• 这里一些关于的有趣的事情可能知道漫长一天写作之后,你喜欢什么

    Here are some interesting things you might not know about him! What do you like to do after a long day of writing?


  • 随着马丁逐渐透露更多关于生活的事情,以及寄来的废纸信件凯特意识到马丁生活条件什么样子的。

    As Martin gradually revealed more about his life and his letters started arriving written on pieces of trash, Caitlin realized what the living conditions were like for Martin.


  • 更多关于一个爱着孩子父亲什么知道,却任何人的。

    It's more about a dad deeply loving children who know everything and won't listen to anyone.


  • 你还有什么想告诉我们的?

    What else can you tell us about him?


  • 万圣节前夕,让父母在南瓜上雕刻一只穿山甲,这样当人们问起这是什么时,就能告诉关于最喜欢的动物的一切了。

    On Halloween, he had his parents carve a pangolin into their pumpkin, so that when people asked what it was, he could tell them all about his favorite animal.


  • 能吃得多又保持苗条,为什么我不能?最近的研究主要是关于什么的?

    If he can eat much and keep slim, why can't I? What is the recent study mainly about?


  • 天,卖供猫食用的肉的商贩对说:“你为什么不停止为人类看病,转而为动物看病呢?我相信你对动物的了解比大多数兽医还要多。你写了一本关于猫的好书。我会把所有带着生病的猫狗的人都送到你这里来。”

    One day, the cat's-meat-man said to him, "Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead? I'm sure that you know a lot about animals-more than most vets. You wrote a wonderful book about cats. I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."


  • 目前研究前提——我们关于什么可以我们幸福假设经常的——心理学神经学的临床研究支持。

    The premise of his current research — that our assumptions about what will make us happy are often wrongis supported with clinical research drawn from psychology and neuroscience.


  • 定期做一些演讲:关于自己心理疾病之间的斗争以及寻求帮助职业生涯个人生活意味着什么

    He also regularly speaks out on the subject of his own struggles with mental illness and what it has meant to him both professionally and personally to seek help.


  • 但是还有一点不明白地方,关于储蓄做出这个具有争议性政策,为什么2013年才开始实行

    But there is a bit of a puzzle about the saving he expects to make from this controversial policy, which will apply from 2013.


  • 写的,《文化资本》不是使大众沉默了,因为没有什么使群众沉默过,而是压制学院关于文化战争争论

    His book, Cultural Capital, simply silenced not the public, because nothing ever silences the public, but simply silenced the debate about the culture wars in the academy.


  • 肯定不能给出关于真实爆炸真实时间真实最终答案”,,“如果研究它,可能发现什么有可能提出明智问题来。”

    "It will never give you the real final answer about the real Big Bang and real time," he said. "But if you study it, you may discover something, and you may be able to ask more intelligent questions."


  • 就是什么要写关于评论文章。

    That's why I wrote my critical commentary on him.


  • 大家莫莱森极感兴趣,1953年莫莱森生活开始停滞关于莫莱森,人们总是有很多问题,问题之一照镜子发生什么

    People were fascinated by H.M., for whom life came to a standstill in 1953, and one of the questions they always asked about him was what happened when he looked in the mirror.


  • 大家莫莱森极感兴趣,1953年莫莱森的生活开始停滞关于莫莱森,人们总是有很多问题,问题之一照镜子发生什么

    People were fascinated by H. M., for whom life came to a standstill in 1953, and one of the questions they always asked about him was what happened when he looked in the mirror.


  • 表达孝心的方式可以告诉小孩关于的事情——童年青年是怎样的,一生取得的成就,一个什么样的父亲。

    You can also honor him by telling your children about him-how he lived as a child and a young man, what he has accomplished in his life, and his qualities as a father.


  • 这个作者《出埃及记》里关于帐篷描写阅读关于祭司职位的描写,穿什么,该什么,怎么献祭

    This writer reads the descriptions of the tabernacle given in Exodus, and he reads the descriptions of the priesthood, what they're supposed to wear, what they're supposed to do; sacrifices.


  • 下面这篇文章中,回答了关于什么美国认为日本人老把自己画成白人”的问题,希望大家喜欢

    In the borrowed post below, he explains that the question is really "Why do Americans think that the Japanese draw themselves as white?" Enjoy.


  • 两个多世纪后关于民族国家观点被奉为圭臬但是什么呢?

    Over the last two centuries, his vision of the nation-state has become the norm. But why?


  • 关于并购银行家们,感到不解的是,“什么获得丰厚的奖励呢?

    On mergers and acquisitions bankers, he said: "And why do M&A bankers get so hugely rewarded?


  • 尽管无法帕瓦斯一提供任何精神诊断法律意见可以谈一谈关于那些杀死子女父母们,动机什么以及到目前对们的一些了解

    Although he cannot offer a mental diagnosis or legal opinion in the Powers' case, he can discuss the motivations of parents who kill and what we know about them.


  • 关于自然历史方面的书- - -希望没有一位尖酸刻薄幽默这上面找出喜欢我的什么原因。

    He had written a book on Natural History — wherein I hope no unkind humorist will try to find a reason for such fondness.


  • 应该一些问题关于什么类型跑步多久次,一般哪儿跑,你在什么类型的表面上跑。

    He should be asking you questions about what type of running you do, how often you run, where you typically run, if you're training for a race, and what type of surfaces you run on.


  • 那时关于几乎之前纽约一家餐馆访问中还记得什么

    At that time, I asked him what he remembered about the interview I'd done with him at a restaurant in New York almost three weeks before that.


  • 知道现在什么吗?赛缪尔想到,告诉关于那个,以及爱

    Samuel wonders if he can see how things are with him and he wants to tell him about the dream, about Adie.


  • 知道巴克利的算盘什么好像一切关于詹姆斯热火的事情评论

    I don't know what Barkley's deal is, but he really feels like he needs to comment on every move James and the Heat make.


  • 知道巴克利的算盘什么好像一切关于詹姆斯热火的事情评论

    I don't know what Barkley's deal is, but he really feels like he needs to comment on every move James and the Heat make.


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