• 因为男人喜欢戴着东西形象没有关系没关系一丁点儿关系。

    Because he is my man, he likes to wear things that I had taken him, this has nothing to do with the image, it's all right with you, not the slightest relationship.


  • 一下飞机,看望妻子查克杰出的男人技巧勇气领导参议院辩护

    When I landed, I went to see his wife, Sue; Chuck was an extraordinary man who had led our defense team in the Senate with skill and courage.


  • 了一个小时,一个男人穿过人群冲到艺术家面前,对说:“知道你诚实的,你一定会来的。”

    After an hour, a man rushed through the crowd to the artist and said, "I knew you were honest and would certainly come here."


  • 今晚上一杯亲爱的男人基因决定酒吧里几乎不可能喝一杯

    "I'm only having one drink tonight, lads." Men are genetically incapable of having just one drink at the pub!


  • 父亲一个睿智男人,因此当决定博客上发文时觉得很荣幸

    He is a wise man. I am honored by his decision to contribute to our blog.


  • 看见过一个唧唧作响的推车男人,车上着金箔装点得高脚杯盘子很显然他是在为节日聚会准备

    I watched one man loading a groaning cart with gilt edged paper goblets and plates, clearly preparing for a fete.


  • 格利那草场去。如果不着一起去,真要你看成个大傻瓜,因为世界上只有男人是我心爱的,一个天使

    I am going to Gretna Green, and if you cannot guess with who, I shall think you a simpleton, for there is but one man in the world I love, and he is an angel.


  • 事实上曾经一个男孩的时候,崇拜父亲相信不仅世界聪明的男人而且世界上最高大的男人

    In fact, when I was a young boy, I worshipped my father, whom I believed to be not only the most brilliant but also the tallest man in the world.


  • 好人詹姆斯父亲男人需要一个强壮的男人统治这个国家

    He was a good man, James.A much better man than your father.I needed a strong man to help me rule the country.


  • 没有告诉那个男人可能女的,而那个女人肯定男的——这个公寓那些饰边也已经里女气的了。

    I didn't tell him that the man was probably a woman and the woman surely a man? We had enough drag there among the apartment's ruffles.


  • 丈夫所知高贵人之一,名字里有个大写M男人如果可以挽救整个世界

    My husband is one of the noblest people I know, a man with a capital M. he'd save the whole world if he could.


  • 西雅图女孩自己胳膊肖恩手持来复枪巨大纹身后来伦敦遇见了一个纹有同样纹身的男人,不过腿上

    There's a girl in Seattle who has a massive tattoo on her arm of Shaun holding a rifle. Then I met a guy in London who had the same tattoo on his leg.


  • 一直态度坚决地表明知道给什么样的男人一点肯定无疑的——不会务农养乳牛的!

    I had always been emphatic that I didn't know whom I would marry, but one thing was for surehe would not be a farmer or dairyman!


  • 此刻只想眼中一个很棒的男人一起共事非常愉快。

    This is the time to say I found him to be a top bloke and really enjoyed his company.


  • 经过18,生了四个孩子后才相信即使现在觉得一定那些内在感兴趣少见男人中的一个

    It has taken me 18 years and four children to believe him, and even now I think he just must be one of those rare men who is more interested in inner beauty.


  • 知道一个特定年龄男人放在荧幕上不仅可以演员身份养活自己,而且产生一些幻想:乔治·克鲁尼50岁了。

    But what I do know is this: Put a man of a certain age up on the big screen and he's not only viable as an actor, but might generate some fantasies: George Clooney is 50.


  • 脸色阴沉男人英雄如果分钟就来不及了游戏结束了

    Surly is my hero. Had he waited just five minutes to call for me, it would have been too late, game over.


  • 旁边那个男人吉姆斯迷死人不偿命的英国想想克利夫·欧文年轻时的样子),自从去年相遇了。

    Next to me is a man I'll call James, an insanely attractive British guy (think a younger Clive Owen) I've had a crush on since we met last year.


  • 家庭医生一位有着粗哑嗓音的男人真说清楚心中什么样的人。

    Our family physician was a kind but gruff old bird, and I didn't know what to think about him.


  • 回去面前的那个刚才脸色阴沉的男人高举着一个钱包,那钱包,里面装护照现金信用卡

    I run back - and standing before me is' Surly ', smiling and holding aloft a purse - my purse - containing my passport, money and credit CARDS.


  • 由于打印机不能打印出清晰字来,打电话维修部。电话一位非常和蔼的男人接的,打印机也许需要清理一下

    When my printer's type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned.


  • 传统观念伦敦最有意思男人也再见过寻常的

    He was the most interesting man in London, conventional wisdom had it. I don't think I ever met anyone more remarkable.


  • 黛博拉说“真的应该感到害怕了,但不知道为什么却没有害怕,仍然崇拜男人因为损伤失去控制。”

    This was still the man I adored. I knew it was the brain damage that made him out of control.


  • 潜意识告诉自己朋友好人,只碰巧背叛老婆大概男人也难免出轨。

    The message he's subconsciously telling himself: My friend is a good guy who happens to be cheating on his wife. I guess even the best of us do it.


  • 那种男人不到

    He was the kind of man I wanted to be in love with, but I just wasn't.


  • 那种男人不到

    He was the kind of man I wanted to be in love with, but I just wasn't.


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