• 举例来说需要主页面的页添加链接链接外部资源

    For example, you need to add some links to external resources to the main web page header.


  • 举例来说历史性人物命名所学校成为一种方法教导学生了解那个人物历史上重要性

    For example, naming a school after a historic person becomes a way to teach students about that person's importance in history.


  • 举例来说意味着能够B2BUA身份生成bye消息此来关闭连接使用代理身份则无法实现此目的

    This means, for example, that you can close a connection as a B2BUA by generating a BYE message, but you cannot do so as a proxy.


  • 举例来说如果图像则生成一个图像放置上下文菜单中,提供缩略视图。

    Images, for example, generate a small image to place in the context menu itself to give a hint of what it is about.


  • 举例来说用作化肥,一旦形式离开大气,就阻碍植物生长

    For example, nitrogen can be a fertilizer, but it can stunt plant growth when nitrogen comes out of the air in acid form.


  • 举例来说现行汇率计算,法国GDP英国超越。后者比法国高出5%(尽管人口相差无几)。

    For example, France's GDP measured at current exchange rates has been overtaken by Britain's, which is now 5% bigger (even though the two countries' populations are much the same).


  • 举例来说没有浏览演讲稿消除可能会引发商业敏感的措词

    For instance, there has been no one to cast an eye over speeches to root out words that might inflame business sensibilities.


  • 举例来说下列web . config文件使MicrosoftInternetInformationServices (IIS)定义一个自订标头自动使用IE7 mode来编译所有网页

    For example, the following web.config file enables Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) to define a custom header that automatically renders all pages in IE7 mode.


  • 举例来说,如果一个程序使用Skynet (MapReduceRuby版本),还想使用虚拟并行运行任务,那么其必须进行适配适合每种Ruby实现

    A program that, for instance, wants to use something like Skynet, a Ruby version of MapReduce, using multiple VMs to run tasks in parallel, will have to be adapted for every Ruby implementation.


  • 脚本用于完成许多任务,举例来说设置cron作业来小时运行这个脚本,帮助您跟踪24小时内所使用php会话的数量。

    For example, you could set a cron job to run this script once per hour to help you keep track of how many PHP sessions are being used around the clock.


  • 举例来说老师开始使用Skype课堂上交流意见企业就会增加相应功能帮助他们方便的使用其技术

    For instance, when teachers began using Skype to swap advice on classes, the firm added features that made it easier for them to collaborate using its technology.


  • 举例来说,在长期实践当地农夫发明了一种方法:挖掘种植农作物这种当地人称作“zai”浅地坑同时也收集存储稀少雨水灌溉农作物。

    For example, it was a long-standing practice among local farmers to dig what they called zai—shallow pits that collected and concentrated scarce rainfall onto the roots of crops.


  • 举例来说使用Oracle ReaApplicationCluster[15]提供JDBC连接[14]获得连接的负载均衡失败转移

    For example, you can also get connection load balancing and failover using the Oracle provided JDBC connection pool [14] along with Oracle Real Application Cluster [15].


  • 举例来说一些家长很高兴看到苹果公司制定政策限制在设备上使用一些猥亵应用的时候,任何不喜欢这项政策的一部诺基亚,或者Android手机取而代之

    While some parents welcome Apple's policy of blocking racy apps from its devices, for example, anyone who dislikes it can buy a Nokia or an Android phone instead.


  • 举例来说举行运动比赛时千计照相机需要遍布会场捕捉运动员一举一动。

    At a sporting event, for example, thousands of cameras will be needed throughout a stadium to capture athletes' movements.


  • 举例来说一项技术通过风能地下洞穴内空气压缩产生电能空气输送燃气涡轮机提高燃烧功效。

    One, for instance, uses power produced when the wind is blowing to compress air in underground chambers; the air is fed into gas-fired turbines to make them run more efficiently.


  • 举例来说统一格式编写代码较之仓促编写的代码(缺少注释适当的)有价值

    As an example, writing code that is formatted in a consistent manner is more valuable than code that was written in a hurrylacking comments, proper indentation and the like.


  • 现在完成篇文章比比四,五十年前容易多。 彼时万事不易,举例来说,搜寻所需数据非常繁杂事情现在的硬件条件都不容易,何况彼时。

    If the formal preparation of a Letter has become so much easier than 50 or 40 years ago, doing the hardware of physics—that is, getting the data—has become a much more complex and competitive affair.


  • 举例来说广告非常货易货”,因为许多媒体特别是网络很低成本提供新的广告空间

    For example, advertising is "hugely bartered" because many media, particularly on the Web can supply new AD space at little cost.


  • 举例来说一个工厂需要遮荫经常浇水成长不会这样做的,干燥气候常常阳光普照比如,在科罗拉多

    For example, a plant that requires shade and frequent watering to grow will not do well in a dry climate that is often sunny, such as that in Colorado.


  • 举例来说设置第一阻止所有社交网站第二阻止所有的网站电子邮件

    For example, set the first one to block all social networking sites, the second one to block all email websites and so on.


  • 举例来说如果体重五十公斤女士轻松步调小时消耗掉五百卡路里

    For example, if a woman that weighs 50 kilograms rides for one hour at a relaxing pace, she would burn 500 calories.


  • 举例来说如果核仁安装正确网络模组Linux可能能够自动地pcmcia的一个新的网络发现并且安装驱动器

    For example, if you have the right network modules installed with the kernel, Linux may be able to automatically detect and install the drivers for a new network card in a PCMCIA slot.


  • 举例来说研究一个多个案例检验民族主义理论的某个问题主张

    For example, one paper option would be to use one or more case studies to examine a theoretically-grounded question or claim about nationalism.


  • 举例来说蓝色水晶需放 射处理加深改善颜色

    The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality. But color is also important: blue topaz, for instance, is often irradiated to deepen and improve its color.


  • 举例来说蓝色水晶需放 射处理加深改善颜色

    The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality. But color is also important: blue topaz, for instance, is often irradiated to deepen and improve its color.


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