• 把握消费者价格心理及变动一般规律企业价格策略的基础。

    Enterprises should master the general rule of consumers' prices psychology to formulate their pricing strategies.


  • 消费审美心理消费者实用心理价格心理审美心理相互作用下形成特殊审美心理活动。

    Consuming aesthetic psychology is a special aesthetic psychological behavior which is formed by interaction of consumers' practical, priced and aesthetic psychologies.


  • 人们日益担心原材料价格上涨可能开始削弱需求影响经济复苏步伐交易商们这种焦虑心理作出了反应

    Dealers reacted to growing concern that higher raw materials costs would begin to eat into demand and affect the pace of economic recovery.


  • 产品定价太高库存就要积压;低于市场心理价格则会出现产品短缺,但立刻套现。

    Price the product too high and inventories mount; under price what the market is willing to pay and shortages occur and money is left on the table.


  • 2004年,持股的一家心理健康机构的创始人想要以1000万美元以上的价格出售公司,我一位从事代理销售30年朋友告诉了我这个20:6:3:1法则

    The 20:6:3:1 rule. In 2004 a company I owned a small piece of a mental health facility.


  • 人们总是谈论心理治疗价格一口咬定得离谱,却从没有人理智观点来看这个问题。

    People always talk about the costs of therapy and granted it's expensive but no one ever looks at it from a rational standpoint.


  • 不管是任何产品服务套餐银行理财计划手机消费计划单个产品或服务价格往往取决于消费者心理而非成本

    In any package of products and services, from banking to mobile calling plans, the price of each individual component is often determined by psychology, not cost.


  • 一些商场为了迎合顾客心理,在商品价格上,也开始8的脑筋。所以,商品的价格成了48、68元、168元等等。

    To go along with the wishes of customers, some shops start to price their commodities with "eight", such as 48yuan, 68yuan and 168yuan.


  • 的确有一阵子吃下巧克力足以引起世界可可价格上涨但是与其说这有为身体”之愿望不如说是过去长期以来好吃食物拒绝后做出心理反应

    True, for a while I ate enough chocolate to cause a price spike in the world cocoa market, but this was not so much my body's wish as a psychological reaction to denying myself yummy things for years.


  • 价格指标随着大众心理变化

    Prices and indicators reflect changes in crowd psychology.


  • 结果美观病人心理接受程度、拔牙创愈合情况、黏膜过敏情况、价格方面前者较大优势

    Results in terms of aesthetics, price, patient's psychological acceptance, healing of removal wounds, avoidance of mucosa allergy, the former method has considerable advantages over traditional ones.


  • 美国大豆市场剃刀用品可能撤出一些心理距离以外市场尤其是最近价格挫折祖佐洛补充

    The U. S. soybean market has razor thin supplies and that may pull some psychology away from outside markets, particularly after recent price setbacks, Zuzolo added.


  • BacheCommodities高级油籽分析师安妮·弗里克(AnneFrick)表示大豆价格可能容易出现回调”,因为供应量的小幅上升就可能逆转市场心理

    However Anne frick senior oilseeds analyst at bache commodities says soyabean prices could be "vulnerable to a setback" as a small increase in supply could reverse the market's psychology.


  • 模型能够有效预测对于某一特定电信产品组合,不同细分市场顾客可能形成的心理价格

    This model can forecast psychological prices of customers in different market segments for a particular telecom product.


  • 招标采购卖方定价心理低价中标同时争取价格最高”,在只有一次出价机会的投标过程中必然导致侥幸取胜的行为,从而使降价空间缩小。

    During buying through public bidding, sellers' pricing strategy is "the highest price possible to win the tender", which leaves little room for price cut under the thought of fluke.


  • 统计,四分之一家庭移居经历。虽说科技进步机票价格在降低,但是那种异域的文化心理给人的影响还是很强烈的。

    It is reported that one in four families has experienced recent emigration and despite technological advances and cheaper flights, the cultural and psychological impact is hitting hard.


  • 心理预期均衡价格体系的失衡影响,到理性预期对价格体系均衡的动态恢复个人理性代替国家理性;

    From the equilibrium demolishment by mental expectation to the equilibrium restoration by rationality expectation, country's rationality has been substituted for individual rationality.


  • 第二心理的。整数还是99便士作尾数的价格看上去更便宜文章引用同一位“专家”的话,来支持双方观点

    The second is psychological. Do "round pound" prices or those ending in 99p seem cheaper? The article cites the same "expert" supporting both views.


  • 一些商场为了迎合顾客心理,在商品价格上,开始8的脑筋。

    Some department stores have begun to label the price with the figure 8 in order to cater for their customer's psychology.


  • 价格显著影响消费者交换价值知觉影响其心理价值知觉。

    Price has a significant effect on consumers' exchanging value perception, while the effect of price on psychological value perception is not significant.


  • 投资者利用清早价格下降购买贵金属时,黄金价格星期一中午打破心理重要价格涨停点$1,400盎司美元。

    Gold prices broke through the psychologically important resistance level of $1,400 an ounce midday Monday as investors took advantage of early morning price dips to buy the precious metal.


  • 羊群心理、博心理反馈交易一定程度都会影响资产价格形成

    Psychologies of herd instinct, great fool and positive feedback trade exert strong influence on the formation of asset bubbles.


  • 地铁开工前,人们往往产生对房地产预期心理增值一般而言,这个时期的房产价格升值幅度通常很大

    In the subway line plan stage, there exists an appreciation in the value of real estate price, generally speaking, there is a wide range of price.


  • 商品低廉价格它用来摧毁一切万里长城、征服野蛮顽强的仇外心理的重炮。

    The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it forces the barbarians' intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate.


  • 不断的循环怪圈导致泡沫的产生:持续上涨价格诱发人们不断看涨的预期心理,这样更加刺激了购买行为,于是价格进一步上涨——一直到市场崩盘。

    Bubbles are caused by feedback loops: rising speculative prices encourage optimism, which encourages more buying, and hence further speculative price increases - until the crash comes.


  • 价格形成均衡边界条件散户心理特征有关

    The equilibrium boundary condition for forming the stock price was concerned with the characteristic of the small traders.


  • 心理纳入金融学框架,重点研究人类行为投资决策资产价格影响

    It derives from psychological principles, focusing on the influence of human behavior on the decision making and asset pricing.


  • 心理行为后续动作价格走势交易中占很重要的地位。

    Psychological and behavioral interpretations and subsequent actions, as decided by the trader, also make up an important aspect of price action trades.


  • 心理行为后续动作价格走势交易中占很重要的地位。

    Psychological and behavioral interpretations and subsequent actions, as decided by the trader, also make up an important aspect of price action trades.


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