• 我们走向老师办公室一次很多

    We walked towards the teachers' office and this time, he talked a lot to me.


  • 于是冷藏室走廊上,在我们填充手套刀旁边了一番话。

    There in the freezer aisle, in our padded gloves and box knives he gave me a little lecture.


  • 第一女儿卡片形式我说:“我们知道父亲些什么那个改变了他对人生的态度,我们曾经的那个父亲又回来了”。

    The first was in the form of a card from his daughter, saying in part “we don’t know all of what you shared with my dad but that conversation changed his life. We have our daddy back”.


  • 我们绞尽脑汁想分析出儿子这样我们原因,”

    We have racked our brains trying to figure why our son treats us this way, ” he told me.


  • 男性曾经一次一个正在离婚朋友在一起呆了一天,后来回到妻子朋友离婚的事情弄得怎么样:“不知道,我们没怎么这事。”

    A man once told me that he had spent a day with a friend who was going through a divorce. When he returned home, his wife asked how his friend was coping.


  • 我们开学一堂试验课见了面兴高采烈,“这次我们看见细胞的,?”

    "Well," he said to me, cheerily, when we met in the first laboratory hour the semester, "we're going to see cells this time, aren't we?"


  • Cami继母真的希望我们可以重新成为一家人,”,“我们需要知道是否要成为

    Cami, your stepmother and I really want all of us to be a family again, ” he said to me, “but we need to know that you want to be a part of it.


  • 有一次我们自然形态下的指甲直接当地,“女人这些花吗?”

    He addresses me directly once, while showing us henna in its natural form. "Woman," he says, "do you want to keep it?"


  • 后来父亲生了大病在病床上,临终妻子叫到身旁,“亲爱的,在之前,你老实话-我们小儿子是不是孩子?”

    The father eventually took ill and was lying on his deathbed when he turned to his wife and said, "Honey, before I die, be totally honest with me - is our youngest son my child?"


  • 对我说:你我们做神像,可以在我们前面引路,因为我们埃及地那个摩西我们知道什么事。

    As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him. '.


  • 然后对我如果我们东西来酿酒的话,会不会很有趣

    And then he said, 'Wouldn't it be interesting if we could make beer with it?'


  • 我们石子放进那个罐子,再倒进一些液体一点点石粉,然后罐子盖好。开动马达,然后:“我们明天再来看看。”

    And we put them in the can with a little bit of liquid and little bit of grit powder, and we closed the can up and he turned this motor on and he said, "come back tomorrow."


  • 我们山上旅行的那几个月中,:“小弟(仆人称主人和女主人为父亲母亲,称们的孩子为弟妹。 ---译注),我们若是我们唱队,我们会演得非常好。”

    While we were together in the hills he often said to me: "Oh, my little brother, [28] if I only had had you in our troupe we could have got up a splendid performance."


  • 了点头,傻傻了,然后我说道:“如果愿意,让我们爱尔兰一样去结婚吧!”

    Seeing me nod my head, he felt very pleased and said to me in a low but happy voice, "If you like, we can get married in an Irish way!"


  • 着修复段感情,但是第二次见面时候面无表情:“我们分手吧。”

    I tried to bring it up again when we next saw each other — but he just looked at me blankly and said: “You’ve lost me.”


  • 带着责备的口气,“我们时候,你本可以稍微帮点忙的。”

    You could have been a bit more helpful when we arrested you , he said to me reproachfully .


  • 我们穿过花园回到屋里时:“奇怪的一夜。”

    As we were walking back through the garden to the house, he said to me, 'Jane, you've had a strange night.


  • 过去丈夫需要集中注意力生日计划一点特别东西我们从未特别

    In the past, my husband has told me he needs plenty of notice to plan something special for my birthday, but we've never done much.


  • 进去对我孩子知道我们这里没有究竟怎么样,星期一开始,我们试试看

    He called me in and said, 'son, I don't know how we've ever going to get along without you, but starting Monday we're going to try.


  • 每次见到时候都会牵着感觉是真心的,可是为什么我们认识一个了,还是没有对我说

    Every time he sees me He takes me by the hand, I have a hunch that he really love me, but Why have not he never said he loved me since the day we know each other for a month ?


  • 进去对我孩子知道我们这里没有究竟会怎么样

    He called me in and said, 'son, I don't know how we've ever going to get along without you.


  • 我们最终34栅栏一边时,:“知道吗,在这个赛季期间没有告诉这些但是得很35什么。”

    When we were finally 34 on the other side, he said to me, "you know, I didn't tell you this during the season, but you did 35."


  • 现在祖父年纪大了常常希望能够传承我们农业研究事业

    As my grandfather is becoming older, he always told me that he hopes that I can take over my family's agricultural research career.


  • 父亲艘船朋友,“明天我们航行伦敦。”

    His father had a ship, and my friend said to me, 'We're sailing to London tomorrow.


  • 我们聊天是觉得很亲切总是应该参加球队没有的。

    Just because of his kindness results in my laughter when training. He always said to me that I should be serious in the team but I didn't listen to him.


  • 突然我们经过一家儿童的商店时,,“不想一双。”

    Suddenly, when we passed a shop selling children's shoes, he said to me, " would you like to pick one."


  • 突然我们经过一家儿童的商店时,,“不想一双。”

    Suddenly, when we passed a shop selling children's shoes, he said to me, " would you like to pick one."


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定