• 我国粮食价格形成机制

    The pricing formation of the grain system.


  • 完善成品油天然气价格形成机制各类电价定价机制

    We will improve the mechanism for setting prices on refined petroleum products and natural gas and pricing mechanisms for all kinds of electricity.


  • 市商集中竞价制是证券市场两种基本价格形成机制

    Market maker system and aggregate auction system are two basic pricing mechanism in securities market.


  • 鼓励各地医院管理体制医疗服务价格形成机制监管机制等方面大胆探索

    We will encourage all localities to make bold explorations concerning hospital management systems, the mechanism for setting prices for medical services and oversight mechanisms.


  • 目前实施的国有股协议转让价格形成机制违背了市场定价原则

    The price formation mechanism currently in operation for the transfer of state-owned shares by agreement is in violation of the principle of "pricing by market".


  • 本文首先系统描述国际大豆市场价格形成机制各国的大豆产业政策

    First, the dissertation describe the international soybean price mechanism and soybean industry policies in some foreign countries systematically.


  • 一方面,我国农副产品价格形成机制运做仍然处于比较原始水平状态。

    On the other hand, the operation of the pricing mechanism of China's agricultural products is still in a relatively low level of the original state.


  • 阐述我国燃料乙醇价格形成机制产业化进程遇到问题国家政策引导重要性

    To discuss the price mechanism in domestic alcohol fuel industry. The problems in industrialization process and the importance of State policy guidance are also discussed.


  • 理解价格形成机制证券价格行为之间关系无论理论上还是从实务来说重要

    It is very important to understand the relationship between price formation mechanisms and security price behavior both in theory and in practice.


  • 本文城市供水价格角度进行研究提出成本为基础节约型供水价格供水价格形成机制建议

    Based on the study of the pricing of municipal water supply, this paper proposed economical cost-based pricing of water supply, the pricing mechanism, and some Suggestions.


  • 文章两方面因素结合起来考虑,把信息对称引入模型做市商市场的证券价格形成机制进行了均衡分析。

    The paper combines these factors and introduces information asymmetry into the model to analyze the security price formation mechanism using Game Theory under market maker environment.


  • 汇率形成机制人民币价格处于不断转变动态过程因此不同阶段有所变化

    'The exchange-rate mechanism and the price of the renminbi are in a dynamic process of continuous change,' he said. 'So they will differ in different periods.'


  • 十九世纪20年代,老于世故投资者们资金聚拢形成基金联手操纵单个股票价格这类基金要求一种特定准入机制

    Back in the nineteen-twenties, sophisticated investors joined together in pools that manipulated individual stocks, and such funds acquired a certain cachet.


  • 金融市场微观结构理论研究基本问题市场交易机制资产价格形成问题

    The fundamental research of financial market microstructure theories is the market transaction mechanism and the assets price forming.


  • 因此研究煤炭供应链价格波动及其形成机制具有重要理论现实意义

    Therefore, the research coal supply chain price undulates and forms the mechanism, has the important theory and the practical significance.


  • 中国代表表示,中国目前实行宏观经济调控主要市场形成价格机制

    The representative of China said that China currently applied a mechanism of market-based pricing under macro-economic adjustment.


  • 基础性制度市场有效价格机制形成基础公平交易平台也是保护市场主体财富利益机制

    Basic institutions are the bases forming the efficient price system of the market, the platform for fair deal, and also mechanism protecting the interests of the main wealth of the market.


  • 第三国家实行逐步完善宏观经济调控主要市场形成价格机制

    Article 3 the state shall implement and gradually improve the market-based pricing mechanism under the control of the macro economy.


  • 第二建立市场形成价格机制国家价格制订者转变为价格监管者

    Secondly, establish a market price formation mechanism; States will be translated from price maker into price regulator.


  • 考虑资源土地成本基础建立能够真实反映煤炭价格形成机制

    In considering the resources, land and other costs based on the establishment of coal can be a true reflection of the price formation mechanism.


  • 建议通过成立图书价格、图书质量监管委员会实施图书准入制度等途径,形成套覆盖全国图书馆图书采购协调监管机制

    One is to establish a mechanism to regulate and supervise the purchase of books by setting up a committee to supervise the price and quality of books and carrying out the access system of books.


  • 第三国家实行逐步完善宏观经济调控主要市场形成价格机制

    Article 3 the State institutes and gradually improves a mechanism under which prices are formed mainly by the market under the macro-economic control.


  • 水资源配置采用市场机制运作,供求关系形成价格,从而有可能造成水价剧烈波动。

    In order to meet the requirement of socialism market economy, water resources distribution of the Project will adopt market mechanism and water charge will be formed by supply-demand relationship.


  • 本文利用住宅市场供求关系理论,解释了投机需求住宅市场价格影响以及价格泡沫的形成机制

    Based on the demand - supply theory, the paper explains the effect of speculative demand on housing price and the formation mechanism of price bubbles.


  • 另外本文探讨了动态零售价格设计考虑因素完全结合实际情况勾络了动态零售价格形成机制

    In addition, it discusses factors that should be considered when designing the dynamistic retail price and how it comes out in actual situations.


  • 市场微观结构理论研究主要集中于证券交易价格形成与发现过程运作机制

    Researches in the market microstructure focus on the processes of discovering the trading prices and the operating mechanisms of the trading prices.


  • 市场微观结构理论研究主要集中于证券交易价格形成与发现过程运作机制

    Researches in the market microstructure focus on the processes of discovering the trading prices and the operating mechanisms of the trading prices.


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