• 首先使代码变得复杂因为不得不进行管理,也不得不跟踪xhr实例生命周期

    First, it would complicate your code because you would have to manage a pool and track the life cycle of the XHR instances.


  • 依我看提供了一个连接传入代码包装程当中,等到连接可用的时候恢复纤程。

    As I see, it allows to pass code wrapped in Fibers to a pool of connections, which then resumes the Fibers as connections become available.


  • 大多数业务程序员都愿意,为了使用JDBCSPI而编写他们自己的数据源连接代码实现一个命名服务器

    Most business programmers cannot justify the time it takes to write their own datasource and connection pool code plus implement a naming server so the JDBC SPI can be used.


  • 清单4显示应用程序模块查找创建数据库连接所需代码

    Listing 4 shows the code in the application module needed to lookup the created database connection pool.


  • 提供者创建受管对象包含JDBC包装器容器提供的连接管理器添加相似的自动征用代码

    The managed objects created by the provider contain similar auto-enlistment code as the JDBC wrapper added by the container-supplied connection pool manager.


  • 意味着,在JDBC 3.0现存代码可以自动利用语句

    This means that under JDBC 3.0, your existing code will automatically leverage statement pooling.


  • 代码可能实现了自己线程缓存连接甚至(但愿不会如此)安全基础设施

    The code might have implemented its own threading, caching, connection pooling, or even (heaven forbid) security infrastructure.


  • 这里异步意义在于“把IO操作放到内置的线程”,通过代码检查操作状态获得未来句柄结果

    Asynchronous in this case means "punt my IO operation to a built-in thread pool", with subsequent code checking on the status of those operations and getting results from a "future" handle.


  • 首先考虑以下E JB客户机代码示例客户机访问实现连接LDAP目录

    First, consider the code example below of an EJB client accessing an LDAP directory that implements a connection pool.


  • 另外要注意单独的连接数据源dataSource的另一个部署选项,并且需要修改任何代码

    Also notice that the standalone connection-pooling dataSource is yet another deployment option for the 'dataSource' and does not require any code changes.


  • 需要web.xml声明资源引用应用程序代码通过JNDI 查找数据库

    You also need to declare the resource reference in web.xml and look for the database pool via JNDI from the application code.


  • 最后CustomerService实用程序展示如何代码访问连接

    Finally, the Customer Service utility showed you how this connection pool can be accessed within the code.


  • 实用工具JAR,它包括用于线程实现特定代码

    A utility JAR that includes the specific code for the thread pool implementation.


  • 其它最新变化都是RC2里面完成,诸如“请求伪造保护改进ActiveRecord连接代码优。

    Some last minute changes were done in RC2, namely the improvement of the request forgery protection and tuning of the ActiveRecord connection pooling code.


  • 推荐我们使用RationalPerformance Tester定制代码特性数据方法创建一个选择,强制一次性加载所有数据。

    Recommendation: We used Rational Performance Tester's Custom Code feature to create an alternative to the data pool method that wouldn't force all data to be loaded at once.


  • 例如现有依赖于DriverManager专用连接JDBC代码可能更新使用DataSource的。

    For example, existing JDBC code that depends on DriverManager or proprietary connection pooling solutions can be updated to make use of DataSources.


  • 可以使用每行包含多个元素数据但是用户必须这个测试自定义代码中增加一些功能取出单个元素。

    You can use data pools that contain multiple elements per line, but the user would have to add functions to the test's custom code to extract individual elements.


  • 调用第三方代码这些代码没有使用监视器有些时候可能达到上面的要求,情况下,您所采取最佳做法尝试在进行操作时使创建垃圾量最小

    Sometimes this isn't possible when you're calling third-party code that doesn't use monitors. In such cases, the best you can do is try to minimize the amount of garbage you create while polling.


  • 清单1底部代码证明无论请求ConnPool一个实例多少都会返回相同对象

    The four lines of code at the bottom of Listing 1 prove that no matter how many times you ask for an instance of the ConnPool pool class, it will always return the same object.


  • 分析代码可以看到我们添加了一个队列实例然后将该队列传递给第一线程ThreadURL

    In looking at the code, you can see that we added another instance of a queue, and then passed that queue into the first thread pool class, ThreadURL.


  • 销毁代码运行时调用并且清理所有发现注册

    When the pool destruction code runs, it invokes any and all cleanup hooks it finds registered with it.


  • 避免相似功能重复开发,实现代码重用对象复用架构基于该架构的线程实现方案

    The objects reuse framework realizes the codes reuse for similar functions and is used for design of threads pool.


  • 不能同时搜索多个集合启动多个搜索一个线程例如),然后聚合结果客户端代码

    You can't search multiple collections simultaneously without actually starting multiple searches (in a thread pool for example) and then aggregating the results within your client code.


  • 不少实际编制代码据说影片中,例如,“下降,下降,下降通过眼泪…”我们沿着。”

    Quite a few actual programming codes were said during the film, for instance, "down, down, down through the pool of tears..." and "we're going to go down the yellow brick road now."


  • 发现代码运行良好加载另一个网站同一个应用程序相同服务器

    NOTE: I found that this code runs fine loaded into another site on the same server in the same Application Pool.


  • 发现代码运行良好加载另一个网站同一个应用程序相同服务器

    NOTE: I found that this code runs fine loaded into another site on the same server in the same Application Pool.


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