go unwind, longer extensions on overdue projects, and the option of working from home on Fridays and possibly also Mondays.


  • 可以设置重复性目标(“休息”)或者一次性的目标(“我想下周二前把网站设计好”)或者两者任意结合

    You can set recurring goals (“I want to take every Friday off.”) or one-time goals (“I want to finish my new website design by next Tuesday.”) or any combination of the two.


  • 可以设置重复性目标(“休息”)或者一次性的目标(“我想下周二前把网站设计好”)或者两者任意结合

    You can set recurring goals (“I want to take every Friday off. ”) or one-time goals (“I want to finish my new website design by next Tuesday. ”) or any combination of the two.


  • 英国银行家协会告诉我们:”银行午饭时间最忙的,尤其是,赶在休息日前下班时刻。

    Banks are busiest during lunchtimes, particularly on the Friday prior to bank holidays and just before closing time, ” says the British Bankers’ Association.


  • 同时,花粉症患者数量的增加还影响工作效率因为个患者中,就一位会他们症状严重请假休息

    The rise could affect productivity because one in five sufferers takes time off work when their symptoms are at their worst.


  • 有些雇主喜欢下午进行裁员心想这样可以让他们有几天的休息时间。

    Some managers prefer to handle layoffs on Friday afternoons, assuming that it gives everybody a chance to decompress.


  • 小店星期二、三、四、、六星期天上午开业,星期天下午星期一休息

    It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday morning, but it is shut on Sunday afternoon and on Monday.


  • 尽管只有分钟休息时间,散散步(哪怕只是走饮水机然后回来)。

    Even if you can only spare five minutes, go for a walk (it might just be to the water cooler and back).


  • 白天的时候来上几个分钟休息,可以重新获得精力,休息休息眼睛(整天屏幕视力非常有害的)。

    I also take a few five or ten minute breaks throughout the day to recharge and rest my eyes (staring at a computer screen all day is very hazardous to your vision).


  • 目前服务员每天工作9个小时每周工作一个小时挣1000日元休息时间他隐居自己公寓套房。

    Currently he works nine hours a day, five days a week as a waiter making 1, 000 yen an hour, and on his days off he secludes himself in his studio apartment.


  • 这个豪华飞艇提供了酒吧休息4复式公寓,一个顶层楼阁公寓。

    The luxury zeppelin offers a bar and lounge area, four duplex apartments, a penthouse and five smaller apartments.


  • 工作还需记住件事四个小时休息20分钟,每半个小时微休息(micro - break)分钟。

    And a few things to remember at work: take a 20-minute break every four hours and take five-minute micro-breaks every 30 minutes.


  • 如果工作使用电脑,应该小时眼睛休息至少分钟不这样的话的眼睛受到损害,而且手腕可能患上腕关节综合症

    If you work with computers, rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes per hour. Otherwise, you could damage your eyes and develop carpal tunnel syndrome.


  • 如果工作使用电脑,应该小时眼睛休息至少分钟不这样的话的眼睛受到损害,而且手腕可能患上腕关节综合症

    If you work with computers, rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes per hour. Otherwise, you could damage your eyes and develop carpal tunnel syndrome.


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