• 开始前,每个人他们遇到麻烦一个问题

    Before we began, I asked everyone to think of a problem with which they were having trouble.


  • 同时如果他们遇到麻烦困难的时候,他们可以求助他们父母

    Meanwhile, they can turn to their parents for help if they get into trouble or have some difficulties.


  • 首先有些乐于助人中国传统美德观点我们应该帮助陌生人他们遇到麻烦时。

    First of all, some persons hold this view that ready to help others is the traditional virtue of China and we should help strangers when they are in trouble.


  • 你的朋友遇到麻烦时,你会尽最大的努力去帮助他们

    When your friends have trouble, you will try your best to help them.


  • 他们分配一个游泳天使”,准备了救生设备以防遇到麻烦甩在了身后。

    They'd assigned me a "swim angel" with a flotation device in case I had trouble, but I left her behind.


  • 根据咨询公司普华永道一份报告,61%的首席执行官表示他们招聘安排使用年轻雇员遇到麻烦

    In a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, 61% of chief executives say they have trouble recruiting and integrating younger employees.


  • 表示如果父母曾经焦虑斗争预示他们[他们婴儿]出生遇到麻烦。”

    "If parents have struggled with anxiety in the past that will be a good predictor that they will have difficulties [with their babies] after birth," she said.


  • 比较幸运父母提供给任何的东西,因为他们不想遇到麻烦

    Fortunately for me, my parents provide me with everything I ask them to give me because they do not want me to get into problems.


  • 金融危机金融机构报纸业打击很大,也许认为他们服务新闻通讯社遇到麻烦

    The financial crisis is taking a terrible toll on both financial-services firms and newspapers, so you might expect the news agencies that serve them to be in trouble too.


  • 他们指责别人挑起他们愤怒为由,为他们行为借口家庭矛盾中把责任对方,上司面前工作难度为借口;路上遇到麻烦时会指责别的司机造成的。

    They may rationalize their behavior by accusing others of provoking them: Problems at home are blamed on a spouse, difficulties at work on a boss; troubles on the road on other drivers.


  • 孩子保证不会因为他们网上遇到麻烦找你而大发雷霆

    Make a promise and keep it! Promise your children that you won't get angry if they come to you with a problem about an online situation.


  • 想象一下如果所有的NVIDIA用户遇到经历相同问题他们自找麻烦么?

    Imagine if all NVidia users run into the same issue as I had... will they even bother?


  • 补充说,“我们已经进行了许许多多的泛基因组研究但是大多数事例中应用他们时候遇到很多麻烦。”

    He added, “We have literally hundreds of genome-wide association studies for common diseases, and in most cases we are having trouble making much use of them.”


  • 使我们立即想到用户可能觉得他们测试中遇到麻烦由于自己原因造成的,不是把问题归咎于有问题的表单设计。

    It suddenly occurred to us that our participants could be thinking that the troubles they were encountering was down to their human error and not attributing them to the poor design of the form.


  • 还说到告诉他们现在跨国公司利益相关者一种文化氛围,他们设计一些有益的措施,这能够使的公司之内不会遇到麻烦

    "I tell them that there is now a whole culture of multi-stakeholder designed initiatives that are helpful, and can stop you getting into trouble in five years' time," he says.


  • 认为时刻关心自己的儿女非常重要,这样他们不管什么时候遇到麻烦可以获得帮助

    I think caring for children is very important. Whenever they have problems, they can ask someone for help.


  • 公司要求事先付款,因此没有遇到麻烦而且他们现在特别留意这项政策。

    Her company demands payment in advance and has not had problems, she said, and it is following that policy with particular attention now.


  • 然后一条短信报平安并且现在怎样也许他们现在遇到麻烦了。

    I sent text messages to say I was O.K. and to ask how he was, knowing they probably wouldn't go through.


  • 按照鲍尔金融公司6月30日数据分析他们得出结论:426家联邦被保险机构遇到麻烦

    Based on its analysis of the June 30 Numbers, Bauer Financial concluded that 426 federally insured institutions are grappling with major problems.


  • 阿根廷部分地区,向日葵种植户们遇到麻烦成群饥饿鹦鹉鸽子吃掉了他们庄稼,导致他们的钱包缩水。

    Flocks of hungry parrots and pigeons are plaguing sunflower farmers in some parts of Argentina, eating their crops and thinning their wallets.


  • 紧急无线电示位标(EPIRB)激活显示他们似乎是遇到麻烦了。

    It would appear from the activation of the emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) that something has happened.


  • 老师长辈留下好的印象。遇到麻烦的时候,他们往往自己的努力一把

    Leave your teachers and leaders good impression. When you meet troubles, they always make last effort to pull you over.


  • 青少年遇到麻烦典型的,他们可以老师聊聊或者咨询心里医生

    The troubles teenagers meet are very typical, they can talk to their teachers or go to see the psychologist.


  • Mike继续举例说,团队在回顾时候遇到这样麻烦他们不能很好地跟踪障碍,以及会议上遇到问题

    Mike goes on to illustrate this with a team that had trouble tracking impediments and remembering the problems they encountered by the time the retrospective happened. bdc_impediments_on_graph


  • 他们刚刚开始的爱情十一月份遇到麻烦那时候波诺麦克再次当选国会议员,而Jeandron,梅丽莎的候选人落选了

    Their fledgling relationship reached a crossroads in November, when Bono Mack was reelected to Congress and Jeandron, Melissa’s candidate, lost.


  • 与此同时美国宾夕法尼亚州许多承担公用工程设施建设的公司表示他们在跟进天然气连接管道建设的进度遇到麻烦

    Meanwhile, back in Pennsylvania, some utilities say they're having trouble keeping up with demand for new gas hookups.


  • 遇到陌生人的时候,我们应该谨慎以防因为帮助他们自己陷入麻烦

    When it comes to strangers, we should be cautious in case we may put ourselves into trouble by helping them.


  • 如果凯尔特人真的阻止拉德·马诺·维奇而担忧,那么他们遇到很大麻烦

    If the Celtics have to concern themselves with stopping Radmaovic, they will be in big trouble.


  • 如果凯尔特人真的阻止拉德·马诺·维奇而担忧,那么他们遇到很大麻烦

    If the Celtics have to concern themselves with stopping Radmaovic, they will be in big trouble.


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