• 通过仿真想象业务过程帮助发现新的改进和提炼的机会仅仅靠阅读进程很难做到的。

    Envisioning the business processes through simulation may also help you discover new opportunities for refinement that are difficult to find by simply reading the process.


  • 游戏物理引擎通过避免诸如布朗运动这样东西来缩减仿真进而最小化仿真处理复杂性

    Game physics engines scale back the simulation by avoiding such things as Brownian motion, which in turn minimizes the processing complexities of the simulation.


  • 尽管有这些缺陷我们依然可以通过合成环境中机器人进行仿真学习很多知识。

    Despite the disadvantages, you can learn a lot by simulating robots in synthetic environments.


  • 可以编写代码并且通过生产WebSphereApplicationServer安装正确仿真立刻验证

    You can write a block of code and immediately validate it by running it in an accurate simulation of a production WebSphere Application Server installation.


  • 操作数据可以通过滑动相机周围产生一个引人注目立体形象有些粗糙类似3d电影仿真

    Manipulating the data can also be used to slide the point of view of the camera around to produce a compelling simulation of a stereoscopic image, shallower but similar to 3d movies.


  • 通过仿真分析可以施工机械机型数量以及作业参数作出最佳选择并且预测出施工的最短工期最低施工费用

    By simulating analysis, the optimal parameters, Numbers and type of construction machinery can be obtained, and the smallest cost and shortest period of construction projects can be predicted.


  • 通过理论分析严密数学推导以及算法实现仿真研究证明算法正确性可行性

    The accuracy and feasibility of the algorithm herein is proved through theoretical analysis and strict mathematic deduction and simulation studies performed on the algorithm.


  • J2ME仿真运行示例移动对等通过仿真主机PC (localhost)的9700端口运行的JXME中继执行许多操作

    The example mobile peer running on a J2ME emulator performs a number of actions via a JXME relay running on the emulator's host PC (localhost) at port 9700.


  • 根据飞行仿真模块输出通过坐标变换比例限制信号滤波等,形成运动平台驱动信号。

    On the basis of output of flight imitate system, the driving signal of flight simulation is formed by coordinates transforming, scale limiting, signal washout and filter.


  • 通过数字仿真,比较了交流载波系统等效直流系统,验证了交流载波系统等效直流方法可行性

    By digital simulation, the Ac carried wave system and its equivalent Dc system are checked and the feasibility of Dc method equivalent to the Ac carrier wave system is verified.


  • 通过仿真实验研究了STS - SVM组合变流器输出频谱特性,并常规s VM技术和载波相移spwm技术进行比较分析。

    The output harmonic feature of the multi-modular converters with STS-SVM is researched and analyzed through simulation and experiment, compared with the conventional SVM and CPS-SPWM.


  • 通过建模仿真现场试验提出机组并联于电网工况调速器PID参数整定范围应有的机组功率控制模式

    On the basis of modeling, simulation and field test, proposed are the PID parameter setting range of the governor under the large grid operating condition, and the power control mode of the unit.


  • LinSched使用Linux内核代码自身(通过仿真平台的包装器),不是构建新的框架(通过框架可以用户空间完成调度)。

    Rather than build a new framework through which scheduling could be accomplished in user space, LinSched USES the Linux kernel code itself (with wrappers for platform emulation).


  • 通过具体仿真实例说明阈值处理方法优点,表明基于该方法车辆动态轴重信号有效

    The virtue of the method is showed by the specific simulation example and the method is proved very effectively applied to dismissing the vehicle spindle's dynamic weight signal's noises.


  • 首先分析GPS卫星对特定区域覆盖情况,然后针对不同位置的GPS卫星失效,考察GPS导航精度目标区域GDOP值影响,并通过仿真予以验证

    Then according to the voidness of GPS satellites in different position, the effect on navigation accuracy of GPS(that is GDOP)is studied. The validity of voidness strategy is proved by simulation.


  • 通过应用于非线性参数估计仿真计算表明了这种杂交算子有效性及其相对普通杂交算子的优点。

    The operator was applied to simulating parameter estimation of nonlinear system, and the resulted showed its validity and its superiority over a general crossover operator.


  • 神经网络学习模块采用BP网络通过仿真分析确定了网络的结构。

    The NN learning block, using BP network, is determined by comparing the simulation results.


  • 文章通过实验仿真,定性分析了不同搅拌器大小形状个数混响性能影响

    This paper simulated the reverberation chamber, and analyzed how that different size, shape and number of stirs affect the performance of the reverberation chamber.


  • 详细介绍了系统硬件设计软件设计仿真基础上通过对方波信号试验分析验证了系统设计可行性和正确性。

    Hardware and software designs are amply introduced in the paper and through the test analysis using square wave 'the feasibility and validity of this design are affirmed.


  • 求解器直接得出电阻基体中点加速度响应曲线仿真精度通过振动试验给予了验证

    The acceleration response curve of resistor body midpoint can be computed by direct frequency response solution, simulation precision is testified by vibration test.


  • 通过BP算法仿真结果比较分析,发现算法具有稳定性收敛速度快,预测精度的特点。

    According to the analysis of simulation results compared with BP algorithm, this algorithm has the advantage of the fine stability, fast convergence speed and high precision.


  • LOP电路设计采用VHDL语言描述通过逻辑仿真验证并在浮点加法器设计中得到应用。

    The LOP circuit module is described in gate level with VHDL, which has passed the logic simulation and verification. It is applied to the design of floating-point adder.


  • 最后通过两个机械优化设计实例进行仿真试验结果表明算法求解效率收敛速度全局搜索能力

    The simulation test was completed through two mechanical design cases. The result shows that the algorithm has high efficiency, rapid speed of convergence and strong capability of global search.


  • 本文介绍缓冲气缸溢流式缓冲气缸结构工作原理通过仿真计算比较了它们的缓冲特性吸收冲击能力

    The structure and principle of needle valve cushion and relief valve cushion were introduced. Cushion performance and capacity of absorbing impact were compared by simulation.


  • 通过仿真说明算法能够比较好的滤除冲激噪声减小中值滤波图像引入平滑效应;

    The simulation results show the proposed method can effectively filter the impulse noise and deduce the negative impact on image smoothing by the median filter.


  • 通过综合考虑运用计算机进行仿真分析整个过程详细介绍基于分析过程的联合建模的研究思路。

    Through considering synthetically with the whole process of the computer simulation analysis, a co-modeling method based analysis process was described in detail.


  • 通过综合考虑运用计算机进行仿真分析整个过程详细介绍基于分析过程的联合建模的研究思路。

    Through considering synthetically with the whole process of the computer simulation analysis, a co-modeling method based analysis process was described in detail.


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