• 我们应该托马斯·爱迪生学习即使失败一万也不放弃再尝试

    We should learn from Thomas Edison who never stopped trying one more time even if he failed 10000 times.


  • 年的行业经验,以及使用技术的失败尝试,使确信,检查牛的最好方法是让一名男子骑在马上。

    Years of experience in the industry—and failed attempts to use technology—have convinced him that the best way to check cattle is with a man on a horse.


  • 最终然而即使谢林支持者承认尝试表现主观客观协调一种失败

    Ultimately, however, even Schelling's supporters had to admit his attempt at showing how the subjective and objective are reconciled was a failure.


  • 但是去年的膝伤不断一个失败尝试成了球后卫,以至于减缓了进步

    But a major knee injury last year, and a failed attempt to make him a point guard, slowed his progress.


  • 哈里森先生有过尝试操纵一家遥控飞机航拍相片失败经历,但事后第一次萌生了探索太空想法

    Mr Harrison first got the idea to explore space after a failed attempt to take aerial pictures of his house using a remote control helicopter.


  • 老板们应该记住成功之多少次是由失败出来的:亨利·福特当初尝试汽车公司都毫无起色没有挡住

    Bosses should remember how often failure paves the way for success: Henry Ford got nowhere with his first two attempts to start a car company, but that did not stop him.


  • 这位百万富翁一位股票经纪人多次尝试只身热气球环球旅行,但都失败而告终。

    The millionaire former stockbroker has made a series of failed attempts to fly solo in a balloon around the world.


  • “只要勇于尝试永远不会失败。”经常自己说,“有生之年一定要成功!”

    "You never fail until you stop trying." he always told himself. "I must make it in life!"


  • 但是1个以后尝试失败——这位女性没有怀孕。

    But a month later it emerged the attempt had not worked and the woman had not become pregnant.


  • 但是高朋之前关于建立一个理解当地市场公司尝试已经失败补充说

    But the company's previous attempts have failed to build a company that understands the local market, he added.


  • 如果拒绝继续尝试但是不要催得太多太快。虽然娱乐陪伴是需要的,但是太多的要求可能增加失败感。

    Keep trying if he or she declines, but don't push him or her to take on too much too soon.


  • 曾经尝试很多最终失败事物,做过很多之后后悔妥协总是能用自己方式衡量成功

    He tried plenty of things that failed, and he made many compromises that he would later regret. But he always measured success on his own terms.


  • 尝试失败设计了一个朋友发送点数”的程序

    After a few false starts, he created an app that let people send points and "kisses" to friends.


  • 只是要重复前面尝试失败政策

    It simply doubles down on the same failed policies that he has pursued before.


  • 错误中学习开始一部分,福克并不害怕失败:”但件事时,糟糕的莫过于失败一次后从此再也不敢去尝试.

    Learning from mistakes is a part of startup, says Fikhman, who wasn't afraid to fail: "The worst thing that can happen is you try something, you mess up and you never do it again."


  • 今天英国电脑黑客加里·麦金农(Gary McKinnon)最近法律尝试失败告终按照法庭裁决将被引渡美国,在那里面临一项审判——监禁戒备森严的监狱中,最高期限可60

    The British computer hacker Gary McKinnon failed today in his latest legal attempt to avoid extradition to the US where he could face a sentence of up to 60 years in a high-security prison.


  • 加布尔雷思说,这种职能结构职能团体结合起来的方式称作矩阵(matrix)”,此类尝试多数以失败告终最近还出版有关矩阵式组织的书。

    Such attempts to combine a functional structure with cross-functional groups, called amatrix”, have mostly failed, says Mr Galbraith, who recently published a book on matrix organisations.


  • 打开一个命令窗口连接SAMPLE数据库尝试更新employee中的雇员工资(当然这样的尝试会遭到失败)。

    He opens a command line window, connects to the SAMPLE database and unsuccessfully tries to update the employee salaries in the employee table. He issues the following SQL statements.


  • 美国探险家史蒂夫-福塞8月5澳大利亚西部沙漠启动了热气球开始若干次只身驾驶热气球环游世界失败后的尝试

    US adventurer Steve Fossett on Sunday launched his balloon from the Western Australian desert in another attempt to become the first to fly a balloon solo around the world.


  • :“那儿,感觉着生命正逐渐远去,我忽然想到有一曾经叫20无聊格言:‘没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。”’

    He said, "As I lay there with my life running out of my body, I suddenly remembered that dumb quote you mad me write 20 times one day." 'there.


  • 事实上这个方法很多年前便已为人知晓,但是之前试图将其转化为实践技术尝试失败了,然而克隆大学莱茵哈德斯特雷现在又卷土重来,认为自己已经攻克其中主要的(也是最明显的)的难关不易混合的问题。

    Reinhard Strey of the University of Cologne is, however, having another go. He thinks he has cracked the main (and obvious) difficulty—that oil and water do not easily mix.


  • 经历一连串失败之后,甚至尝试申请做有些类似国家治安法官工作,但还是被人一口回绝了

    After all these failures he even tried for a political appointment as a state land officer something like a justice of the peace and he was flatly rejected.


  • 一个青少年,如果老是使感到愚蠢自卑,老是把聪明兄弟姐妹堂兄堂妹相比较就会变得毫无信心、害怕失败,以至愿作任何尝试

    A youngster who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared to brighter brothers, sisters, or Cousins, will become so unsure, so afraid of failing, that he won't try at all.


  • 尝试成是失败

    They described his attempt as unsuccessful.


  • 无数回忆录尝试失败告终。

    Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.


  • 无数回忆录尝试失败告终。

    Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.


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