• 通过与安娜相处明白了意味着什么

    With Anna he learned the meaning of love.


  • 明白了,把自己的国家建设成一个好地方就相当于为自己建造一个仙境。

    He understood that making his country a great place was like making a wonderland of his own.


  • 明白了,要让别人想得到某件东西,你只需要让难以得到这件东西。

    He had learned that to make someone want something, you only have to make it difficult to get.


  • 然后意识自己在做这件事,刹那间明白情况。

    He realised that he was doing it himself, and in a flash he understood the situation.


  • 多年来,一直抑郁症饮食失调酗酒斗争现在明白身体健康多么重要

    Having struggled with depression, eating disorders and alcohol abuse for years, he now understands how important being healthy is.


  • 明白了什么是真正平静平衡

    He discovers true poise and equilibrium.


  • 然后明白看到

    Then he decided that he was seeing mountains.


  • 明白所有生物爱惜自己生命

    He learned that all living creatures love their lives.


  • 刹那间明白第一球体必须作为一个模板

    But that insight showed him that the first layer of spheres could serve as a template.


  • 长大了一些有一明白佛像不是

    As he grew older, one day it occurred to him that the Buddha stature was not the Buddha.


  • 蒙特那年纪念活动明白阵亡将士纪念日的意义所在。

    Mantegna says the commemoration that year made clear for him the meaning of memorial day.


  • 早年起起落落造就几个月的痛苦教训使明白交易的道理。

    The early ups and downs took a toll on him, but he learned the hard lessons within months.


  • 这位著名的科学家谈到就是那个时候明白了自己不必害怕犯错

    The renowned scientist remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to be afraid to make mistakes.


  • 雇佣朋友帮忙,但的报酬太多。 是祖母让明白利润的道理。

    When he hired friends and gave too much to them, she helped him understand profit margins.


  • 这次竞争最终失败之后明白一个人不要低估计对手

    The final defeat of the competition helped him understand that one should never underestimate his or her opponent.


  • 随着时间的推移,明白队友使用NDSPSP队里建立良好关系。

    With time, he learned that he needed to allow them to use his Nintendo and PlayStation to build goodwill within the team.


  • 但是有一点可以肯定一旦明白形势严重性认真地指挥人们登上救生艇逃生

    What is certain is that he worked diligently to load the boats once the seriousness of the situation was clear to him.


  • 这时,一个男孩岩石一端上来明白是从一个沟里过去的。

    Then one and then another of the boys came up on the far side of the barrier of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it.


  • 没有拆开,那个瞬间明白一个道理:为什么有的会因为突然得到不寻常好消息而死去。

    He staggered into his room and sat down on the bed, the envelope still unopened, and in that moment came understanding to him how people suddenly fall dead upon receipt of extraordinarily good news.


  • 詹克斯科罗拉多州的乡下就是年,段时间明白电工胶带管道胶带更难伤口上揭下来。

    Jenks has lived in rural Colorado for a decade, and during that time he has learned that electrical tape is harder to remove from a wound than duct tape.


  • 明白需要感情知道没有温情,没有生命一个干燥车轮转动格轧的乱

    He understood that people need affection, he knew there was no warmth, no love life, just like a dry wheel, when the rotation of the ring rolling ring.


  • 抬头,刚好看见病房的门口了一个男人明白:这个自己曾经最爱的人曾经的妻子,是另结新欢

    He raised his head and saw a man standing beside the door. Not until then did you realize his beloved had already found a new lover.


  • Shapiro女士说,像美洲狮一样走上舞台现在在学着关注周围,明白了在舞台上重要搭档

    Now he's learning to take that wide focus and make it a laser focus. He's learning that the most important person onstage is his partner.


  • 看见戒指明白:这爸爸妈妈的戒指啊。:“上帝保佑我们如果我们的妹妹来了我们就得救!”

    Then he looked at it and recognized it as a ring belonging to his father and mother, and said: "My God grant that our little sister is here; if she were, we should be freed from the spell."


  • 这个犯人抬起头看着劳里先生,但是没有表现出惊奇疲惫脸上没有显示出明白了什么的表情,然后重新做起来。

    The old prisoner looked up at Mr Lorry, but there was no surprise, no understanding in his tired face, and he went back to work making shoes.


  • 读到听到片段综合起来,便逐渐明白

    Bits and pieces of things he'd read and heard were coming together, and he began to understand.


  • 明白现在不得不改变对能力看法了。

    I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now.


  • 特洛伊以年纪来说非常聪明的而且已经明白了智取的方法。

    Troy was very wise for his age and had already figured out ways to outsmart her.


  • 如果/陷入消极漩涡中忽略或者简单的“明白了来答复

    If he/she goes into a negative swirl, ignore or give a simple "I see' or 'OK" reply.


  • 如果/陷入消极漩涡中忽略或者简单的“明白了来答复

    If he/she goes into a negative swirl, ignore or give a simple "I see' or 'OK" reply.


- 来自原声例句

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