• 和平协约初具雏形,勇气使付诸实现

    The contours of a peace deal are clear. But who has the courage to draw them?


  • 他们出点子还是要找能想法付诸实现的能手?

    Are they looking for the person who generates the ideas or the person who is a dab hand at putting new ideas into practice?


  • 这个计划来真简单付诸实现恐怕没有那么简单。

    The plan sounds simple enough but it won't be so simple to put into action.


  • 使过于自信志在必得地接受永远不能付诸实现任务

    This aspect could make you overly confident, all too ready to accept a commission-only job that will never materialize in the way you've been led to believe.


  • 但是在大多数人们看来,最困难接受这些想法付诸实现方式

    What most people find difficult, however, is accepting the way these new ideas are put into practice.


  • 从头开始构思了一个想法将其付诸实现,介绍创建该插件使用几个步骤。

    I started at the very beginning, coming up with the original idea and putting together some of the specs that would be used in the plug-in.


  • 或者可能模型视为提出设计概要示意图在将工程付诸实现就是一次性的。

    Or you might treat your models as sketches that suggest the broad Outlines of a design, but are considered disposable when the project moves into implementation.


  • 这个联合集资主意去年唐宁街10号举行创新者金融峰会”上付诸实现

    The idea of a collaborative approach to funding was floated at the "Innovators in Finance Summit" meeting at 10 Downing Street last year.


  • 这么现在有了地球回家至大中枢太阳回归周期大量可能性允许这样梦想付诸实现

    In so doing, now there is plenty of possibility for the return cycle home of Earth into the Great Central Sun to allow such a dream to come to fruition.


  • 产生了一个想法并且我们可能可以付诸实现如果卡尔或者其他董事任何点子他们会是实现

    I came away thinking that maybe we could work this out, and that if Carl or any other directors had any good ideas, they should bring them on.


  • 采用优化设计后获得直升机设计方案由于许多不确定性因素的影响,最后付诸实现时并不能保证得到像预先优化设计方案那样结果

    The design project of the helicopter that adopted design optimization can't accomplish anticipative result successfully because of some uncertain factors in the engineering practice.


  • 但是霍尔的盒子尽管清楚地属于这个时代的,却提出了一关于艺术可能提出的一般问题,好像最极端的可能性终于付诸实现了。

    But the Warhol boxes, though clearly of their time, raised the most general question about art that can be raised, as though the most radical possibilities had at last been realized.


  • WorldWideWebConsortium (W3C)8月发布了XQueryUpdateFacility 1.0last - call草案而且供应商已经开始付诸实现

    The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) issued a last-call draft of XQuery Update Facility 1.0 in August, and vendors are starting to implement it.


  • 我们XACML专家SimonGodik指出了我们可以实现其他改进,并不是完全重新编写但是时间付诸实施

    Our XACML expert, Simon Godik, has pointed out several other improvements that we could make, short of a complete rewrite, but no one has had time to put them into practice.


  • 一旦已经定义了产品核心竞争力并且已经知道什么才能使真正实现时,你要将它铭记于心并将付诸于你件事情。

    Once you have defined your core and know what is responsible for making it a reality through your Web application, you need to keep it at the heart of everything you do.


  • 实现目标付诸行动在工作上用尽全力带给你真正满足感

    The act of giving yourself to a cause, and working with your full ability, is what will bring real satisfaction.


  • 同样地很多分析家都认为针对所有最为复杂情形1ghzCPU物理上无法实现更别说付诸实践了。

    Likewise, many analysts thought 1ghz CPUs were physically not possible, let alone practical, for all but the most esoteric of situations.


  • 课程实施课程计划付诸实践过程,是实现育人目标基本途径

    Curriculum implementation is a process in which curriculum program is put into practice, and a basic way to realize the educational aim.


  • 英语短文不但付诸行动使事情发生而且能同时实现目标意图

    Not only can you make things happen, but you can also make things happen with purpose and intention.


  • 潜藏计划下面的意愿动力,对自己信念热情付诸实现的着力点。

    The underlying intention is the force, and the belief in oneself is the focus that will carry the enthusiasm to fruition.


  • 不过一旦中学付诸实际,你就会发现邮件仍然无法实现那个最终的目标——让读者作出你想要回应

    Well, once you start practicing what you've learnt from many of these books, you might find that an email of yours still fails to achieve its ultimate purpose: to evoke the response you want.


  • 学报青年编辑学者实现需要编辑之学术研究付诸更大的努力,同时在青年编辑的进修、科研等方面应力求制度化

    The realization of scholar accomplishment of young editors requires painstaking efforts into academic research and the systemized management of in-service training and scientific research.


  • 能力并且坚信将来能够实现。例如“以后要上大学,我一定能实现只是现在很忙明年付诸行动。”

    I know I could go to university and I would, but I'm just to busy with other things right now, I'll apply next year.


  • 美国计划问题并非出于自己的谨慎小心,而是万一实现这点抱负铤而走险,有可能将铁路货运巨大成功付诸东流。

    But the problem with America's plans for high-speed rail is not their modesty. It is that even this limited ambition risks messing up the successful freight railways.


  • 美国计划问题并非出于自己的谨慎小心,而是万一实现这点抱负铤而走险,有可能将铁路货运巨大成功付诸东流。

    But the problem with America's plans for high-speed rail is not their modesty. It is that even this limited ambition risks messing up the successful freight railways.


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