• 这些特殊传统通常上流社会”所推崇他们喜欢这样

    And very specific traditions are most often upheld by the 'upper classes'. They love it.


  • 如果生物圈麻烦人类会有麻烦,因为人类能够自外于物种灭绝虽然他们喜欢这样认为

    And if the biosphere is in trouble, then man is in trouble, for human beings are not immune to extinction, though they may like to think so.


  • 有时美国人友善认为一种表面现象,或许真是这么一回事,也许他们喜欢这样

    Sometimes Americans are said to be superficially friendly. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just having a good time.


  • 指着啃过的树皮,“他们喜欢这样啃咬树皮,就是为了告诉同类,这段河流的领地。”

    He points to the chewed bark. "They like to stand and bite the tree just to say to other bears, I'm here using this river."


  • 这样对话会他们开始喜欢甚至愿意接受你的想法

    A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even more open up to ideas that you have.


  • 几项不同作业时,确保他们从自己喜欢的作业开始这样看起来似乎更容易上手。

    When there are several different assignments, make sure they begin with one they enjoy, so it seems easy to get started.


  • 他们可以打印机编写程序打印出他们喜欢较软食物这样他们不会有吞咽困难。

    They could program the printer to print softer kinds of their favorite foods so that they would not have difficulty swallowing them.


  • 总是用不同的声音朗读,就像在用自己的声音演绎故事,他们喜欢这样!和孩子们待在一起的时光十分特别,孩子们也因此徜徉于书中的神奇世界。

    I always read, using different voices, as though I were acting out the stories with my voice and they loved it! It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books.


  • 多人喜欢读报纸,这样他们就可以了解世界上正在发生的事情。

    Many people like reading newspapers so that they can learn what's happening in the world.


  • 万圣节前夕,他让父母在南瓜上雕刻一只穿山甲,这样当人们问起这是什么时,他就能告诉他们关于他最喜欢的动物的一切了。

    On Halloween, he had his parents carve a pangolin into their pumpkin, so that when people asked what it was, he could tell them all about his favorite animal.


  • 开始他们喜欢这样但是到了期中他们测试覆盖率通常都达到100%。

    They don't like this at first, but by the middle of the term, their test coverage usually reaches 100%.


  • 所有的畜牧工厂和垃圾食品制造工厂喜欢这样他们甚至可以低于成本价格农民手中玉米

    The corporate livestock industry, the junk food industry - they all loved that; they could buy corn for less than it cost the farmer to produce.


  • 他们喜欢这样做,才是准确描述科学问题方法

    They don't like it — but this is the accurate way to describe the science.


  • 我会买来很多糖果分发给其它小孩这样他们喜欢

    I'd buy lots of sweets and give them to the other kids so that they'd like me.


  • 老板们喜欢这个不是因为他们认为这样违反职业道德,而是因为这会迫使他们证明合理薪酬差距是合理的。

    Bosses do not like this, not because they think it unprofessional but because it forces them to justify unjustifiable differences in pay.


  • 天下看到他们下去,喜欢子,还要保护他们什么可以他们做,他们可以。

    All people in the world would bow and worship them. They loved them so much that they would protect and do anything for them, even die for them.


  • 相反喜欢这样环境因为在这里我可以看到不同他们带来很多灵感

    By contrast, I quite like the circumstances, as I can see a variety of people here, who can always give me tremendous inspiration.


  • 但是总的来说他们还是喜欢这样因为已有太多了通过记牌来玩失败了。

    They probably like it overall, though, given the likely number of people who try card-counting and fail.


  • 美国人遵循夏令时但是他们并不喜欢这样

    Americans observed daylight saving, but they didn't like it.


  • 那时“我他们喜欢,我可能以后继续这样一位受众反响很好。”

    I would think, "Wow, this is a song I wrote and they like it. Maybe I do have a future writing these songs because I see this reaction."


  • 这个站点一部分高明之处在于ayres这样会员选择他们喜欢的人和慈善机构作为罚金的受益人。

    Part of the site's brilliance is that it lets members like Ayres choose as penalty recipients' anti-charities' and people that they don't like.


  • 他们需要小型犬参加拍卖会选择房间设计粉红色他们女儿喜欢这样然后那个表弟所认识的另一名设计师就会,粉红色已经时髦了。

    They need to go to the auction with the smalldogs,and you choose a room in pink that the daughter wants, then the cousinhasanother designer who says pink is not fashionable anymore.


  • 你不喜欢事情放在代办事项第一位,这样的话,需要在大清早开始工作时候就把他们解决掉,这样剩下来的一整天可以做自己喜欢做的事情了。

    Put jobs that are disliked at the top of the "to do" list so that they are over and done with in the first part of the morning, and the rest of the day can be spent doing more pleasant tasks.


  • 男孩子都他们喜欢这样上课方式,他们可以不同年级的朋友。

    The boys said they like the arrangement because they have met new friends in other grades.


  • 他们喜欢通过电话筛选候选人这样节省很多亲自面试时间

    They prefer to screen candidates over the phone and save themselves a lot of in-person interview time.


  • 大多数受访者喜欢奉承话这样他们才会放松起来麦卡特尼恰恰相反:看起来变得神经紧张,觉得我在拍马屁的时候,似乎想回避。

    Most interviewees require a lavish show of flattery before they will relax but McCartney is the opposite: she seems to tense up and retreat the instant she thinks I'm buttering her up.


  • 大多数受访者喜欢奉承话这样他们才会放松起来麦卡特尼恰恰相反:看起来变得神经紧张,觉得我在拍马屁的时候,似乎想回避。

    Most interviewees require a lavish show of flattery before they will relax but McCartney is the opposite: she seems to tense up and retreat the instant she thinks I'm buttering her up.


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