• 报告规划深远计划英国数字化基础设施进行升级以确保社会各个部门都能分享利益

    The report sets out far-reaching plans to upgrade Britain's digital infrastructure and ensure all sections of society share in the benefits.


  • 预测人类呈现出了广泛社会经济环境政治问题这些问题需要当下解决确保人类拥有可持续发展的未来

    Such a projection presents mankind with wide-ranging social, economic, environmental and political issues that need to be addressed today to ensure a sustainable future for all.


  • 现在为止,已经经实践证明有效经验从头到尾武装起来了,确保过程社会角度来看,团队代码评审过程之中能够节省大量的时间

    So now you're armed with an Arsenal of proven practices to ensure that you get the most of out of the time that your team spends on code reviews, both from a process and a social perspective.


  • 培养少女带头人确保少女获得关键的经济技能社会技能,并获得指导资源支持参与社区生活

    Promote adolescent girl leaders: Ensure that adolescent girls gain essential economic and social skills and are supported by mentors and resources to participate in community life.


  • 需要解决法律问题确保公司因为追求利润股东收益最大化损害社会任务

    Legal issues will need to be addressed to ensure that companies are not bound to maximise profits and shareholder returns to the detriment of their social mission.


  • 每个捐助者要利用社会上层人士确保自身项目成功惟恐被别人占先。

    Each donor exploits the best people to ensure the success of its own projects, lest another donor exploit them first.


  • 我们需要另外的规章规定确保我们正在的工作达到保护社会的目的。

    We need additional rules and regulations to make sure we're doing what we're supposed to be doing to protect communities.


  • 雨林联盟一个国际化公益性组织他们热带地区农民生产者一起工作确保他们使用环境可承受有利于社会义的方式

    The Rainforest Alliance, an international nonprofit, works with farmers and producers in tropical areas to ensure they are practicing environmentally sustainable and socially just methods.


  • 一方面,如果成就社会环境中商业关系确保取得成功方法之一成为一个伟大的听众

    For another, if you want to make achievement in social Settings, relationships and business, one way to ensure your success is to be a great listener.


  • 查理巧克力工厂结局个小型的企业家奥古伦伯人在巧克力工厂工作,确保他永远不会社会楼梯跌落下来

    At the end of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" he is a pint-size entrepreneur, with an immigrant workforce of Oompa-Loompas to ensure he does not tumble back down the social ladder.


  • 安息日仅仅所有社会必须停摆一天确保(透过“蓝色律法”的立法)所有的人都参加公众敬拜

    The Sabbath is merely the day when all of society must "shut down" in order to ensure (by means of "blue law" legislation) that public worship is attended by all.


  • 研究该国社会生活确保家人适应国家生活环境

    Research the country's social life to ensure that your family will be able to adapt to the new country.


  • 卡梅伦首相发表讲话,呼吁学校回归精英主义”,力图修补英国断裂”的社会确保经济前景

    David Cameron will signal a return to "elitism" in schools in an attempt to mend Britain's "broken" society and secure the economic future.


  • 中国排球界应该树立国家宏观管理为主导,扶持职业俱乐部成为市场主体观念,在确保社会效益的前提下,促进我国排球运动事业型经营型转变。

    Chinese volleyball should set up a concept of national management, support professional club as the market principal part, insure the social profit, promote it from career to management.


  • 群众意识作为一个群体确信必要的,确保和平社会正义任何手段包括武力

    The masses (consciousness as a group) will be convinced that it is necessary to ensure Peace and Social Justice by any means, including force.


  • 社会化实质上一种社会意义上移动因而需要社会认知地图导向确保成功

    The socialization of human beings is, in fact, a movement from the social Angle, so a cognitive society map is needed to be a guider to guarantee his success.


  • 加强诚信教育营造社会大环境诚信氛围与压力;确保就业信息渠道畅通

    The author claims that it is the most important to intensify honesty-oriented education, to guarantee the unblockedness of the employment information channel, etc.


  • 我们作出了全面部署努力保证经济增长价值民生确保社会稳定

    We made overall plans and efforts to guarantee economic growth, value people's livelihood and ensure social stability.


  • 晚宴相当帮助确保我们氏族社会年度郊游今年一个伟大的成功许多感谢

    Dinner helped considerably to ensure that our Clan Society's Annual Outing this year was a great success. Again, many thanks.


  • 网站页面进行改造,确保更高搜索引擎友好,22%位列其次,还有21%打算关注社会媒体结合

    Changes to website pages to ensure they are more SEOfriendly were the highest priority for 22 percent, while 21 percent plan to focus on social media integration.


  • 有些昆虫比如蚂蚁蜜蜂群居社会’,这里不同成员各自完成特定工作确保殖民地运转。

    Some insects, such as ants and bees, live in "eusocial" groups, in which different members carry out specialized jobs to help maintain the colony.


  • 有些昆虫比如蚂蚁蜜蜂群居社会’,这里不同成员各自完成特定工作确保殖民地运转。

    Some insects, such as ants and bees, live in "eusocial" groups, in which different members carry out specialized jobs to help maintain the colony.


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