• 第一代理民事诉讼律师其他诉讼代理有权查阅代理案件有关材料

    Article 1 Lawyers and other law agents of civil litigations have the right to consult the materials relating to the cases they represent.


  • 诉讼代理为了申请再审需要,可以查阅已经审理终结代理案件有关材料

    A law agent may consult the materials relating to the case it represents for the purpose of applying for retrial.


  • 要求律师具备代理案件合理必需法律知识技能透彻力,和准备。“a。”

    A lawyer should provide competent representation to a client. Competent representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation.


  • 我国法律有关表见代理规定十分有限,直接导致表见代理案件法律适用上的混乱

    The regulations on agency by estoppel in our country are limited, which lead to the confusion of law application in the cases of agency by estoppel.


  • 本周一最高法院已提出申请,要求吊销约翰·迈克尔·法瑞恩的律师执照,而代理所有客户案件由指定受托处理

    The state Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel filed papers Monday to suspend John Michael Farren's license. It wants a trustee appointed to handle his clients' cases.


  • 他们毫不怀疑他们能够侥幸,不受惩罚”,新德里警方代理人,已经参与调查类似案件达利瓦这么说。

    They have no doubt that they will get away with it,” said H. G. S. Dhaliwal, a deputy police commissioner in New Delhi who has investigated several such cases.


  • 我们很长时间准备案件指定法定代理艰难地召集目击证人,这样案子才有时间慢慢成熟,就像奶酪一样

    We put up with the long preparation of cases, the appointing of legal representatives, the laborious assembling of witnesses, because it seems to give the case time to mature, like cheese.


  • 不得未决案件当事人及其代理辩护人提供咨询意见法律意见

    A judge is not allowed to provide advice or Judicial suggestion on pending cases to the parties, attorney and defendants.


  • 他们毫不怀疑他们能够侥幸,不受惩罚”,新德里警方代理已经参与调查起类似案件达利瓦这么说。

    "They have no doubt that they will get away with it," said H. G. s. Dhaliwal, a deputy police commissioner in New Delhi who has investigated several such cases.


  • 随着我国建筑物行业迅猛发展司法实践律师代理建筑物分层所有权纠纷案件操作时带来诸多问题

    With the rapid development of the construction industry, there appear many problems in the judicial practice and lawyers' acting on cases related to the building's floor proprietary.


  • 对于不满十八未成年犯罪案件讯问审判可以通知犯罪嫌疑人被告人法定代理到场

    In cases where a minor under the age of 18 commits a crime, the criminal suspect and the legal representative of the defendant may be notified to be present at the time of interrogation and trial.


  • 消息人士法院拒绝受理他们案件官员促使胁迫律师他们代理

    Courts have refused to hear their case and officials have tried to intimidate a lawyer representing them, the activists say.


  • 迈克尔·莱文Michael Levine)是俄勒冈州波特兰的一位辩护律师代理过多起当事人涉嫌威胁案件

    Michael Levine, a defense lawyer in Portland, Ore., has represented clients accused of making threats.


  • 这些理赔代理授权在当地处理索赔案件

    These Claim settling agent is authorized to effect settlement locally.


  • 这起诉讼至今仍生活南方长女去年提起的,她的代表律师裴今子,在2001年代理过类似的案件并达成了庭外和解。

    The lawsuit was initiated last year by the eldest daughter, who still lives in the South.


  • 法官配偶子女不得担任该法官任职法院办理案件诉讼代理或者辩护人

    The spouse or children of a judge may not be the law agent or defender in the cases handled by the court that judge belongs to.


  • 文章适用案件范围诉讼程序代理辩护救济方面论述我国刑事缺席判决制度之构建路径。

    From the case scope, procedure, agency, defense and remedies, etc, the paper put forward the ways to construct China Absent Judgement.


  • 这些理赔代理授权在当地处理索赔案件

    These claim settling agent be authorized to effect settlement locally.


  • 智博代理客户进行的诉讼仲裁案件涉及各类争议

    Tomohiro agency clients, litigation, arbitration cases involving various types of disputes.


  • 讽刺,格里尔调查这起案件一直使用机器代理

    But satirizes the matter, Greer investigates when this case has been using the machine agent.


  • 麦金律师一个案件中替年轻人代理起诉乡村委员会

    Makin, a solicitor, is acting for the young people in their case against the county council.


  • 律师代理知识产权诉讼案件除了一般民事案件经历相同程序外,还有一些特别要注意的问题

    The lawyer has some special problems to face besides the same procedure as the general civil case when they act on such case.


  • 成功代理金融机构公司企业参与重大诉讼案件解决。

    We have represented many financial institutions, leading corporations in a large number of high profile litigations.


  • 成功代理北京好友世界商场经营权纠纷案件,获得顾问单位一致好评

    She has successfully acted as agent in the case of dispute over Beijing Hao You Shi Jie Shopping Center's operation right. Her excellent performance is well reputed by the clients.


  • 官员失职的州长代理杀死了6年轻人,还有一名受伤。泰勒·皮特森之后警察交火身亡。这个案件震惊了美国社会

    A community is still in shock after authorities say an off-duty sheriff's deputy killed 6 young people and injured another. Tyler Peterson later died after exchanging gunfire with police.


  • 所有多位律师代理仲裁诉讼案件具有丰富经验

    Our firm has a number of lawyers who have rich experience in solving arbitration and litigation cases.


  • 建筑物因为具有价值、不易移动隐匿、毁损等优点,时常成为律师代理财产保全案件首选对象。

    Buildings with the strong points of high value, hard to move, conceal and damage are always the first choices in the property-protection cases deputized by the attorneys.


  • 建筑物因为具有价值、不易移动隐匿、毁损等优点,时常成为律师代理财产保全案件首选对象。

    Buildings with the strong points of high value, hard to move, conceal and damage are always the first choices in the property-protection cases deputized by the attorneys.


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