• 班上学习用功。

    He works hardest in his class.


  • 名演员记得班上一位同学选中张艺谋电影中担当主角激动情形。

    The actor still remembers the excitement in his class when a female classmate was chosen for a key role in a Zhang Yimou film.


  • 飞往悉尼班上引发成深部静脉血栓之后,差点送命。

    He could have died after developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight to Sydney.


  • 荷兰阿姆斯特丹起飞前往底特律飞机降落分钟回到19a,边抱怨着胃痛条毛毯

    He came back to seat 19a on the flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit just minutes before landing, complaining of a stomachache and asking for a blanket.


  • 维也纳潜入技术大学这是获得唯一正式工程教育

    In Vienna, he sneaked into night classes at the Technical University, the only 'formal' engineering education he ever obtained.


  • 这些细节保留脑海深处这帮助1549次航做出迅速决策

    Having those details in the recesses of his brain was helpful as he made quick decisions on Flight 1549.


  • 新的程序想法回来这个同学马克班上一个女生是不是约会

    He comes up with the new programming idea when the classmate asks about the dating status of a female in Mark's class.


  • 对于设计师雅各布来说,2004年罗马尼亚家里巴黎飞机上,放弃了使自己舒服点的努力干脆平躺地板上

    For designer Emil Jacob, it was on a 2004 flight to Paris from his homeland of Romania when he gave up trying to get comfortable in his seat and decided to simply lie on the floor.


  • 灵感来自于自己患有自闭症儿子班上帮孩子掏耳朵不停打哈欠并希望孩子也能一个。

    Inspiration for her study came when she tried to get her own autistic son to clear his ears on an airplane. She repeatedly yawned at him, hoping he would yawn back.


  • 这些细节保留脑海深处,帮助1549次航班上做出迅速决策。

    Having those detailsin the recesses of his brain was helpful as he made quick decisionson Flight 1549.


  • 个训练班上有一个参加者告诉成为一个网络员,知道如何获得更多信息

    I had a participant in a workshop tell me that he wants to be a better networker, but he doesn't know how to get more information on how to.


  • 安顿下来准备长途休息时,一个令人头疼婴儿开始抓住时机操练嗓门了。

    When you settle down to relax on your long-haul flight, a disgruntled baby decides now is a good time to exercise his vocal cords.


  • 今年8月结束瑞典旅行、飞往柏林的一个装有台加密笔记本电脑包离奇失踪了——航空公司无法解释这样的失窃。

    On a flight to Berlin following his August trip to Sweden, a bag with three encrypted laptops mysteriously disappeared - a theft his airline was unable to explain.


  • 班上唯一个男生,告诉班里唯一信赖的朋友有点惊讶但是高兴能有这份信任。

    And for the only boy in our class, I was surprised but felt happy he regarded me as the only dependable friend in our class.


  • 的一名乘客发现座位上的阅读了,然后使用移动设备Twitter上宣泄抱怨

    A passenger on a flight notices his reading lamp is broken, so, using his mobile device, he complains on Twitter.


  • 舒海老师处罚,因为行为班上恶劣

    Shuhai was punished by his teacher because he behaved the most rudely in class.


  • Herb(正式收养了NedWill)Pauline的外套,让悲伤的我回来的当毯子取暖

    Herb (who has formally adopted Ned and Will) gave me her coat as a comfort blanket for the harrowing flight home.


  • 教授打赌班上30学生至少两个生日同一天(同月同日,可以是不同)。

    A professor in a class of 30 random students offers to bet that there are at least two people in the class with the same birthday (month and day, but not necessarily year).


  • 害怕在班上掉队的心理促使努力学习

    Fears of falling behind his classmates urged him to study hard.


  • 比起男友算不上苦,我还网吧的时候,很多觉得班上辛苦

    But I'm not than my boyfriend, he was bitter, when I was in the net cafe, there are many times think his class too hard.


  • 最近次飞往纽约,“牛肉并不之前那样难以下咽了”,面包也很松软温热可口

    On a recent flight to New York, 'the beef wasn't quite as destroyed as it used to be,' he said, and the bread rolls were soft, warm and tasty.


  • 作文张小明目前参加暑期培训班请你名义一份自我介绍培训班上同学们介绍自己

    Composition: Zhang Xiaoming is currently participating in a summer training course. Please write a self-introduction in his name for him to introduce himself to his class.


  • 班上数学及格弟弟渝怀中学年级

    He (fails) in maths in his class. Her brother is in the (third) year at Yuhuai JuniorMiddle School.


  • 童年时,扎威尔埃及国内进行了很多化学实验,并由此获得了丰富经验这些经验使就读亚历山大大学时成绩班上名列前茅

    With a wealth of experience in home chemistry projects as a boy in Egypt, he sailed to the top of his class at Alexandria University.


  • 一个学习用功孩子,成绩班上一直名列前茅

    He was a studious-looking boy and was at or near the top of the class through all the years.


  • 据《太阳报》报道,拉登是一沙特富有工业家儿子于1968年至1969年期间舍勒老师的班上30个孩子一起学习。

    Bin Laden, son of a wealthy Saudi industrialist, joined 30 boys in Fyfield-Shayler's class during 1968 and 1969, the Sun said.


  • 这次名美籍旅客,名为菲利普?伍德(Philip Wood)。中国首都居住IBM公司工作

    There is Philip Wood one of three Americans on the flight, who worked for IBM in the Chinese capital where he'd lived for two years.


  • 这次名美籍旅客,名为菲利普?伍德(Philip Wood)。中国首都居住IBM公司工作

    There is Philip Wood one of three Americans on the flight, who worked for IBM in the Chinese capital where he'd lived for two years.


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