• 他们羞辱忍无可忍的地步。

    They were humiliated beyond endurance.


  • 他们指责交易上欺瞒霸道。

    They have been accused of secrecy and high-handedness in their dealings.


  • 他们留下来琢磨这项宣告含义

    They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement.


  • 他们指控毒害我们青少年心灵

    They were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.


  • 他们不要外国人成为密友

    They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.


  • 他们说成是说谎者骗子

    They were branded as liars and cheats.


  • 他们指控怂恿孩子告发他们父母

    They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.


  • 有时他们可耻地忽略了

    At times they have been shamefully neglected.


  • 他们当成三等公民对待。

    They are treated as third-class citizens.


  • 他们推来搡去受到潮水般的辱骂

    They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse.


  • 他们要求城市四周炮兵阵地上撤退

    They were asked to pull back from their artillery positions around the city.


  • 他们要求发誓保密

    They were sworn to secrecy.


  • 他们要求法庭上表现出应有的严肃态度。

    They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.


  • 他们允许通婚

    They were allowed to intermarry.


  • 他们布满钻石毛皮橱窗展示弄得眼花缭乱。

    They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs.


  • 认为他们自身利益所驱使事实公然扭曲

    I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.


  • 他们警车第60警区派出所以待进行嫌疑犯列队辨认。

    They were taken in a police van to the 60th Precinct station house for the lineup.


  • 很多住院医师抱怨他们指派了太多通常不由内科医生完成的职责

    Many resident doctors complain that they are assigned too many duties that are usually not performed by physicians.


  • 他们教导顺从尊重成年人

    They are taught to be compliant and respectful to adults.


  • 一周他们要求连续每晚四个小时

    A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hours every night for two nights in a row.


  • 因为家人犹太人背景他们进了集中营

    Because of his family's Jewish background, they are sent to the live in the concentration camps.


  • 他们视为同时抛弃了现代化便利关于成功进步美国

    They are seen as abandoning both modern conveniences and the American dream of success and progress.


  • 之所以出现这种情况,是因为他们认为公平的值得信赖的。

    This occurs because they're perceived to be fair and trustworthy.


  • 如果他们带回地球使我们消除可能样品污染承担风险

    It will let us eliminate the risk we would take of contaminating the samples if they were brought back to Earth.


  • 这时已10:45,他们出去休息分钟菲利普对此感到惊讶。

    Philip was surprised when it was quarter to eleven and they were let out for ten minutes' rest.


  • 周末他们要求这笔进行实质性购物自己买一件礼物。

    On weekend, they were told to spend the money on a material purchase — a gift for themselves.


  • 他们要求制定实施计划同时美林公司成本效益分析推出这项服务产品

    They were required to put together an implementation plan while they did the cost-benefit analysis to Merrill Lynch for offering this product to service.


  • 他们关于改变改进奇怪想法影响了,这些想法强加那些不情愿原始村民

    They are polluted with strange ideas about change and improvement which they force on to the unwilling original inhabitants of the villages.


  • 他们指控马路上杆子之间绑了根绳子导致一名23岁的餐馆员工头部严重受伤

    They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old restaurant employee by stringing a rope between poles across a road.


  • 他们指控马路上杆子之间绑了根绳子导致一名23岁的餐馆员工头部严重受伤

    They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old restaurant employee by stringing a rope between poles across a road.


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