• 检查命名约定语法以及标准级别

    It checks the naming conventions, syntax, and normalization levels.


  • 应该文档提供标准外观和感觉以及标准结构

    It should also provide a standardized look-and-feel as well as a standardized structure for the documentation.


  • 包括测试方法评估方法,以及标准要求符合性评估

    It includes test methods and methods of assessment, as well as provisions for the evaluation of conformity of the products to the requirements of this standard.


  • 关于各种标准开发团体概述以及标准分类请参阅篇文章中的栏。

    See the sidebar in that article for an overview of the various standards development bodies and how specifications are categorized.


  • 许多人归功于强大的公共卫生模式以及标准诊断治疗

    Many attribute this success to a strong public health model with a standardized approach to diagnosis and treatment.


  • 配备了警告系统以及标准电子对抗吊舱对付空中以及面空电子威胁

    It also has a warning system and modular countermeasure pods to be used against airborne or surface electronic threats.


  • 然后详细介绍和分析了IEC61850制定思路特点以及标准体系内容

    Then the constitution thoughts, characteristics and standard system content of IEC61850 are introduced in detail.


  • 认为张牌可能不错尤其是扩充尘身殉道者以及标准构筑中的守望队长可以配合。

    I think this card is probably quite good, particularly with Martyr of Sands in Extended or Captain of the Watch in Standard.


  • 一点,加上各个标准解释的不同之处以及标准之间的关系就造成互操作性问题

    This, along with differing interpretation of the standards and how they relate, causes interoperability problems.


  • 本文叙述了焦度计误差,顶焦度标准镜片表面弯度选择原则以及标准镜片测量方法等。

    This paper describes the error in focimeters, the principle of selection on curvature of inside face for vertex power of standard lenses and the method for measuring them.


  • 关于标准以及标准很多不同定义(存在很多标准体),一般认为ISO具权威性的。

    There are as many different definitions of "standard" as there are standards bodies (and there are a lot of standards bodies), but ISO is generally accepted as the most authoritative.


  • 但是由于技术技术的底层规范以及标准比较所以必须注意确保来自不同供应商平台可以适当地通信

    However, since the technology and its underlying specifications and standards are relatively new, care must be taken to ensure that different vendor platforms communicate properly.


  • 可得的更高技巧使用一般测试自动化构件以及标准产品意味着有技巧测试自动化开发员可以更容易地达到了。

    High skills availability: Using common test automation components and standard products means an increased availability of skilled test automation developers.


  • 但是只有道德特殊的直接起源目的以及标准才可能为了增进动植物等非人类存在物利益

    But only the moral special and the direct origin, the goal as well as the standard, is possibly for promote the zoology and botany that is the non-humanity existence benefit.


  • Web服务通过使用基于标准协议SOAPWSDLUDDI以及标准开发工作实现了一点。

    Web services achieves this through the use of standard-based protocols like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, and through the developments in standards groups.


  • 通过无公害竹笋生产技术研究提出了无公害竹笋标准制订背景标准制订的依据以及标准技术指标

    According to study on non pollution bamboo shoot production, analysis was made on background, basis and technical index for standard formulation.


  • 多年以来软件工程师已经学习很多有关移植性问题,其中的很多知识已经渗透到了语言设计以及标准编码实践当中

    Over the years, software engineers have learned a lot about portability, and much of that knowledge has filtered into language design and standard coding practices.


  • 语言哲学视角审视翻译学中的意义问题,可以我们摆脱传统观念桎梏,对翻译的实质、方法以及标准得以全新认识

    The philosophical study of meaning in translation may help us get rid of the restriction from traditional concepts in order to have a better understanding of the essence, method and standard.


  • 需要进行全球化UI元素包括菜单工具栏对话框欢迎页面插件产品信息以及标准Eclipse UI 元素。

    The UI elements that need globalization include menu, toolbar, dialog, splash screen, welcome page, plug-in and product information, and the standard Eclipse UI elements.


  • 另外建议你们利用这次有利的机会尽量的提出问题,从我们酒店的运作体系以及标准获得更多的知识。这将你们成功的秘诀

    In addition, I suggest you to take this opportunity to ask questions and learn as much as you can about our philosophy and Standards-this is your secret for success!


  • 组织需要明确指挥即定主次顺序绩效标准以及正确管理

    Organizations need clear direction, set priorities and performance standards, and clear controls.


  • 这些组织纽带是以法律行政共同原则以及执行共同行为标准普遍军队官员为基础的。

    The organizational bonds were based on the common principles of law and administration and on the universal army of officials who enforced common standards of conduct.


  • 目前候选人的选拔标准相当严格比如过往学术职业表现以及分析解决问题能力

    At the moment, candidates are selected on a fairly narrow set of criteria such as prior academic and career performance, and analytical and problem-solving abilities.


  • 国际标准衡量英国之所以落后是因为我们地方政府软弱以及税收反对积极支持市场执政党的监管

    That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, by international standards, local government, as well as the opposition to taxes and regulation of our aggressively pro-market ruling party.


  • 告诉比赛评判标准以及奖品什么吗?

    Can you tell me a bit about how the competition is judged and what the prizes are?


  • 告诉比赛评判标准以及奖品什么吗?

    Can you tell me a bit about how the competition is judged and what the prizes are?


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