• 仿佛知道——饿死了临死还有无穷无尽

    If the truth were known, he was halfstarved, and there was still no end of books he ought to read before he died.


  • 时候,她的眼睛茫然地望路上最远处树木仿佛知道吻了她。

    Her eyes vaguely rested upon the remotest trees in the lane while the kiss was given, as though she were nearly unconscious of what he did.


  • 之后棵大树石头之间地上踏了一阵仿佛知道地方新近是否有人动过土

    Then he trod about for awhile on the ground comprised in the space between the tree and the heap of stones, like a person who is trying to assure himself that the soil has not recently been disturbed.


  • 明智的知道这个世间只不过幻影的一切行为表现不会仿佛世间是真实的,因此能解脱诸苦。

    A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it were real, and is free from suffering.


  • 说唱明星艾米纳姆最近公开的次采访中名气觉得自己仿佛置身牢笼之中,永远无从知道一个有兴趣的女人看中了的人还是获得的成功

    Rap star Eminem said in an interview released recently that fame makes him feel like he is living in a cage and that he never knows whether a woman is interested in him or in his success.


  • 自始至终,对面用餐女士显得淡定自如,仿佛知道一块用餐的同伴消失了

    Still, the woman dining across from him appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware that her dining companion had disappeared.


  • 古怪地这么个问题——也许仿佛碰见了一个和气鬼魂很想知道为什么那儿

    He asked it quizzically-as if, perhaps, he had encountered a gentle ghost, and wondered why it was there.


  • 这时候等待们的恭维同时知道恭维不会满足自己,仿佛鸦片时候找到一包香烟的心理。

    Yet he was waiting for their praise, despite the knowledge that he wouldn't be satisfied with it; it was like finding a pack of cigarettes when one craves opium.


  • 接受了这样的局面仿佛就是当事人之一似的而且同样情况也会如此,已经知道这样确切价值。

    He accepted the situation as though he had been a party to it, and under the same circumstances would do it again, the more readily for knowing the exact values.


  • 每次看见仿佛看过第一,”安德森说道,“知道她的计划,她的明亮日子。”

    "Every time he sees Mae, it's as if he's just seen her for the first time," Anderson says, "he wants to know her plan for the day, and her face brightens up."


  • 知道是不是因为孤单,我开始习惯陪着我的每一分钟,时光仿佛回到了从前,两个人一起的幸福。我想我快乐的。

    Later on he dated me, played with me, inquired nothing to do with our own past and just enjoyed the temporary happiness, as if we were two old friends.


  • 仿佛已经知道底蕴,有时遮遮掩掩

    He seemed to know, and he sometimes said in covert words.


  • 眼之高大的身子,双手摸索Arren的方向,愤怒仇恨翻腾脸上仿佛知道谁是真正敌人

    The blind man stood up very tall, groping out with his long arms at Arren, his face writhing with rage and hatred: as if he had just now perceived who his true enemy and rival was.


  • 挑选马匹已花费了一段时间,这项提议十分满意,梅了母亲一眼,仿佛:“跟大家一样知道怎样安排时间。”

    They had been looking for this horsefor some time, and the suggestion was so acceptablethat May glanced at her mother as if to say: "You seehe knows how to plan out his time as well as any ofus."


  • 挑选马匹已花费了一段时间,这项提议十分满意,梅了母亲一眼,仿佛:“跟大家一样知道怎样安排时间。”

    They had been looking for this horsefor some time, and the suggestion was so acceptablethat May glanced at her mother as if to say: "You seehe knows how to plan out his time as well as any ofus."


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