• 爱着照顾还说绝不会

    He loves her; he takes care of her! He said he would never let her die!


  • 忙了很少时间照顾两岁儿子,所以需要一个应用程序学习说话数数

    She is so busy that she seldom has time to take care of her 2-year-old son, so she needs an app for him to learn to speak and count.


  • 四岁女儿露西非常想念我们是否可以上帝封信确保照顾艾比

    My 4-year-old daughter Lucy missed her a lot and asked if we could write a letter to God to make sure he could look after Abbey well.


  • 别林10岁时,的母亲病得太厉害,无法再照顾她的儿子们,所以们不得不自己照顾自己。

    When Chaplin was 10 years old, his mum became too ill to look after her sons, so they had to take care of themselves.


  • 如果只生个孩子,”萨旺女士现在正在学习计算机拥有保险单工作,“就可以更好照顾了。”

    "If I have just one," said Ms. Sawand, who is taking a computer course and has a job selling insurance policies, "I can take better care of it."


  • Gross补充说,为了实现家庭和工作平衡开口提出需求非常重要,比如说家人生病时候马上请假照顾他/

    Gross added that, in terms of work-life balance, it's crucial to ask for what you need, such as time off to care for an ailing family member, as soon as the issue arises.


  • 母亲个朋友在4月初拜访之后称,看到满身伤痕的婴儿P独自坐在花园里着脏东西。 孩子的母亲说孩子已经喜欢上了那个照顾一个女人

    The mother told her that he had grown fond of the woman who had looked after him for a month.


  • 结果而言是个负担,被迫照顾的某个东西。

    "As a consequence he was a burden to her, something she was forced to look after".


  • 玲珑剔透的女孩子,生活的琐碎让不胜其烦,主动承担大部分家务照顾一如既往地宠着

    She was a delicate girl who hated household chores. Therefore, he shouldered most of the housework and took good care of her and indulged her.


  • 苏珊眼里雪莉的宝贝......在出生就一直所以一直照顾直到相信认为属于的,的‘棕色的小男孩而且羞涩的

    I was ill so long after he was born and she looked after him till I really believe she thinks he is her own. She calls him her 'little brown boy' and spoils him shamefully.


  • 利奥是否真的告诉丽的病症,以及是否真的照顾,这完全要看埃丽的体型了。

    No one has commented on whether Leo can actually tell that Ellie is disabled or if he is caring for her based solely on her size.


  • 当时只有七岁不得不独自照顾曾经让杰里失望,也曾经觉得自己负担过重,一直很爱

    Jerry was seven then and she had had to manage him alone, had sometimes failed him, had sometimes been burdened too greatly, but she had always loved him.


  • 心里非常不安,到了傍晚完了奶,就独自走进园子里继续后悔不该暴露自己发现照顾

    Her misgiving was such that at dusk, when the milking was over, she walked in the garden alone, to continue her regrets that she had disclosed to him her discovery of his considerateness.


  • 把那张乱七八糟的字条拿给当时21岁的儿子乔治20岁女儿布里吉特看要求格·丽特,因为当时还要照顾生病婴儿和一对5岁大双胞胎女儿

    He showed his jumbled writing to his son George, then 21, and daughter Brigid, 20, making them promise not to tell Margaret, who had a sick baby plus 5-year-old twin girls in her charge.


  • 内德博士定义照顾他/健康幸福快乐,让们达到一个水平高度胜于自己的健康、幸福快乐。

    Dr. Neder defines true love as caring about the health well-being and happiness of another person to a greater degree than your own health well-being and happiness.


  • 断绝关系从来就没使感觉好受过;现在将要照顾余生了。

    Breaking off their affair had never sat right with him; now he would take care of her for the rest of her life.


  • 亚当·谢巴德提前个月结束了体验:谢巴德的母亲得了癌症,回家照顾

    Adam Shepard wound up cutting his experiment short by three months: his mother had cancer and Shepard went home to help her.


  • 剧本所有意义所在知道在意但是并未照顾

    And that is the whole point of the play. I know he cared for her but he didn't take care of her.


  • 结果是两只不得不离开家,外面去照顾山羊但是仍然饿因为姐妹的东西太少了。

    It came to pass that Two-eyes had to go out into the fields and tend the goat, but she was still quite hungry, because her sisters had given her so little to eat.


  • 老伴儿的老年痴呆症状加深时,是悉心照顾使得的症状慢慢消失

    He took care of her as her dementia deepened and she slowly faded.


  • 对于费尔南德斯来说家人重要的。太太待在家里照顾两个小孩不会工作

    For Fernandez, his family is top priority. His wife is a stay-at-home mom who CARES for their two young children, and he says that her getting a job is not an option.


  • 生病期间一直照顾

    He attended her through her illness.


  • 提出的这个话头当即布兰登上校接了过去,因为任何场合都很照顾别人情绪。

    The idea however started by her, was immediately pursued by Colonel Brandon, who was on every occasion mindful of the feelings of others;


  • 布鲁看到熊猫妈妈耐心照顾小宝宝一幅很迷人的画面,张照片也完成任务:“人类明白保护这些动物栖息地非常重要的事情。”

    Blooms says it was enchanting to see the mother bears with their cubs, and this photo serves his mission: "It's important to make them aware of how important it is to protect these animals' habitats."


  • 罗伯特母亲杰姬这笔帮助照顾虽然形容数额'可笑'。

    Robert's mother Jackie said the money would help with his care, though she described the amount as' derisory '.


  • 放弃工作在家照顾孩子但是觉得这个放弃工作在家照顾孩子,要求过分了。要求太过分了。

    He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.


  • 放弃工作在家照顾孩子但是觉得这个放弃工作在家照顾孩子,要求过分了。要求太过分了。

    He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.


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