• 他们对怎么听得懂呢?"孩子继续问道

    the child continued, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me?"


  • 他们:"必须在今生欢娱来世平安之中作个选择。"

    They say to me, "You must needs choose between the pleasures of this world and the peace of the next world."


  • 他们磁带转录拼接感觉就会进入

    They said that I was to listen to the tapes and transcribe only the pieces that I felt would go into the book.


  • 如果人类语言他们我说怎么听得呢?”孩子继续问道

    "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me," the child continued, "If I don't know the language that men talk?"


  • 他们新加坡在海边世界最好橄榄球打球真是白瞎住在那里

    They tell me that in Singapore by the sea, there's the best football field in the world. Such a waste that I live there and don't play football.


  • 正如费克图:“开始理解他们是怎么的,以及他们这个那个时,他们的意思是什么。”

    As Fecteau put it: "I began to understand how they thought and what they meant when they said this or that to me."


  • 他们对我说:你做神像,可以在前面引路,因为埃及地那个摩西知道什么事。

    As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him. '.


  • 孩子们我说话,妻子,听任何一个人他们我说话,就是在,“看重的,很看重你的意见

    When I listen to my children, when I listen to my wife, when I listen to anyone, I’m saying, “I value what you have to say. I value your opinion.


  • 孩子们我说话,妻子,听任何一个人他们我说话,就是在,“看重的,很看重你的意见

    When I listen to my children, when I listen to my wife, when I listen to anyone, I'm saying, “I value what you have to say. I value your opinion.


  • 国会大厦的走廊中,被问及他抛弃保守派的问题Specter:“不必他们些什么,倒是他们了点。”

    "I don't have to say anything to them. They've said it to me," Specter said, when asked in a Capitol corridor about abandoning the conservatives.


  • 知道实现这些其他人一样除了开发朋友了这个想法,并希望他们做吧!” 之外,并没有更多工作

    It's something I know will work but, like everyone else, I haven't done much about it other than tell my developer friends and hope they say, "I'll build it for you! ""


  • 而且后来他们一些交谈时,他们' 2004年,上网写博客时,网上很少阿拉伯语的人,不能讲阿拉伯语的读者写东西。

    And I've gone back and talked to some of them... and one said to me, 'When we were trying this in 2004 there were very few Arabic speakers online, and we just couldn't write for that audience.


  • 作为一个拿工资人们提供食物有些顾客一些事情怀疑这些言行他们即使是泛泛之交的人也永远不会或做的。

    As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.


  • 作为一个拿工资人们提供食物有些顾客一些事情怀疑这些言行他们即使是泛泛之交的人也永远不会或做的。

    As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.


  • 有些奇怪无论是采访中还是直接他们受到的影响。

    Some quite odd people have said, either in interviews or directly to me, that they were influenced by me.


  • 喜欢他们并用温柔的声音对我说话。

    I loved it when they patted me and spoke in gentle voices.


  • 经常激动地对我说:“有一些垃圾,爸爸,停车!”

    They will often say to me in an excited voice, "There's some rubbish, Daddy, stop the car!"


  • 有在的八个室友身边,才能放松一些,因为他们愿意放慢速度对我说德语,也似乎并不介意的错误。

    I only relaxed a little around my eight roommates, who were willing to speak German slowly to me and didn't seem to mind my mistakes.


  • 然这老夫妇从未对我说过一句话,但知道他们很伤心。

    Though the old couple never said a word to me, I knew that they were very sad.


  • 他们之中三个人十分坚定地表示,可能搞定这个工作的,而且他们就直接这样了。

    And a couple of them had pretty much determined that there was no way I was going to be able to pull this job off, and they said that to me.


  • 过得好的,”主人注视他们一会之后

    Oh, he'll do very well,' said the master to me, after watching them a minute.


  • 有一次:“孩子没有选择他的父母他们甚至没有选择出生。”

    "Children don't choose their parents," he once said to me. "They don't even choose to be born."


  • 令人惊讶的是,有好多人他们创建博客本书、开始生意改变自己的职业一些新的事情。

    It's amazing how many people I talk to who tell me they want to create a new blog, write a book, start a new business, change careers, make something new.


  • 是个中国文化历史专家同志不能中国——他们外人例必这样

    I was expert on Chinese culture and history, so comrades could not tell me that I did not understand China, as they routinely told outsiders.


  • 他们指责我说,不许再小孩吃母牛奶水了。

    They blame me and have told me not to allow him to suckle from the cow anymore.


  • 第二学会真正倾听别人的话(他们完全没有意图冒犯),这样的生活给了一个全新的观点。

    Second, I learned that actually listening to what people are saying to me, when they clearly aren't trying to offend me, gives me a whole new perspective.


  • 第二学会真正倾听别人的话(他们完全没有意图冒犯),这样的生活给了一个全新的观点。

    Second, I learned that actually listening to what people are saying to me, when they clearly aren't trying to offend me, gives me a whole new perspective.


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