• 难道觉得吗?行动存有任何动机其他任何行动都动机

    Don't you think there is? The action of love has no motive, and every other action has.


  • 没有明确目标,没有任何动机仅仅是出于一个疯子任性冲动摩洛克冲向墙边摸索已经上膛来复枪毫无目标扫射

    With no definite intent, from no motive but the wayward impulse of a madman, Murlock sprang to the wall, with a little groping seized his loaded rifle, and without aim discharged it.


  • 使用串口调试,任何人都可以使用现成自定义地图动机变速器控制单元进行重新编程

    With their AccessPORT, anyone can reprogram both the engine and transmission control units with off the shelf or custom maps.


  • 我们开口说话完全专门为了交流-没有任何其它动机除了件事,也就是俄国形式主义者特别注意

    When we speak, that is - -entirely and exclusively and without any other motive - for communication, except for one thing that the Russian formalists in particular took note of.


  • 另外一个例子遭受长期动机缺乏,而且你不能制定任何工作相关有意义目标

    The alternative is that you suffer from chronic low motivation and you can't set any meaningful goals related to the work.


  • 那些动机激励主要来源于利润而任何明确社会目的公司来讲,难以适应的。

    For other companies whose motive and inspiration is profit above any explicit social purpose, it will be more difficult to adjust.


  • 尽管几乎没有认为这些访问会取得任何突破,但是专家认为,对于土耳其来说,这类努力背后真正动机平衡俄罗斯西方国家之间的关系。

    While few people give little chance of any breakthrough, experts say the real motive behind such efforts is for Turkey to balance its relations between Russia and the West.


  • 他们优秀记者冒昧地揣测他们长年奔波,不下火线动机并未改变:战争所带来的刺激任何其它故事都难以比拟的。

    Both are fine journalists but I venture to suggest their motive for staying on the road, or rather under fire, remains the familiar one: wars confer an adrenaline rush such as no other story matches.


  • 尽管无法帕瓦斯一提供任何精神诊断法律意见,他可以谈一谈关于那些杀死子女父母们,他们动机是什么以及到目前对他们的一些了解

    Although he cannot offer a mental diagnosis or legal opinion in the Powers' case, he can discuss the motivations of parents who kill and what we know about them.


  • 但是对于问题——银行想要变得足够使不能倒闭动机(这也是导致本次危机爆发一个重要原因)——却并未有任何解决的迹象

    There was little to suggest that one of the main causes of the crisis, incentives for banks to grow too big to fail, was being tackled.


  • 任何专心致志地献身于保卫美国人,其动机置疑。

    No one's dedication to the cause of protecting America is questioned.


  • 俄国动机更加明白了:梅德韦杰夫(DmitryMedvedev)建议任何新的储备货币应该至少部分黄金支持

    Russia's motivation is even more transparent: Dmitry Medvedev suggested that any new reserve currency should be at least partially backed by gold.


  • McKenzie持枪者不是护理所病人不肯透露有关持枪者动机任何细节

    McKenzie said the gunman was not a patient at the nursing home, but did not offer any further details on what the gunman's motive might have been.


  • 重度精神病患者杀人:患有精神病精神错乱母亲没有任何充分动机的情况下杀死子女(可能伴随指令性幻觉)。

    Acutely psychotic filicide: a psychotic or delirious mother kills her child without any comprehensive motive (perhaps accompanied by command hallucinations).


  • 激光器不能远离动机因为他们的强光束破坏任何光纤,这些光纤是用来将传送汽缸中的

    Nor could they be located away from the engine, because their powerful beams would destroy any optical fibres that delivered light to the cylinders.


  • 任何地方向任何传送的即时信息现已成为立即影响看法动机载体——可能操纵炒作打开了方便之门。

    Instant information, from anywhere to anyone, has now become a vehicle for instant impact on opinion and motivation - and a potential opening for manipulation.


  • 调查结果议会成员行为动机没有任何暗示影射,”写道

    "My findings carry no implication or innuendo about the conduct or motive of MPs," Legg wrote.


  • 我们没有互相了解其他人任何生活实际情况,没有相互当作看待,或者了解其他人这个项目中的动机需要

    We didn't learn anything about the realities of one another's lives, about one another as people, or about what others' motivations or needs are in the deal.


  • 任何不稳定轨道衰变通过推进器机载动机修正

    Any instability or orbital decay can be corrected with thrusters and an onboard engine.


  • 日本卡洛斯飞船NASA的纳米-D太阳成功发射和展开已经展示了一个不用任何动机就可以太空中徘徊关键方法

    The successful deployment and operation of the Japanese IKAROS and NASA's NanoSail-D solar sails have demonstrated a key method for getting around in space, without having to use any propellant.


  • 如果真正了解他们动机,在和他们交谈不要做出任何判断。

    If you want to really understand what motivates people, you cannot be judgemental when you talk to them.


  • 蒸汽动机主要优势可以使用任何可以燃烧燃料

    The main advantage of a steam engine is that you can use anything that burns as the fuel.


  • 但是现代喷气动机力量如此强,以至于任何连接入口机械装置吸入危险

    But modern jet engines are so powerful that any mechanical contrivance attached to the intake would run the risk of being sucked in, which would be far more deadly than an ingested bird.


  • 但是现代喷气动机力量如此强,以至于任何连接入口机械装置吸入危险

    But modern jet engines are so powerful that any mechanical contrivance attached to the intake would run the risk of being sucked in, which would be far more deadly than an ingested bird.


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