• 算法作了详细的描述程序结构提出了多任务并行处理的程序设计方法。

    It provides a detailed description in algorithm and proposed a multiprogramming approach in program structure.


  • 托管编程模型支持数据并行处理任务并行处理通过一个通用工作调度器统一协调并行运行的硬件

    A managed programming model for data parallelism, task parallelism, and coordination on parallel hardware unified by a common work scheduler.


  • 对于并行路径存在另外一个注意事项因为每个路径任务同时执行需要考虑如何处理数据

    There is an additional consideration for parallel paths, because tasks on each path can be performed at the same time; you need to consider how to handle the data.


  • 此外如果使用计算网格并行处理任务通常需要一个数据网格来为其提供清理状态

    In addition, if you use a compute grid to process tasks in parallel, you usually want a data grid superimposed as well, to provision the state for the compute grid to work off.


  • Fork处理流程拆分为多个可选路径使两个或多个任务能够并行执行

    Fork splits the process flow into two or more alternative paths, enabling two or more tasks to be performed in parallel.


  • MapReduce应用程序必须具备映射缩减性质,也就是说任务作业可以分割片段进行并行处理

    MapReduce applications must have the characteristic of "Map" and "Reduce," meaning that the task or job can be divided into smaller pieces to be processed in parallel.


  • 其中两个核心组件用于存储数据HadoopDistributedFile System (Hadoop分布式文件系统)用于写入并行处理任务的HadoopMapReduce

    The two core components are the Hadoop Distributed File System for storing data and Hadoop MapReduce for writing parallel-processing jobs.


  • 开发者提供了一种机制可以问题拆解为多个任务任意数量处理核心并行执行

    This provides a mechanism for developers to decompose problems into tasks that can then be executed in parallel across arbitrary Numbers of processor cores.


  • 完成一个复杂任务需要处理时间希望长的时候,一些系统采用并行处理进程各部分

    When the processing time required to complete portions of a complex task is longer than desired, some systems handle parts of the processing in parallel.


  • 如果每个数组元素需要处理而且数组没有依赖关系,执行计算任务之间也需要通信,这样的话将是一个执行并行计算理想环境

    If the same processing is required for each array element, with no dependencies in the computations, and no communication required between tasks, we have an ideal parallel computing opportunity.


  • 正如之前提到的,并行任务并行处理能力,其中任务会分成不同任务,它们最后合并一个

    As mentioned before, parallelism implies the parallel-processing capability of a task where the task is split to different subtasks with consolidation at the end.


  • 策略3并行处理将批处理任务划分为子任务发送各个网格节点上,然后再聚合各个部分结果

    Strategy 3: Parallel Batch subdivides batch work into subjobs to be sent to grid nodes and afterwards aggregates the partial results.


  • 使用专门优化过向量硬件而是使用标准标量处理但是它采用了大量处理并行处理多个计算任务

    Instead of using specially optimized vector hardware, it USES standard scalar processors, but in large Numbers to perform several computations in parallel.


  • 处于并行状态多个任务明显表明存在并行处理

    Multiple jobs in parallel status clearly indicate parallel processing.


  • CP并行可以db2子系统查询使用多个任务sysplex查询并行这种方法使一个DB 2数据共享中的所有成员可以一起处理一个查询。

    While query CP parallelism used multi-tasking for a query within a DB2 subsystem, this method enables all the members of a DB2 data-sharing group to process a single query.


  • 理论上来说可以采用无数硬件处理并行执行的部分,甚至接近0时间内完成这些任务但是对于串行部分来说,这样做不会有任何提高

    In theory you could apply an infinite amount of hardware to do the parallel part in zero time, but the sequential part will see no improvements.


  • 如果配置了CM代理那么archpro可能成为瓶颈因为一个代理需要串行地处理4个并行CSLD任务线程请求归档操作

    If there is just one CM agent configured, archpro could become a bottleneck since this one agent would need to serialize the archiving operations requested by the four parallel CSLD task threads.


  • WebSphereApplicationServer旨在处理大量并行短时间任务工作队列线程两个经常用来处理并行工作负载组件

    WebSphere Application Server is designed to process a large number of parallel short-time tasks, and work queues and thread pools are two components that are used often to handle parallel workload.


  • 尽管Google需要搜索以及其它服务进行快速响应并行处理能够完成任务需要,虽然有可能单个线程速度并不快。

    Although Google requires a fast response for search and other services, its parallelism can produce that even if a single sequence of instructions, called a thread, is relatively slow.


  • CPU 不参与数据拷贝工作处理其他任务的同时,将数据拷贝任务CPU 的其他区域与CPU并行工作来极大地提升性能

    Performance is enhanced by allowing the CPU to move on to other tasks while data copying procedds in parallel in another part of the machine .


  • 传统并行计算研究对象不同自适应处理(STAP)阶段多个相同的可分离任务组成。

    Different from traditional parallel computations algorithms, Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) algorithms are composed of several phases and each phase consists of many identical, separable tasks.


  • 这样数据交换任务处理就可以并行进行,从而缩短了成员负载不均匀造成停机等待时间

    In this way, data exchange and task processing can be executed parallelly, so the halt wailing time caused by the unbalanced loads on member computers can be reduced.


  • 任务调度问题是指根据一定调度策略,把并行处理任务按规定的时序分配到系统的多个处理节点上,以期获得好的系统执行性能

    Task scheduling aims at scheduling a set of partially ordered computational tasks onto a multiprocessor system by a given strategy in order to obtain a better system performance.


  • 并行空间连接处理三个阶段组成任务创建任务分配任务并行执行

    Generally, parallel spatial processing includes three phases: task creation, task assignment and parallel task execution.


  • 主要技术包括:多线程技术并行处理用户交互晶闸管数字触发PID参数自整定等任务

    The main techniques are: multithread technique to parallel handle three task of user interface, thyristor digital trigger and adjust PID parameter automatically;


  • 平台基础上通过对信号处理算法并行设计以及处理任务合理分配实现高速实时雷达信号处理

    Then, basing on this platform, a high speed real-time digital signal processing of radar is carried out, making good use of the parallel design of algorithm and a reasonable assignment of tasks.


  • 介绍了线程集成技术通用处理器或控制器上实现实时任务并行方法

    The thread integration technique-a new method for providing real time task concurrency on single microcontrollers and microprocessors is presented.


  • 同时通过处理任务之间并行关系分析得到了一般调度下界

    At the same time, through the analysis of the parallel relation among the multiprocessor parallel job, the low bound of the optimal schedule has been provided.


  • 虽然已经工具可以使并行处理这些工具主要致力于任务并行模式。

    While there are already tools available that enable parallel processing, these tools are largely dedicated to task parallel models.


  • 虽然已经工具可以使并行处理这些工具主要致力于任务并行模式。

    While there are already tools available that enable parallel processing, these tools are largely dedicated to task parallel models.


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